covid crimes against humanity del bigtree

Doctors and scientists say both the Moderna and . NEWS (December 5th, 2021): Public International Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity vs Covid-19 have started a Nuremberg Trials 2.0 website HERE. After laying down an obvious lie in which he states that he does care about his pharmaceutical-dependent friends, and says that the only thing he can do for them (other than hoping for a vaccine unicorn) is to catch what is just a common cold. It was one of many examples of TNA and other individuals and entities warning over and over again, early . What difference does it make? Thats why Bigtree mentioned her. But that is an error that must be avoided Collective guilt forms no part of the prosecution case.. According to Jackson, the Nazis had dripped so much poison into the country that the forces they set in motion remain: these prisoners represent sinister influences that will lurk in the world long after their bodies have returned to dustThey are symbols of fierce nationalisms and of militarism, of intrigue and war-making They have so identified themselves with the philosophies they conceived and with the forces they directed that any tenderness to them is a victory and an encouragement to all the evils which are attached to their names. Person: Del Bigtree . You dont get to say I have to lock myself in a basement and destroy my career and take away my own ability to feed children because you are pharmaceutical dependent. Last week, antivaccine activist Del Bigtree posted a rant denying the severity of COVID-19, blaming the chronically ill for having made themselves vulnerable to severe disease through their lifestyle choices, and urging the young and healthy to catch this cold. Crimes always are committed only by persons. You were eating that all the time. 07/30/20 11:54 AM EDT, Article (In the case of antivaxxers, there is one exception. Report COVID-19 Fraud. Bigtrees affliction might seem apt to those who refer to a professional anti-vaxxer with a certain vulgarism. All because Kuhk has spoken out against a fellow nurse, Nicole Sirotek, who has been using social media to spread disinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines while raising tens of thousands of . Thats not to downplay the severity of measles. The various cadres undertook the implementation of the partys ideological war against specific targets across the nation-state, whether this was the industrialist community or the youth. by Lisa Benjamin. He was speaking with a frankness that would have been admirable were he not also energetically spreading deadly lies. Last week, antivaccine activist Del Bigtree posted a rant denying the severity of COVID-19, blaming the chronically ill for having made themselves vulnerable to severe disease through their lifestyle choices, and urging the young and healthy to "catch this cold". He goes deep into the realm of very dangerous advice. It helped a little bit, [but] I wasnt feeling that much better.. In its annual report, Trial International, a Geneva-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) even points to a rise in . I was really not paying attention to a growing issue, which was internal hemorrhoids that were getting worse and worse, he said. And I was aware that there was bleeding taking place, as many people that suffer from those things do, but I just kept working and thinking Ive never heard of someone dying from freaking hemorrhoids., He went on, I am here to report that the surgeon said that, you know, what was inside was horrific and really needed to be taken care of. She had previously clashed with them over data releases and control and had haggled over a variance regarding reopening businesses. German Reichsmarschall, Commander of the Luftwaffe Hermann Goering during cross examination at his trial for war crimes at the Palace of Justice during the International Military Tribunal (IMT), Nuremberg, Germany, 1946. It occurred to me as I watched this video that theres one other characteristic that antivaxxers share with COVID-19 deniers: Victim blaming and an utter lack of concern for those with chronic health problems. Before I go on, I feel obligated to point out that the evidence that this idea that, if only antivaxxers could see the pain, suffering, and death caused by infectious diseases, antivaxxers would come to their senses, was revealed fairly clearly to be a myth long before COVID-19 hit the US earlier this year. Del Bigtree desperately needed a transfusion. Think about it though. Anwar R was a supervisor of Eyad al-Gharib, who was convicted in February last year for aiding and abetting crimes against humanity in Syria. I once coined a term, the central dogma of alternative medicine, to describe the belief that we have near-total control over our health through lifestyle, such as diet, activity, exercise, and a Secret-like belief that wishing makes it so. And Im worried about the spike protein.. Writes the philosopher in Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Cant one terrorize without killing? And I reached out and told him my predicament.. Bigtree reasoned that cancer surgeries would sometimes require blood transfusions. Ive alluded to the affinity between antivaxxers and COVID-19 conspiracy theorists before, but at the time I focused on how both of their ideologies are rooted in conspiracy theories, such as the notion that 5G somehow predisposes to (or even causes) COVID-19, that glyphosate predisposes people to COVID-19, that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory and is a plandemic designed to provide a pretext for authoritarian control, or that the flu vaccine predisposes people to COVID-19. The speaker added, The truth is our bodies take on viruses to help detox and push out toxins from our bodies. And no records are kept regarding what vaccines, if any, particular donors have received. Fortunately, this is not an attitude shared by most Americans, although it is de facto policy in too many parts of the country. How many times have you heard this argument? You really need four liters of Coca-Cola? The reason for this is that the blood of the vaccinated poses no added threat to recipients. The trials repeatedly teach us this: in totalitarian states, or those morphing into one, the leader reconstructs the party in a way that is iconophilic towards him or her. I mean, what are the odds? Its more about the quality of my life right now. Truly, it should surprise no one that antivaxxers have joined COVID-19 deniers in their conspiracy theories or that they loudly proclaim opposition and resistance to any COVID-19 vaccine, even though a COVID-19 vaccine is many months, if not years, away. Whether Bigtree believes it or not, if he were actually foolish enough to take my sarcastic advice, Id actually feel terrible if he turned out to be one of the minority who develop disease severe enough to require hospitalization, even worse if he were among the smaller minority who end up needing mechanical ventilation, and worse still if he were one of the probably fewer than 1% who die of COVID-19. We need to learn how to support this process and stop fighting it.. Wisconsin state health director Jeanne Ayers was asked to resign in early May, at a time when COVID-19 cases in the state had surpassed 10,000, and top officials would not say why. As Ive documented for a long time, antivaxxers are hostile to the very idea of public health, other than letting nature take its course and producing natural herd immunity at a horrific cost in terms of suffering and death. German efficiency was devoted to mass murder and Nazi politics like that of Milosevics, blinded by devotion to the Great Leader, was a necropolitics. Soon as I arrived, [I] was greeted by the doctors from the hospital there.. Were not on drugs, and we dont need to be on drugs. In reality, the percentage of cases of COVID-19 that remain asymptomatic is probably 30-50%, and these people with asymptomatic infection can still transmit the disease. Meanwhile, antivaxxers have joined COVID-19 conspiracy theorists in portraying contact tracing and quarantine as subjugation.. -- From David Martin, Documentation TO USE: Felony Crimes The honourable court added that it finds it necessary to direct for immediate remedial measures to be taken by the government. Heres another way of putting it: How many times have you heard antivaxxers making the argument that, if vaccines work, you shouldnt be worried about their unvaccinated children? Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Drug yourself! During the last minute and a half or so of The Real Truthers version, there are shown a series of photographs of people who were young (or, at most, middle aged) and otherwise healthy who died of COVID-19, the youngest of whom was 22. Acton was given security detail, an unusual step for a cabinet member. Second, it is the traditional venue for discussion and implementation of the ILC's . Conspiracy theorist and anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kenney Jr. also joined the program. They do care about children whose chronic health problems they think they can blame on vaccines, but from my perspective they only care about them insofar as they can use them to blame vaccines for autism, autoimmune diseases, sudden infant death syndrome, diabetes, and the myriad chronic health conditions that have led antivaxxers like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to falsely claim that todays generation is the sickest generation, all due to vaccines.) After undergoing extensive medical testing, the woman was diagnosed with a conversion disorder -- a medical condition where neurological systems manifest without any apparent underlying physical cause. International Criminal Court, accessed Feb. 14. International Court of Justice, accessed Feb. 15. In March 2020, anti-vaccine activists incorrectly alleged - by misrepresenting a study - that flu vaccines increase COVID-19 risks. Bigtree received the single unit, which gave him the same lift as safely as he would have received from the blood of a vaccinated person, without all the phone calls and drama. In relation to COVID-19, anti-vaccine activists have aggressively promoted misinformation from the start of the pandemic. You have diabetes. This is a gross exaggeration. The doctors sought to determine what was causing the problem in the first place. If we. Eat all the Twinkies you want! While Fuellmich and Fischerare both licensedattorneys,there is no "World Criminal Court." Defendants in the dock at the Nuremberg trials. He contacted some doctor friends to get the Ivermectin protocol. The FDA has approved use of the drug to treat head lice and some parasitic worms, but not COVID. USA TODAY did not find evidence that acaselike the one described in the video is being prosecuted in alegitimate international court, either. And in this case, thats what I was doing for the last two years.. Today, I explain how the legal structure, scientific experimentation, surveillance and mandate state, and quest for genocide is even stronger than in 2020. On January 13, Bigtree shared a video from an Indiana woman who claimed that a COVID-19 vaccine caused her to start experiencing convulsions during all waking hours. Thus, the Nazi Party as a party was subsumed under the leader, whose iron discipline ensured no dissent: In discipline, structure, and method the Nazi Party was not adapted to the democratic process of persuasion. Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic opens his defense case at the war crimes tribunal in the Hague, July 5, 2004. You made choices! But that's wrong. The claim: A video shows a trial for COVID-19 'crimes against humanity' at the 'World Criminal Court' A video with tens of thousands of views falsely claims an international court is investigating . Del Bigtree, an anti-vaccination activist, speaks before a crowd of anti-vaxxers at a VIP event in Washington, D.C. Bigtree is a controversial documentarian and one of the movement's biggest . You are pharmaceutical-dependent. The group behind the original 90-minute video from which the clip is taken, called "Grand Jury,"didn't claim it showed a real trial. (They like to claim that natural herd immunity, gained through a large percentage of the population getting a disease, is far superior, even though such immunity cannot be achieved without mass suffering from a large percentage of the population getting an infectious disease and might not even be a thing.) It was an instrument of conspiracy and of coercion.. The party unleashes an army of minions to do its bidding, the grassroot level organisation enables it, through coercive measures, including moral policing, to establish a reign of terror. He also added a soundtrack of somber piano music. Claiming I dont think God messed up in the creation of humans, Bigtree said, I dont think theres some coronavirus that can override the brilliant immune system that is born into us and that 99.99% of us are showing how great Gods design is, because this virus does nothing to us. (More than 450,000 people in the United States have died from the disease. What am I going to do? Bigtree said on the podcast. In the mock trial, the "Grand Jury" is the online audience and the trial is "held" in the "Court of Public Opinion," according to captions on YouTube and Odysee. Its no wonder that the US has had more cases and deaths from COVID-19 than any other country in the world. - Jul 3, 2020 Drug yourself! A user on BitChute, a video-sharing platformthat hosts content that's banned on YouTube, made the claim in a post published Feb. 6. That rhetoric is having terrifying consequences, too, as public health workers have come under attack, with harassment and threats, leading an alarming number of them to resign to protect themselves and their families or to be fired for standing up for public health: As the director of the Rio Grande County Public Health Department in rural Colorado, she was working 12- and 14-hour days, struggling to respond to the pandemic with only five full-time employees for more than 11,000 residents. Its not just harassment and political resistance. You have COPD. Alieu Kosiah's appeal could land him a life sentence as he faces additional charges of crimes against human . The doctor in Mexico called back within an hour. This sort of attitude is very typical of antivaxxers and is born of how much antivaxxers believe in alternative medicine and natural treatments. Bigtree received the single unit, which gave him the same lift as safely as he would have received from the blood of a vaccinated person, without all the phone . Send it to The Daily Beasthere. Jackson underscored that the entire party apparatus built on a certain appeal: It also made a strong appeal to that sort of nationalism which in ourselves we call patriotism and in our rivals chauvinism. Lets be honest about this and say something that might get me some trouble here, but lets be honest. The Highwire with Del Bigtree World renown vaccine specialist, Geert Vanden Bossche, gave a groundbreaking interview this week risking his reputation and his career by bravely speaking out against administration of #Covid19 vaccines. It just doesnt. Its great, and theyre fun to hang out with. 07/27/20 3:21 PM EDT, After Facebook banned a prominent anti-vaxxers page for spreading dangerous medical misinformation, he just moved his lies to a different one, Fox News Tomi Lahren scolds Donald Trump for criticizing Ron DeSantis, Tucker Carlson says Andrew Tates arrest for human trafficking was pretty obviously a set-up, Tucker Carlson: A society that elevates people who are mentally ill is doomed, Sean Hannity encourages caller who claims hes stockpiling military weapons at the southern border, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow praises Nebraska State Senator Machaela Cavanaugh's efforts to block anti-trans legislation, YouTube terminates anti-vaccine figure Del Bigtrees account after he pushed dangerous coronavirus and vaccine misinformation, Facebook and YouTube are letting anti-vaccine figure Del Bigtree push deadly coronavirus misinformation, Anti-vaccine figure Del Bigtree is using Facebook and YouTube to encourage people to intentionally contract coronavirus. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #covidlawsuit, # . The less forgiving among us would consider it only justice if he fell victim to the same illusions he fosters in others. And so I had a surgery to deal with that., He added, Im sitting on my doughnut right now, in all total candor.. It seems so obvious, so rational, to think that the return of deadly diseases would knock some sense into antivaxxers heads. Also read: An Indian Kristallnacht in the Making. That was on the night of May 20. He also seems unconcerned that COVID-19 could well lead to more deaths from cancer, due to delays in treatment. Ex-Liberian strongman seeks to overturn Swiss war crimes ruling. Perhaps the best retort, though, is what The Real Truther did in editing Bigtrees video. You think COVID is over? Fuellmichasserts rich global elites fabricatedthepandemic with the goal ofconsolidatinga "One World" bank and government. Its people over the age of 65not just because youre over the age of 65, but youre sick with other diseases. May 7, 2021 A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. But I was thinking, you know what, maybe its a bad test, he remembered. You decided that the moment mattered, and now you find yourself pharmaceutical-dependent, which is really what that 0.26% is, and thats OK too. Fauci needs to be put on trial for treason and crimes against . Facebooks action came months after he was banned by YouTube, where he had also broadcast his show. Im sitting here in the middle of the conversation of my lifetime and Im having these, you know, symptoms that people are talking about, he said. First, the Sixth Committee has successfully taken up ILC products in the past.

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covid crimes against humanity del bigtree