apple valley high school bell schedule

9:17. * The school district will be governed by thc following statutory definition of parental involvement, and expects that its Title I schools will carry out programs, activities and procedures in accordance with this definition: (A) that parents play an integral role in assisting their child's learning; (B) that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education at school; (C) that parents are full partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; (D) the carrying out of other activities, such as those described in federal guidelines. Students are expected to be an active participant in the educational process and hold themselves and their peers accountable. During the 2021-22 school year, Clovis Unified conducted a Dress Code Review and a Bell Schedule Review. Replacement I.D. All medication must come to school in its original, labeled container (no Baggies, etc.) An individual who did not get a yearbook for this reason ONLY may receive a refund if he/she has a proof of purchase. Athletes with equipment outstanding shall be suspended from athletics until all equipment is either turned in or paid for by the athlete. Students must remain in the designated supervised areas of the school campus. The Varsity Squad consists of two different squads: cheerleaders who cheer for the team at school activities and the song leaders who do dance routines. This includes computer generated information. The other way to excuse an absence is with a note. It may be a district approved parent volunteer, an employee, a staff committee, the leadership team, and/or the SSC, Persons responsible shall monitor the implementation of the parent involvement activities in the SPSA. Quicklinks Although these actions may vary from course to course, the following categories are used to provide clarification for common violations of this policy. As a member of the Sundevil family we foster pride in and belonging to a community larger than ourselves. For the college-bound student, information is available on computer and in printed form for colleges, scholarship research programs and study programs for the ACT/SAT tests. At these meetings they read scriptures from the Bible and explore answers to lifes problems. Our students begin this process with interest and aptitude testing, matching abilities and interests to careers. (cf 0500 - Accountability) (of 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program), (cf 0500 - Accountability) (cf. Scotts Valley Unified School District ; Brook Knoll Elementary School . Students must be considered to be students in good standing in order to compete in athletic contests. Staff and mediators will keep the discussions confidential. The school will incorporate the school-parent compact as a component of its School Parental Involvement Policy: Distributed at beginning of the school year as part of the Annual Parent Notification Packet, or during parent-teacher conferences and mailed to parents not in attendance. Please notify the REGISTRAR if you do not wish such information released regarding you. Duties of Students- State of California Education Code, under Section 48908, states, All students shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers of schools.. Open period stickers can be obtained from the. Students. Senior Class 2023 ; Student Registration 2022-23 ; Parent and Student Handbook 2022-23 ; ELO: Extended Learning . The sixty (60 day moratorium does not apply to complaints seeking injunctive relief in state courts or to discrimination complaints based on federal law. l. All flyers or promotions must be ASB-approved with an ASB stamp through A-3. This applies to students as well as members of the staff. Demerits received for suspensions are not redeemable! As a family, we are all responsible for providing guidance in this matter. The school will not assume any liability for damage, loss, or theft of any personal items brought on campus. ~Decorations, spirit items, graphics painted on buildings around campus. However, this section does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products. ~AVHS Student Store selected discounts during the year. SS Bluebook. Citations- Our school resource officer may issue citations for violations of California State Penal Codes, such as fighting and/or vandalism. - (Advancement Via Individual Determination)Pre-Law (Mock Trial), Band/Drill/ColorguardPrinting/Graphic Arts, Bowling ClubRenaissance Leadership Class, Career CenterSkills USA, Class of 2020 SeniorsS.O.S. d. Tampering with or changing attendance rosters. Wayne Valley High School; WV Bell and Rotation Schedules; WVHS Rotating Period/Bell Schedules. (o) Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or a witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that pupil from being a witness or retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both. College catalogs and most printed materials are available for student checkout. -Books is a reference database available for students use. Students must present the AVHS ID with the appropriate open period sticker to leave campus early. Proud of the Past, Committed to the Future. ~Building and maintaining the display and trophy cases in the main office. . APPLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL agrees to implement the following statutory requirements: * The school will jointly develop with parents, distribute to parents of participating children, a School Parental Involvement Policy that the school and parents of participating children including parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students agree on. Any student found out-of-bounds is subject to search by school officials (see Reasonable Suspicion and Student Searches on page 36). We also believe that although we are constantly striving to win, much can be learned from losing. Students may. Any student who engages in bullying may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Only parents or legal guardians can excuse student absences. Customize Calendar View. They compete in competitions and get hands-on experience. (Wed) Fall Break. Pep Squad The Varsity Squad consists of two different squads: cheerleaders who cheer for the team at school activities and the song leaders who do dance routines. Granite Hills High School (760) 961-2290. In order to allow time for grades to be recorded and analyzed, any ineligibility/eligibility will begin the Monday after the nine-week grading period and continue until the Monday following the subsequent nine-week grading period. 800 W. Pioneer Avenue Redlands, CA 92374 CVHS College Board School Code: 054331, , View Map. Explanation of Rules, Infractions and Consequences. Students who wish to see their grade level counselor may obtain a counselor request form in the counseling office. Demerit totals will be posted weekly in their 5th period class.Demerits can be viewed on AERIES portal. 925-479-6400 . The ASB has taken on a spirit of Renaissance, high standards, a tradition of excellence, and a commitment that Sundevil Pride is Contagious! 1. This section shall not apply to pupils enrolled in Kindergarten and grades 1 to 3, inclusive. due on the day or period he/she has been given a truancy. District Home. Select a School. A pupil fees or LCAP complaint may be filed anonymously if the complainant provides evidence or information leading to evidence to support the complaint, 1. Valley High School. Lost or damaged textbooks or library items will be charged to the students account. It is the practiced philosophy of ASB that all student programs have equal value. Air Force Junior ROTC A program that promotes teamwork, leadership development, and the study of military and civilian aerospace careers. The staff at Apple Valley High School is here to help students receive the finest education possible, not to arbitrarily impose rules or discipline upon them. First Day of School. ASB students are available to assist the graduate with these items, including Prom and Grad Night ticket, fifteen (15) minutes before and after school, and during both lunches. 6/9/2017 GAMUT Online: Apple Valley USD : Education For Homeless Children BP 6173. The governing board shall expel that student or, as an alternative, refer that student to an alternative education program, whenever the principal or superintendent of schools and the governing board confirm that: (1)The student was in knowing possession of the firearm. 5. Apple Valley High School has a school wide tardy policy. Campus Beautification: Student must sign up outside of A-6 to participate in campus beautification. This includes the right to take any class or to participate in any activity for which you are qualified. Procedures for Picking Up Your Student Early (Off-Grounds Pass). a day: b day: c day: seminar: seminar: seminar: period 1: period 5: period 3: period 2: period 6: period 4: period 3: period 1: period 5: period 4: period 2: period 6 . Conviction includes a plea of guilty, nolo contendere (no contest) and/or a finding of guilt by a judge or jury. The District shall investigate complaints alleging failure to comply with such laws and/or alleging unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying and shall seek to resolve those complaints in accordance with the District's Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP). They persevere and triumph over obstacles and celebrate their successes with their peers. Parents or guardians are requested to respond to such conferences. **THIRD PARTY FOOD DELIVERIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. You must show your photo I.D. Such actions may be described as, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Notices of major activities are also posted on the ASB bulletin boards around campus and in the ASB office. The replacement charge for this card is $5.00. -. The ASB constitution states, only students who have purchased the student activities sticker for their I.D. (i) Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity. Let us help you DISCOVER YOUR FUTURE. As young adults, you are responsible for knowing what is expected of you. Announcements are distributed in April. Teachers may use the AVHS Honor Pledge prior to authentic assessments in which the Academic Integrity policy will be strictly enforced. Lending or giving this card to others is strictly prohibited. - Just as you are entitled to expect dignity, courtesy and respect from others, you have a responsibility to treat others with courtesy and respect. They value learning and bring others to excel as they do. . Cheating on tests, exams, or any other assessment activity: a. No checks for purchases will be accepted after May 1 of the current school year. The school will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand: * School information, including communication about the Title I program, will be distributed in all the major languages spoken by the families of the students at the school. Student visitation to a medical office, clinic, doctor or dentist (doctors note required). 970-328-8960. There are no refunds for Grad Night. Servants of the Savior This club encourages spiritual sharing and growth. A student with 9 or fewer Demerits will be considered a student in good standing. Dont miss an important date! * To the extent possible, someone will be available in the school office who can communicate with parents who speak a language other than English. Elective courses are not guaranteed to change even within the first ten days of school or 5 days of second semester. 1719 E. Madison . ~Provides some transportation costs for various sports and activities. The appeal must be accompanied by a copy of the originally-filed complaint and a copy of our Decision. Please return them in the condition received. Students that fail to meet this requirement entering the first semester, but achieve a cumulative total GPA equal to or above 3.50 entering the second semester of the senior year, will become eligible. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Bell Schedules; Bullying Prevention; C.O.O.L College Advisor; Canvas Parent Account Info; Career & Technical Education (CTE) . 2900 Pinole Valley Rd. Willfully intimidate, interfere with, oppress, or threaten any other person in the free exercise or enjoyment or any right or privilege secured to him/her because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. We will then determine if the message is of an emergency nature and will be delivered. h. Submitting assignments based on falsified or fictitious data or information. 3541 - Transportation Routes and Services), 2558.2 Use of revenue limits to determine average daily attendance of homeless children, 39807.5 Payment of transportation costs by parents, 11431-11435 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program, Non-Regulatory Guidance, July 2004, 12, California Department of Education, Homeless Children and Youth Education:, National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE:, National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty:, U.S. Department of Education:, Policy APPLE VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, Adopted: January 17, 2006 Apple Valley, California,, Student Name: _____________________________________Date: _______________, Current Class: _____________________________, Teacher: __________________________________, Reason/Concern: __________________________________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________, Student signatureParent signature. APPLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development and joint agreement of its School Parental involvement Policy and its schoolwide plan, if applicable, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way: By way of school site advisory groups, School Site Council (SSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), District School Liaison Team (DSLT Parent Advisory) meetings when in program improvement status. Peer Helpers Peer Helpers are a group of students concerned about their peers. based course, and 5 units other Lit-based course. You have a right to a fair hearing before any disciplinary action can be taken. * By way of translation support either at the school or district level and, as available, interpreters will be present to translate for parents at meetings conducted in English only. ~Campus improvements that will benefit all of our students. 3. (48900c), (5) Assault or battery, as defined in Sections 240 and 242 of the Penal Code, upon and school employee. * Appropriate roles for community organizations will be developed by every school and may include: Adopt-a-school, supporting academic excellence through awards and other recognition, supplying the school with needed materials, equipment, career information and role modeling. I further declare that I am not a registered sex offender nor am I required to register as a sex offender by any state or federal law. Any student found truant off campus without an off-grounds pass, or on campus outside of class, without a proper hall pass will be subject to disciplinary consequences. Your counselor will participate in the meeting, if you wish. Freshman are chosen by teacher recommendations and an interview. (48900a), (2) Possession of any knife or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the student at school or at a school activity off school grounds. As young adults, you are responsible for knowing what is expected of you. The mascot is an entertaining Sundevil who is at all of the games and pep assemblies. Tipline arrow. 2020-21 School Year Calendar. See page 48 for a map of the designated lunch-time boundaries. The valedictorian(s) are those in that category who have all A's in their academic courses, grades 9-12, and any student who earns a weighted GPA that is higher than the lowest GPA which satisfies the foregoing requirements. Complete the Athletic Clearance online signatures. i. We foster well-rounded, lifelong learners who will contribute meaningfully to a dynamic, global society. As a student at Apple Valley High School, you are entitled to a quality education. 9 Aug 2023. * Through actions outlined in the district's Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP). If any student loses his privileges during these activities, there will be no refunds given. Our School Bell Schedules Bell Schedules. Lunch passes are only for the lunch period. The Sunsations is a very special choir group. Applications are available in the Career Center. District's investigation and decision within sixty (60) days of the District's receipt of the complaint. Set and pursue high expectations in striving for academic rigor and career goals. TODAY AT EASTVIEW EVHS Bi-Weekly Announcements Friday 3.3.23 Napa Valley Unified School District. * the State and local academic assessments including alternate assessments, how to monitor their child's progress, and. Forging signatures on any school documents. academic integrity do not truly learn; they establish habits that prove to be detrimental to the well-being of themselves, their peers, and the greater community. If a violation is determined, the student will be asked to remedy the violation by one of the following solutions: 1. Any person convicted under this section shall be punishedby a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than six (6) months, or by both., provides: In any case in which a person who is not a student and it reasonably appears to the chief administrative officerthat such person is committing any act likely to interfere with the peaceful conduct of the activities of such campus may direct such person to leave such campus or facility, and if a fine of not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than six (6) months, or by both. Chromebooks are checked in an. Please see the Demerit Policyon page36 The tardy infractions will result in appropriate discipline consequences: e.g. b. Failure to show up to detention may result in assignment to Saturday School, In-School, or Suspension at home. A student MUST have an ASB sticker to be eligible. For more detailed information regarding election procedures and the Leadership class refer to the ASB Constitution, which you may obtain in the Activities Office located in A-3. About Sun Valley High School; Directions to Sun Valley High School; Staff Directory; Communication History; Title IX info; ATSI non-Title 1 School Plan; 3. Los Angeles Roosevelt 6, San Pedro 4. 9:26 - 10:16 . Staff are expected to immediately intervene when they see a bullying incident occur. No assigned work is exempted from this policy. Only Juniors and Seniors may be members. Announcements of general interest to the student body may be read over the public address system or by club advisors at the beginning of second period. Visit Us. 860-232-4561. Details: WebAnnual School Calendar; Bell Schedule; Counseling. With this freedom comes the responsibility to discuss and resolve disagreements with respect for the rights and opinions of others. The Apple Valley Unified School District has an obligation to provide an academic and social setting which supports a productive and positive educational experience. Students who fall behind in credits may be involuntarily transferred to a credit recovery school within the district called High Desert Premier Academy (HDPA). 7:01. While a student is under suspension he/she will not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity of the school during the duration of the suspension. If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any pages or documents, please request materials in an alternate format by . Visit www.avhs.netfor additional contact information. 2. The school will notify parents about the School Parental Involvement Policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, will distribute this policy to parents in a language the parents can understand at the beginning of every school year. When excusing your students absence, please be prepared to give your students name, date(s) of absence, and the reason your student was absent, along with a daytime phone number for verification purposes. 48900.7 - In addition to the reasons specified in Sections 48900, 48900.2, 48900.3, and 48900.4, a pupil may be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the student is enrolled determines that the pupil has made terrorist threats against school officials or school property, or both. Attendance is mandatory. The citations will be handled by the Victorville Juvenile Traffic Courts. Consequently we require all volunteers to complete this application and meet the requirements of a security clearance before serving as a volunteer in our schools. physically, verbally, and virtually on and off campus. Full Day Bell and Rotation Schedule. Calendars & Bell Schedules - Clayton Valley Charter High School. If a student receives a failing grade because of unexcused absences exceeding the above maximum, school records shall specify that the grade was given because of excessive unexcused absences. All debts relating to student activities must be cleared through our ASB bookkeeper in A-3. Candidates for valedictorian and salutatorian must have completed six Advanced Placement courses. 5400 Cochran St., Simi Valley, CA 93063 Yearbooks that were purchased and not picked up within one month of the last student day of that year will be sold to the next person on the waiting list. * The school district will involve the parents of children servIced in Title schools in decisions about how the l percent of Title I funds reserved for parental involvement is spent, and will ensure that not less than 95 percent of the one percent reserved goes directly to the schools. 2020-2021. The group practices every day in their class and takes part in activities and competitions. California State Law (E.C. The sash is $15, or $10 with an ASB sticker. 7: 00 PM. It is assigned as a consequence for repeated minor expectation infractions. Makin Bacon (Agricultural Business Students) conducts sales and production of livestock through the school farm. Checks will not be accepted for any school dance including Grad Night and Prom. No placing of flyers on cars in any of the school parking lots. In an effort to minimize classroom disruption please follow these steps to pick up your student early from school. Unfortunately, some students experience difficulty in maintaining a reasonable attitude toward school expectations and the resultant inappropriate behavior creates problems for themselves as well for fellow students, their parents, and school personnel. Office Hrs: 7:30am - 4:30pm ; Schools . The Sundevil Library is available to students from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday through Friday. Students with open periods cannot remain on campus during their designated open period. ~CIF and MRL fees and dues for the athletes. See. Mathematics, including Algebra I or equivalent, Science (minimum of 10 units biological and 10 units of physical science), Visual & Performing Arts/Foreign Language, (Two year-courses from one of the areas or 1-year course in two of the three), Visual & Performing Arts/Vocational Technology/Foreign Language. Additional copies of these announcements are posted at A student will not be allowed the right to demand make-up work or turn in any tests, quizzes, reports, homework, class assignments, etc. It is the responsibility of each student to secure a valid hall pass when leaving a classroom or office during instruction time. According to the article, Who Takes Advantage of After-School Activities, in the NACAC Bulletin: A student who participates in extracurricular activities has a far better chance of gaining admittance to college than a student who does not participate. The lesson isget involved in your high school activities. Apple Valley Unified School District will take the following actions to conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parental involvement policy in improving the quality of its Title I schools. Students who participate in Saturday school will receive a reduction of 6 demerits. Amplified music using speakers, cell phones, or any other amplification device is not permitted. Academic Shields/Chevron/Eagle AwardsFundraisers, Activities DirectorHandbook for Students, Activities Master CalendarMaster Calendar Requests, ASB BookkeeperMarquee in Front of School, ASB Leadership ClassMojave River League, ASB StickersNoontime Activities, Athletic Awards and LettersOutdoor Bulletin Boards, Athletic Clearance CardsPictures-ID, Class and Senior, Athletic DirectorProm/Homecoming/Winter Formal, Booster Clubs (MUST Register with Activities office)Renaissance Program, Campus BeautificationSchool Alma Mater, Caps, Gowns, and AnnouncementsSchool Logos, CIF ProceduresSchool Spirit Items, Class RingsSr. Class Information Packet, Class and Club AdvisorsSports Information, Club Awards and LettersSports Officials, CoachesSport Schedules, Daily BulletinStadium/Gym Usage, Display and Trophy Cases in Main OfficeStats for Athletics, Directions to Other SchoolsStudent Store, Elections, ASB and ClassStudent Activities for Year, Grad NightSuggestion Boxes, Help with End of the Year EventsTickets to Graduation, Field Trips and FormsApproval of Flyers/Posters. 9. 970-328-8965. College representatives make scheduled visits to our campus to meet with our students, individually and in groups, during the school year. Students are expected to immediately report incidents of bullying to the discipline office. NO FOOD DROP OFF AT THE FRONT GATE OR THROUGH THE GATES.**. Home; Our School" . iCal Feed Instructions. Unless extended by written agreement with the complainant, the compliance officers shall prepare and send the complainant a written report of the. ~Meal money for academic and athletic playoffs and competitions.

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apple valley high school bell schedule