Ewings DNA profile was entered into CODIS (the FBIs database) in 2018 and his profile was matched to the DNA found at the crime scenes of both the Bennett family and Patricia Smith. The Visalia Ransacker, a unique brand of offender who terrorized a very small area of California for a period of over two years, caught my attention a long time ago due to the cases possible association with the East Area Rapist. Autor do artigo Por ; Data do artigo estranged from family and happy; benson funeral home worthington, mn obituaries em bennett family murders address em bennett family murders address After a string of several burglaries and escalating events on this night, the offender crossed the line to murder and he never looked back. On August 7th, 2018, it was announced that there were significant new developments in the Smith/Bennett case, and that a news conference would be held at 10:00 AM on Friday, August 10th with more information. With time, multiple surgeries and the support her extended family, Vanessa began to recover from her physical injuries, but living a normal life after losing both her parents to a murderer who had yet to be captured and convicted made childhood difficult. . This phone call occurred 25 years after the attack. The killer was never brought to justice. The Bennett family was attacked in their home in Aurora, Colorado in Jan. 16,1984. All four of them were attacked inside the home that night, only Vanessa survived. Powered by WordPress Both men were fiercely dedicated to seeing this case solved, and Conner started an effort to use every technology available to him to identify the offender. RELATED: Bennett family murders: Full coverage of suspect's trial. She was quickly and carefully taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The news that the killer had been identified this year left Metz elated, he said. In fact, there was a string of unsolved crimes in the area that took place just days apart from each other. The Bennett family was your average middle class family living the American dream. Bruce finally succumbed to his injuries and the family was left vulnerable. Your email address will not be published. How can you describe what he feels during the crime? It is deeper than that. Often times a profilerwill come up with a profile that fits into a box, the box was made from materials that were provided by profiles obtained from past criminals who committed similar crimes, which is a really great place to start. It was believed that the main garage door was left open throughout the night and that the door leading from the garage to the house was possibly left unlocked. He faced six counts of first-degree murder. The couple, especially Ron, wanted to show that their love was truly for better or for worse and that it would survive any challenge. Its quite possible that she wasnt even conscious for any of it. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. There were very few leads to go on only a hazy physical description from Kim. He went on to continually beat the mans wife as she attempted to shield her husband from the blows of an ax handle while simultaneously on the phone to 911. These crimes in Colorado are this killers first stages at killing a human. Victim #14received a phone call from a man who whispered Remember when we played? She positively identified the man as the voice of the East Area Rapist. On Jan. 4, 1984, a couple in Aurora woke up to see a man in their bedroom who hit each of them with a hammer before fleeing. The hammer struck her in the jaw, shattering the bone which splintered in an explosion of small fragments that punctured her windpipe. The next thing Donna remembered was waking up naked in the garage. The killer was practicing, he was unsure of himself and he was unsure of the weapon he would eventually use. In just two days,. <p>Bruce Bennett, 27, was fatally stabbed and bludgeoned. Lakewood Chief Dan McCasky was among those echoing those sentiments, and mentioned that the Smith family members will be releasing a statement later in the day. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? There are potentially other crimes that Ewing could be charged for, and Brauchler emphasized that he wont prosecute a crime that he cant ethically prove theres a high standard for evidence in these types of cases. He also appealed to other district attorneys and lawmakers who might be watching (singling out Montana briefly) to change their DNA collection laws and practices and to begin participating in CODIS. She recently gave an interview, which you can view here (link).. The very famous, more than three decades old case of Bennet family murders has recently been in the news. A neatly-folded Winnie the Pooh comforter lay under her, a portion of it obscuring her head. The house was not ransacked, but the contents of her purse were strewn about. The Bennett family was attacked either the night of Jan. 15 or the morning of Jan. 16. This case impacted not just the victims, but it also terrorized an entire community, he said. He reminded the public that John Doe warrants had been filed based on the DNA profile of the killer back in 2002, and mentioned that the John Doe charges have been updated to Alex Christopher Ewings name. Peck Funeral Home assisted the family . That is very clear. She was also left with a shattered pelvis and fell into a coma. How to Become a Crime Scene Investigator in India? Headquartered in McDonough, Georgia, Bennett Family of Companies provides innovative logistics and transportation for companies across America. One of the most terrifying aspects of the case is the sketch of his mask, made with the assistance of survivors who caught a glimpse of him. The family had been celebrating Melissas birthday that night. Many of his victims were sex workers and transients who had no connection to him. Sometime between 1990 and 1992 She was murdered on Jan 10, 1984 by an, at that time, unknown person who raped and killed her inside her Lakewood home. He tossed it onto the seat of the car and began pulling her from the vehicle. Determine the level of organization/disorganization of each crime scene. Bennett Family Then, just as the community was reeling from this attack, 50-year-old Patricia Smith became a murder victim at her Lakewood, Colorado, home on January 10, 1984. During the winter in Colorado its difficult to find a construction crew working well into the night. Then in 2010, cold case investigators, who long theorized that the person who killed Patricia Smith in Lakewood was the same person who had committed the crimes in Aurora, compared the DNA from the Patricia Smith murder to the DNA found at the Bennett household. Damien Bendall, 31, is now alleged to have raped and murdered Lacey Bennett . Dont forget to follow Generation Why on FB [X] , Instagram [X] and Twitter [X]. Forensics determined that the hammers used in each of the attacks were different, and that there didnt appear to be anything terribly useful in the way of fingerprints or other evidence. After investigating, the police found similarities between the attack at the Bennett home and nearby random attacks that happened days earlier along the Highline Canal and Alameda Avenue corridor. If you are just simply looking at it, you miss the most critical and important clues. According to property records, the couple stayed in the same house after the attack. Its believed that the EAR bought his shoelaces new from the store or from some other source. Calls Toyota Celica was found at a river overlook several hours after he and Hailey went on their first date. The investigators and the CBI were safe to guess that it might have been a construction worker that had been working in the area. All four family members were assaulted, only one survived. Ewing is arrested and incarcerated. Investigators said he also sexually assaulted Melissa before she died from being beaten. The police found footprints in the snow that led up to and away from other homes in the same area and on the same street, leading them to believe that the offender was simply looking for an easy opportunity to lash out. Its my hope that this can help folks gain a better understanding of how prolific this offender was, and that insights can be gained as to perhaps why he was active at the times that he was, and why he mightve laid low during some of the quieter times. She made her way to the bedroom and went to bed. The bludgeoned bodies of husband and wife, Bruce and Debra Bennett, were discovered and it soon became evident that both were attacked with a knife and beaten to death. She too worked at the family-owned furniture store, and was happily helping raise the couples two children, Melissa (seven-years old, about to turn eight) and Vanessa (three years old), with the man that she loved. He kept the hammer. Its our hope that something can come from this new push that will finally solve it. Investigators were able to determine that the girl had died by drowning, but at first they couldnt agree on whether it had been accidental or whether there was foul play involved. The first sign of trouble came in the afternoon, when Patricia failed to pick them up. Ewing, then 23, was arrested again two days later about 15 miles (24 kilometers) away by park rangers at Lake Mead. The slain girl's younger sister, Vanessa Bennett, who was 3 at the time, survived the life-threatening injuries she sustained in the vicious beating. There wasnt anything notable stolen from the scene, and the attack had all the hallmarks of a random crime. Become a Patreon Supporter for bonus content! The killer murdered two parents - Bruce and Debra Bennett - and their 7-year-old, Melissa, and left their other child severely injured. Arapahoe County District Judge Darren Vahle spoke directly to Ewing before announcing the sentence. At least, until they came to Vanessas bed. They both survived. Like all of the EARONS victims, they were taken from this earth far too soon. Vanessa Bennett sat under a picnic shelter on a muggy Arizona morning and talked for the first time about the physical and emotional toll she bears as the only surviving victim of one of. Tarot Spread To Ask A Question; Peut On Boucher La Vue D'un Voisin; Thirty Eight Snub Meaning If they were used shoelaces, youd expect to find a vast array of particles and wear-and-tear. The blow shed felt was the attacker striking her head with a hammer. If he had not done that, they may have been the unfortunately victims. File photo Editor's note: At an August 10 press conference, authorities revealed that Nevada inmate Alex Ewing has been named in an arrest warrant for the. He also inquired about searching various genealogical databases for a hit, but was advised at the time not to pursue that angle due to privacy issues. Im your biggest fan. The prints taken from the Bennett crime scene were fuzzy and not usable, the concrete floor they took that had a footprint would be unusable at this point. Suspect in long-unsolved, brutal Aurora hammer murders has been in Nevada prison Grandview placed on accidental lockdown Tuesday morning, Police say man shot in the leg Thursday in Aurora knew, IN THE BLUE: Aurora cop disciplined but not charged for stalking, All hands on deck: Aurora police leaders say agency still prioritizing, Former APS superintendent Rico Munn honored with Congressional resolution, Two Americans arrested on charges of selling tech to Russia, Carbon dioxide emissions reached a record high in 2022, SpaceX launches US, Russia, UAE astronauts to space station, Lilly plans to slash some insulin prices, expand cost cap, China says TikTok ban reflects US insecurities, EDITORIAL: Allowing APD to hire cheaters and liars undermines its goal, PERRY: Refusing to hide its crazy, Colorado GOP gathers to elect, Hasan Minhaj ready to lean into silliness at Spirit Awards, Review: Operation Fortune is a by-the-numbers spy caper, Everything you need to know about the 2023 Academy Awards, TikTok sets new default time limits for minors, Hate your signature? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The colossal 1,772-acre South Carolina hunting farm where Maggie and Paul. But he isnt going to talk about this crime to just a friend or bar mate. Juliana Kenney, 75, her husband Clayton Kenney, 83, and Mrs. Kenney's 44- year-old daughter, Adrienne Arnot, were beaten and stabbed to . The crime spree known as the Colorado Hammer murders seemed to begin in Aurora in the early morning hours of January 4th, 1984. I would re-profile the killer, re-examine the details of each victims daily life, re-examine the suspect pool, re-examine the crime scenes without any emotion whatsoever. Investigators did not forget about the hammer murders, however, nor did the town of Aurora; for years the authorities and true crime sleuths never gave up trying to identify the sick individual responsible for the murders and assaults that happened that year. The rapes were opportunities and only that. She was last seen at about 8:30 PM while on her way to meet friends. Obviously, this guy was looking for his next target. The youngest girl, Vanessa, only three years old until March, was also struck violently in the face with the hammer. I agree with you. Twenty-eight-year-old Donna Dixon, fresh off a shift working as a flight attendant, had been out running some errands. Dr. Robert Offerman and Dr. Debra Manning were young and had bright futures. March 14, 2022 5:04pm Updated The Murdaugh family property where a mother and son were found dead lists for $3.9 million. Atlanta, GA. Fri, Sep 8, 2023 08:00 PM. Shippers choose our flatbed, step deck, RGN or other specialized trailers to move freight that is too large to be It was determined that she had been killed sometime between the hours of 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM. Figuring out anyone who was laid off or working less hours on a construction site back then, if the list doesnt exist right now may be difficult at best. I should also note that the data becomes a bit skewed in that month because of the fact that the Snelling murder, being a homicide investigation, resulted in a much more thorough sweep of the area and more prowling incidents were recorded that wouldve otherwise been left unreported. There was no way, given the samples that we have, to determine whether the voices match or not. For years the case was cold, until in 2018 a DNA profile from semen the killer left at the scene was matched to Ewing. You got the age closer than the fbi and police you described exactly what the guy was feeling when he was killing them. According to some sources, they were able to match a shoe print from the Bennett household to a shoe print found in the garage at the Donna Dixon assault. Her purse was found nearby some money had been stolen from it. A murder probe has opened after four people were found dead at the address yesterday, with . The McStay family murders occurred on or near February 4, 2010, after the family disappeared from their home in Fallbrook, California, United States; their bodies were found in the desert near Victorville, California, on November 13, 2013. January 16, 1984: Bennett family is attacked in their Aurora, Colorado home with 3 out of the 4 family members murdered by an intruder wielding a hammer. Ron showed his commitment to Donna by marrying her in May 1984, just a few months after the ghastly attack and before she was even fully recovered. Nevada court records show a jury found Ewing, under the name Alex C. Ewing, was guilty of escaping from the custody of two Arizona sheriffs deputies at a gas station in Henderson, Nevada, southeast of Las Vegas on Aug. 9, 1984, and entering an unlocked home and severely beating a woman and her husband with an ax handle in their bedroom. His wife, Debra, was sexually assaulted and bludgeoned. Amazing!!!!!!!! There was no sign of forced entry. The investigators looked at everything from construction workers to drug addicts in the areas around the attacks because at the time a lot of construction was happening, they looked at the fact that the attacks happened around the holidays so maybe that was a trigger for this killer, even looked at the possibility that the killer was in some sort of drug fueled rage. Two different crime labs analyzed the fuzzy imprint, and they came up with different results. She survived. Killing on this level requires some level of planning on the part of the perpetrator. Smith was attacked in the condo she shared with her daughter and grandchildren and the hammer was left behind. Sole survivor of 1984 Aurora hammer attack testifies on opening day of murder trial De Ligonnes Family. He'd been in the Navy, where he worked on high-tech sonar equipment at Pearl Harbor. Kevin Vaughan on Twitter: "NEW TONIGHT: #9WantsToKnow has obtained this mugshot of Alex Christopher Ewing, the suspect in two 1984 hammer murders. He viciously struck the young child in the head with a hammer. AURORA | Police and prosecutors say they have solved the brutal 1984 hammer slayings of the Bennett family in Aurora, one of the citys most-shocking and tough-to-crack cold cases. The Bennett family murders is a case that goes back more than three decades. While everyone is looking for a motive it was always looking right back at investigators. This call is important because not only did it occur during an EAR quiet period, but this attack is connected by DNA. Bruce Bennett ~ 27 ~ Found Murdered January 16, 1984, Debra Bennett ~ 26 ~ Found Murdered, Sexually Assaulted January 16, 1984, Melissa Bennett ~7 ~ Found Murdered, Sexually Assaulted January 16, 1984, Vanessa Bennett ~ 3 ~ Found Alive,Jaw Crushed, Severly Beaten About the Face. He said the detectives who have worked it over the years, in particular Detective Steve Conner, the departments cold case investigator, never quit on. Are you suggesting that initially investigators missed certain details based off the profile of the dude? Ewing was convicted of killing 27-year-old Bruce and 26 year-old Debra Bennett, as well as their 7-year-old daughter Melissa, in Aurora. They remain married to this day. She recently gave an interview, which you can view here (, Summary of Press Conference on 1984 Hammer Murders, you can review my extensive post from yesterday, Secret Origin of the Golden State Killer: Visalia Ransacker, High-resolution version of Mr Cruels mask, Tribute to Robert Offerman and Debra Manning, Ligatures Used by the East Area Rapist / Golden State Killer, he almost always forced his penis into his victims bound hands, Audio Comparison of EAR Calls The Results, Phone Calls where the East Area Rapist Spoke, https://www.coldcase-earons.com/phonecalls.php, Visalia Ransacker Incident Chart: Prowlings vs Ransackings over time. Reporters and detectives subsequently learned that very little of the evidence from the scenes had been combed through using modern forensic technology, including DNA testing. Dotted with impressive bridges and blanketed by thick trees, it usually provides year-round beauty and convenience for travelers. The family was discovered by Constance Bennett who has since raised little Vanessa. There was no sign of the couple and theyve never been found. She slumped over onto the passenger seat. More details will be forthcoming in the case as more is learned about the alleged killer and an affidavit is circulated containing the evidence used to charge him with these crimes. Sometimes it works, sometimes its sort of right, sometimes not even close. The killer then ascended the staircase and entered the couples bedroom where he attacked Bruces 26 years old wife, Debra, simultaneously he raped and killed her. This killer strikes with such violence that it is difficult to understand, see or know of a possible motive. Evidence of wounds caused by a blade revealed that Bruce attempted to defend himself as the intruder swiped and slashed at him with a knife. On the night of Jan. 15, 1984, the Bennett family left their garage door open. There are some instances where a strange phone call was received, but its not thought to be the offender. This guy is not going to be easy to find because he can easily change his MO and would change it if need be. There, lying on the floor next to the couch and just a few feet away from the front door, was the carefully posed body of their grandmother. As a workaround, a well-known forensic genealogist named Colleen Fitzpatrick analyzed the case, and her research came up with the possible surname of Ewing. This finding was announced an the television show, On the Case With Paula Zahn, in February 2018. Medical professionals werent sure if the hammer attack would leaveVanessa with permanent brain damage or not, but the girls family held on to the hope that she would make a full recovery. Matthew Nicholas, of no fixed address, was sentenced at Bristol Crown Court on Friday, January 20, after being found guilty of 10 counts of sexual assault of a child under 13. The attacker retrieved a butcher knife from the kitchen and began stabbing Bruce in various places on his upper body, and once Bruce was incapacitated again the offender used the knife to slit his throat from ear to ear. Bruce was 27 years old and Debra was 26 in 1984. This was the last time the Bennetts were seen alive. It was later determined to be the murder weapon. She was also sexually assaulted and the intruder left a small hammer near her body. On Friday, August 10th, 2018 at 10:00 AM Mountain Time, a press conference was held to announce that two different jurisdictions in Colorado were filing charges against a man named Alex Christopher Ewing for the Patricia Smith and Bennett family homicides. He also shattered the face of Bruce Bennetts 3-year-old daughter, Vanessa. How did you know? A 3-year-old daughter, Vanessa, was injured and survived. Some of the ligatures matched across scenes. Caller: Hi, its me again. Third Crime Scene During sentencing Aug. 17, members of the Bennett and Large families submitted impact statements and came to the courtroom. "I lost the person who I was supposed to be. The bludgeoned bodies of husband and wife, Bruce and Debra Bennett, were discovered and it soon became evident that both were attacked with a knife and beaten to death. January 10th, 1984 started just like any other day, with Patricia dropping off her daughter and grandkids at work/school. Dixon survived. John Hickenlooper to request Ewings extradition today but the process could take weeks or months depending on a host of legal factors. Is it not true that you usually get police closer to a suspect faster than they ever could without using dna? This is a very unique activity, and it helps tie the EARONS crimes together based on M.O. The last family member left around 9:00 PM. While meeting with the families in regards to this case reopened many old wounds and horrific memories, the Aurora Police Department, Lakewood Police Department, Colorado Bureau of Investigation, the 18th Judicial District, and the 1st Judicial District is committed to seeing that justice is served in this case. Alexander Christopher Ewing, who is serving a prison sentence in Nevada for beating a couple there with an axe handle, has been charged with killing Bruce and Debra Bennett and their 7-year-old daughter, as well as trying to kill their 3-year-old daughter, as well as a charge for sexual assault. Bruce worked at the family-owned furniture store and was also taking classes to become an air traffic controller. Weve been given a hi-resolution copy to share, which you can view by clicking below: Around this time, on this very night 38 years ago, the EAR/GSK beganlaying siege to Goleta, California. Bruce had mentioned wanting to run to the store before bed. Part of our book involves some very in-depth detective and forensic work. Constance entered the home, encountered the grisly scene, and immediately dialed the authorities. It begins with a woman killed with a hammer in Lakewood and, a week later, a family killed the same way in Aurora. Would you like to contribute as an editor or a writer on our site? Report of July 5, 2022 officer-involved shooting in Report of July 21, 2022 officer-involved shooting in Jury returns guilty verdict in mass shooting at Aurora man sentenced to decades in prison for Man sentenced to two consecutive life sentences for Parolee and former Scout leader with history of Lone Tree bowling alley shooter sentenced to 23 Report of March 3, 2022 officer-involved shooting in Colorado District Attorneys Council honors trial team for Jury finds man guilty in former CU football Report of July 5, 2022 officer-involved shooting in Aurora, Report of July 21, 2022 officer-involved shooting in Englewood, Man sentenced to two consecutive life sentences for murdering couple who responded to advertisement for used car. All three were beaten to death with a claw hammer. It was taken in Arizona 11 days after the attack. Victim #24received a call from a voice that she identified as the EARs. Sometimes to get a more clear picture of the criminal, one must see him or her as a human being, see him or her as they truly are, feel what they feel, know what they know, feel the wants, needs and desires of that person.
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