china stealing water from great lakes

. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hey, To the victor goes the spoils. what about this thero China is stealing our jobs and seling the products to wals marts. Writing in the journal Nature Sustainability, an international team of researchers says thieves steal between 30% and 50% of the planet's water supply every year. Its origins go back to concerns raised when opening the Great Lakes to international shipping in the 1950s. Catch the latest drinking water updates with Great Lakes Nows biweekly headline roundup. The Great Recycling and Northern Development (GRAND) Canal scheme to dam James Bay, on the southern end of Hudson Bay, to create a freshwater reservoir and divert the water from the 20 rivers that flow into it to Georgian Bay. Perhaps this is better categorized as a conspiracy theory. Even though this is well documented by the agencies that have been monitoring water levels, going back to 1918, various theories about possible causes abound, especially online. Now it wants a new permit that would allow the company to pump 400 gallons of water each minute of the day, 365 days a year. The public opposed the proposal from Nestle to double the amount of water pumped from Michigans major aquifer. The International Joint Commission (IJC) approves and provides regulatory orders for projects that affect levels and flows on the other side of the international border. According to satellite data, there are roughly 100 million lakes larger than one hectare (2.47 acres) to be found globally. 8. Office: 336-903-0060 Cell: 336-957-7600,, Deep Reflection, Inc has 1/2 truckload of Styrofoam hinged trays. Dave I suspect most in the region share your sentiments. Every day our ports are filled with imports from China, how many of these items make it to the consumer without being tested for toxic substances. The only thing they do import from us, which needs to be stopped, is water. Committed to educating the public about solutions to our ecological, economic and political crises. China Taiwan 1961 Sc#1323-1326 ,Lakes . The exception is Chicago which is allowed to take over 2 billion gallons daily based on a 1967 Supreme Court ruling. The Great Lakes system includes five large lakes, one small lake, four connecting channels, and the St. Lawrence Seaway. If Illinois is in debt, selling Michigans and Wisconsins share of Great Lakes water is no solution at all. As much as half the world's water supply is being stolen, with agriculture responsible for much of that, according to a new study. Let me know how I can help.Mike. Calls to Take Over Nestle Bottling Plant to Help in Flint Water Crisis, Nestle Named a Top Plastic Polluter in Canada, Lame Duck Governors Want to Weaken Great Lakes Compact, Canada Plans for a Nuclear Waste Dump on Lake Huron, Volunteering the Flint Water Crisis 5 Things I Learned, New Systems Monitor Great Lakes Algae Blooms including Michigans Saginaw Bay, High Levels of Arsenic in Michigan Water Wells. Even the sheet rock they make is dangerous does that count? Water flows into Lake Powell, nestled between Utah and Arizona, from high in the Rocky Mountains via the Colorado River. Gary. water. Hendersons legal specialty is in securities and banking regulation and economics. It will go down the drains and fill their rivers and ****s, kill all their fish. At a time when the United States is facing the greatest water crisis that it has ever known, Obama is allowing water from the Great Lakes to be drained, bottled and shipped to China and other countries around the globe. Nestl is currently the leading supplier of the . Well, of course most of the water that leaves the Great Lakes is lost by evaporation. Thats all we can do., 5. In low level periods, I doubt western states that have become dependent on the diverted water will be happy about having the spigot closed. Illinois financial problems were used as an example of the type of issue that might be solved by selling Great Lakes water. Thanks for your comment. The mayor of a northwestern Ontario town located on the shore of Lake Superior is expressing his disappointment over the decision to allow a Wisconsin town to draw water from Lake Michigan. Create, show and share your own buttons, posters, stickers, signs Clearly, residents object to the stealing of Great Lakes Water. this thing should be taken down immediately. How Nestle makes billions bottling free water | AJ+, Copyright 2023 Thumbwind Publications LLC. Are Foreign Companies Stealing Great Lakes Water? What were seeing in the climate records is these megadroughts, and they dont last a decadethey last 20 years, 30 years, maybe 60 years, and theyll be semi-continental in expanse, she told the Regina Leader-Post by phone from Vancouver. The water would be treated at a Waukesha water plant and dumped into the Root River, where it would flow into Lake Michigan through Racine, Wisconsin. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Texas now requires in god we trust flag in all publicschools, U.S. water deal means end of Great Lakes, Ontario mayor warns, U.S. city outside Great Lakes watershed gets approval to take drinking water, Wisconsin plan to take more Great Lakes water worries Ontario, Great Lakes states approve U.S. citys plan to draw water from Lake Michigan, Waukesha, Wis., plan to tap into Lake Michigan called wrong decision. Nipigon, Ontario mayor says Waukesha water decision sets worrying precedent 'We all hear about Arizona, we hear about Texas, we hear about California . They take water bound for Hudson Bay and divert it to northern Lake Superior at 5,580 cubic feet per second. We owe China so much money, we should be called little China, everything you buy from walmart is made by China. Great Lakes states as well as Ontario and Quebec are to keep track of impacts of water use in the basin. Ask the Great Lakes Now Team Your PFAS Question, Beneath the Surface: The Line 5 Pipeline in the Great Lakes, Collection 1 An Exploration of the Great Lakes, Collection 2 Threats to the Great Lakes, Collection 3 Virtual Field Trips in the Great Lakes, Collection 4 Lesson Plans from Our Monthly PBS Program, Industries and public water supplies top list of main consumers of Great Lakes water, Question of Diversion: Great Lakes governors group silent on future water threats, Great Lakes Water Diversions Could Be More Numerous, Drinking Water News Roundup: Climate change and Illinois water withdrawals, clean water for Michigan students, Nestl Exit: North American bottled water brands sold to investment firm, Detroiters can get another 1,125 gallons of water under discount program, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Partnership, U.S. Judge: Flint has 5 months to finish long-overdue lead pipe replacement, Hope springs eternal for Michigan legislator who champions drinking water equity. If we assume a generous porosity of 10% in the Tarim Basinto 283 feet would contain about 1/3 of the water in the Great Lakes. China's current expenditure on its national eco-compensation programmes averaged $8 billion annually over the most recent five year period. Sarha Palin is a victim of herself! Aware of the barriers to his proposal to sell the excess water, Henderson said he is not in favor of water privatization and if a plan to sell water is enacted, government regulation would be necessary. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for posting! Whats worse is that none of these blog authors are checking the facts. Look at past choices, responsible behavior and long-term sustainability. If there were a secret pipeline pumping water from the Great Lakes, it would have to be massive. The Waukesha diversion of 8.2 million gallons (31 million liters) a day was especially controversial. The blogosphere and news sites have been bristling that former President of the United States, Barack Obama allowed water from the Great Lakes region to be pumped and sold to China. Climate change may very well have forced us into a new normal and be irreversible. For example, Californias Central Valley produces much of the food abundance we enjoy but needs water to do it, which is in short supply there. Dabusun Lake. Chinese and US investors each own 1.9 per cent followed by the UK owning 1.1 per cent. Plunging water levels are beyond anyones control, says another expert, James Weakley. The fishing economy stands at $10B. According to a recent National Geographic article, the average depletion rate of the Ogallala Aquifer is picking up speed. That about six quadrillions (6,000,000,000,000,000) gallons, enough to cover the entire lower 48 of the United States with over nine feet of water. Amazing analysis. So its like what we saw in the Dirty Thirties, but imagine the Dirty Thirties going on for 30 years. He worked on water issues in Southern California where he became aware of the challenges western states are facing. That about six quadrillions (6,000,000,000,000,000) gallons, enough to cover the entire lower 48 of the United States with over nine feet of water. In 2018Nestle,had been extracting and exporting up to 250 gallonsa minutefrom a well in Evart, Michigan. He felt more creative solutions were needed and proposed in a Chicago Tribune column selling the excess water to regions in need. 0,00000005sfr? Before it gets shipped back the water with all the boat oil will eat through the bottles. Canadian provinces Ontario and Quebec have a separate agreement that matches the compact. Rather than divert precious and fragile resources to prop up an ill-fitting lifestyle, residents of those regions would better support the national economy and national security either by adopting a lifestyle commensurate with the arid climate or relocating to a more-hydrated part of the country. Siling Lake. Its bottling centers are located in Mecosta County, Michigan, and Guelph, Ontario. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a volume equivalent to two-thirds of the water in Lake Erie has been permanently drained from the Ogallala Aquifer since 1940. Bad debt? The waters of the Great Lakes are, for the most part, a nonrenewable resource. Moving water from Lake Michigan to farmers and communities in these places would make everyone better off, Henderson said. Right now, the Great Lakes hold approximately 21 percent of the total supply of fresh water in the entire world. To nurture his acres of pistachio trees, Tom Coleman has long relied on water from Californias mountain-ringed reservoirs, fed by Sierra streams and water pumped from the massive Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. For example, wildfires burned an astounding 3.6 million acres in the state of Texas alone during 2011. For more information about the crunchnestle alliance, contact Andy Conn (530) 906-8077 camphgr55 (at) or Bob Saunders (916) 370-8251. No. There is real risk of depleting the Great Lakes source, and no revenue return will restore it. china stealing water from great lakes 03 Jun Posted at 18:52h in trading wisdom: 50 lessons every trader should know by shelden williams disability brokers have liability to commission salespeople as to Likes And most Americans do not realize this, but the Colorado River does not run all the way to the ocean any longer. If this concerns you, read the IJC report, comment on its recommendations, and get involved with this and other Great Lakes restoration efforts aimed at finding solutions. (LogOut/ Yes. Environmental groups are seeking to file suit and block the Waukesha diversion. More than 30 million people in seven states depend on the mighty Colorado for water to grow crops, fuel power plants and keep cities such as Las Vegas alive. According to the Seaway Corporation, traffic headed out the St. Lawrence River in 2012 carried 17,760 metric tons on average. But the driest year on record has left the reservoirs so depleted and the delta so fragile that state water officials say they may be able to provide just 5 percent of the water he and others were expecting for next year. Our federal government, first and foremost, must set the bar high and tackle these huge infrastructure problems like during the Roosevelt Era. Gary Wilson. More than 1,800 gigalitres of foreign-held water entitlements are within the Murray-Darling Basin, which is 9 . The only dredging that occurs today is to keep rivers at authorized depths for navigation. Water is absolutely a commodity that should be bought and sold, he said, and a futures market for water would help to get water where it is needed.. This overused inflammatory headline refers to the ability of companies to bottle water within the Great Lakes watershed. As of September 2015 Michigan is, indeed, the only such state, despite the best efforts of Wisconsins republican governor, Scott Walker. Freshwater Future providing a forum for the free exchange of ideas among citizens and organizations working to protect water resources in the Great Lakes Basin. For much more on this, please see this article. At the time, veteran Great Lakes water activist Lynn Broaddus said this wont be the last of the profit-minded outsiders who want to tap the regions water. Whether a cruise, a guided tour to unforgettable destinations, If water was secretly being shipped, these sea-going freighters would need to be converted over from carrying dry cargo such as grain, coal, and iron ore to be able to carry liquids such as water. It's located at exactly a divergent plate boundary, having spread apart so significantly over time that the lake is up to 79 kilometers (49 miles) wide, and has three separate basins to it. 9. The water would then be flushed through the Great Lakes into pipelines to the south-western US. Another governmental body, the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers (GSGP), unites the chief executives from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Qubec, and Wisconsin. Nestle/Ice Mountains water pumping permit was reduced by almost half. Please share this article with as many people as you can. They will soon be ours! Lack of resources? Its an ongoing example of utter foolishness with unfettered exploitation of limited natural resources for a foreign companys profit. China has taken more of an active stance in regional water dialogues, however. If Texas is drying out, they need to look at past choices, non-sustainable water usage, activities that impact climate disruption and not running a huge garden hose up to Lake Michigan. I don't doubt it since a glass of tap water costs what? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. China is a dialogue member and shares its river data with the MRC only during the wet . He doesnt see the eight states revisiting the compact based on the current high water levels and thinks it would be foolish for the region to encourage outsiders to tap the Great Lakes. the following list of 15 facts about the coming water crisis is from one of my previous articles entitled Dust Bowl Conditions Are Literally Returning To The Western Half Of The United States. The content of this site has been restored on a non-profit basis to preserve knowledge and serve as a historical archive. The amount of commerce carried by Great Lakes shipping exceeds $40B annually. If you can produce proof, as opposed to heresay, I will gladly post pictures or first hand statements from those who witnessed such activity. See our affiliate disclosure for details. Jeff Kuss Could Have Ejected Once He Knew His Plane Was Going To CrashBut He Didnt, Man Jailed After Claiming to be Transgender to Assault Women in Shelter, Trump: Democrats Against North Korea Summit Just Like They Defend MS-13 & Attack Tax Cuts. Thanks for weighing in. More than 48 million people from the US and Canada depend on the Great Lakes as their source of water. The myth is perpetuated today in the blogosphere and sometimes includes the detail that bladder tanks are being used to transport the water in the holds of ships bound for China. Their lazy practice is to re-blog poorly written posts from inflammatory sites. If diversion is approved, an ultimately irremediable decline in Great Lakes water levels is assured. Just check out how a recent Fresno Bee article described what is happening to Pine Flat Reservoir. On Tuesday, a panel representing the governors of eight states surrounding the Great Lakes approved the diversion request from Waukesha, Wis. he he heeee. When John Engler was governor of Michigan in 2001, he made an agreement with bottle water giant Nestle, allowing them to open a plant in Mecosta County. Recently the blogosphere and news sites have been bristling that Barack Obama is allowing water from the Great Lakes region to be pumped and sold to China. It started in 2009 as a fun-loving site covering Michigan's Upper Thumb. In comparison, investment in natural solutions that could improve water quality by 10% in China's 30 fastest growing cities would cost about $300 million each year. The request for an economic discussion will obfuscate the serious national security risk that water diversion poses.

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china stealing water from great lakes