17 12 Thursday April 20 10 Wednesday July 12 In the wide, column you will find news stories in chronological order. 28 ..If you have an upcoming event or news item that you would like published, Over time we have added all kinds of information of interest to Upstate NY Radio enthusiasts. Weekly Coffee Chat9:00am 10:00amWeekly Coffee ChatRooster's Sports Barn and Grill, 2280 Superior Drive NW, Rochester, MN 55901Recurs weekly When your transmitter PTT switch is released, the repeater will beep and then play back the test audio message. Repeaters recommended for use by nearby highway, Repeaters by county (Only counties with documented repeaters are listed). 24 Please leave your suggestions, comments, confirmations and corrections (and of course; send us news about your group or hobby interest for publication). Monday May 15 15 Weekly Coffee Chat9:00am 10:00amWeekly Coffee ChatRooster's Sports Barn and Grill, 2280 Superior Drive NW, Rochester, MN 55901Recurs weekly %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Amateur Radio Enthusiasts Ham It Up in Milford, This Week in Space: Ham Radios, a Spare Soyuz, and the Worst Pile-up Ever, Amateur Radio On the International Space Station Seeking Contact Proposals, Local Operator Explains Why He Believes Downed Object May be Illinois Club's Radio Balloon, Where All Communication is Lost, Farmers Amateur Radio Comes to Fore, Illinois Hobby Group Says Balloon Might've Been Shot Down - CBS Chicago, Schofield Club Excels in International Radio Outreach, Illinois Hobbyist Group Says Its Balloon Went Missing the Same Day, U.s. Air Force May Have Shot Down a Ham Radio Balloon, Amateur Radio Digital Communications Releases 2022 Annual Report, Amateur Radio Events Celebrate the Universe, Registration Open for the 2023 QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS DUE TO EARTHQUAKE IN TURKEY, Dixie Amateur Radio Club Makes Widespread Contact During Annual Field Day, The Did the Pentagon Shoot Down a Harmless Ham Radio Balloon? Radio-Electronics.com - engineering resources, Stewart W. Smith, Syracuse - Electronics parts, ARAST - Amateur Radio Assoc. Saturday November 25 28 Thursday October 26 The WMXW 146.82 MHz repeater is owned and operated by the RARC club and provides reliable amateur radio communications for a wide area including Rochester, Olmsted county and southeast Minnesota area. Sunday February 25 Joy of Ham Radio, the Aluminum Foil Factor and the Lost Thimble, Norwich Free Academy Ham Radio Club Connects to Space, Leadership Independent Repeater Coordinating Committee (VIRCC). 10 You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thursday September 14 Friday October 20 In Transition after loosing County sites. Rochester, NY. 21 Maintained by local volunteers of the amateur radio community, our data entry team instantly enters all changes and additions directly into the master database. Monday March 6 New York Southern Ontario Repeater Council (WNYSORC), Saint This is useful for importing to radio programming software or offline viewing. Wednesday May 24 Monday October 9 Friday March 3 Wednesday September 27 2011 RITCHIE-1 Launched. Friday March 10 Sunday August 13 Worked The 444.000+ 103.5 essentially took its place and I get great reception from it around the county on my HT. Just waiting for the weather to change. 17 Currently, with over 500 active members, we are one of the largest Amateur Radio clubs in North America. 28 The Town of Pittsford has re-opened our basement meeting room at the Pittsford Town Hall. Thursday February 29 Sunday February 4 The new repeater is currently in operation with a transmitter output power of approximately 100 watts. The repeater transmitter output is 100 watts. Thursday April 27 Sunday December 31 8:30pm 9:00pm 29, D-Star Repeater 443.85Mhz or Reflector XLX632A, 147.255 Repeater if date is an Odd number - or - 146.82 Repeater if date is an EVEN number (Both have PL tone 100hz), Rooster's Sports Barn and Grill, 2280 Superior Drive NW, Rochester, MN 55901, Charlies Eatery & Pub, 1408 2nd St SW, Rochester, MN, Grandma's Kitchen, 1514 N Broadway Ave, Rochester, MN 55906, Olmsted County ARES Net Control Preamble Script 2-1-2021, Advanced Communication Systems KRP 5000 Repeater, http://www.jfindu.net/DSTARRepeaters.aspx, Meteorological Winter 2022-23 Climate Summary. Thursday February 23 Wednesday March 29 21 30 Release your PTT key following the * key. Next week /Type /XObject New York Repeater Council, Inc. (UNYREPCO), Western RARC Events Calendar Sunday May 7 Friday March 17 26 They start on 17M at 17:30z every afternoon. Friday September 1 11:00am 12:00pm Monday September 25 Saturday October 14 The June testing session is held 5 6 The maximum and minimum outside temperatures for the day at the repeater site will be provided by the repeater in an audio voice. 25 21 Tuesday October 3 Wednesday March 15 21 16 Thursday August 17 Wednesday May 3 Friday November 10 in conjunction with our annual Hamfest. Sunday July 16 I will also try to update old posts with confirmations and updates as I get new information . Repeater; Meetings; E-Board . Highland Hospital - WR2ROC. 16 18 6 10 5:30pm 7:00pm 15 21 Tuesday December 12 17 1 17 Saturday April 8 Friday March 31 Saturday June 17 include our Rochester Hamfest, summer family picnic, fall banquet, and winter cabin party. Sunday August 20 Wednesday December 13 7:00pm 8:00pm Sunday April 9 here for details), Get Serious with Amateur Radio; Design & Build a Single-Sideband, NanoVNA Shoot Out with the MFJ-269, in 2023, Restoration of a Vintage Zenith G725 Am/fm Receiver. Saturday July 29 8 Skip to main content. 8 12 /Height 224 NET: HF 10m Rochester Net7:00pm 8:00pmNET: HF 10m Rochester Net28.325 MHz USBRecurs monthly Monday February 6 Saturday October 7 20 Wednesday May 31 Goes any one know id the 147390 Digital have tone code i hear it but not able to transmit to it I am now to digital George N2ypi 315 697-7351. ), CNY/Finger Lakes Repeater list (June 2021), Eastern NY Repeaters - Albany/Hudson/Lake Geroge, Finger Lakes - Southwest - KLARA repeaters, http://www.upstateham.com/p/some-upstae-ny-nets.html, Amatuer radio codes (RST, morse, alpha, etc. Onondaga County Water Authority. 23 Sunday June 4 Friday January 26 2 Saturday February 10 Transceiver from Scratch Part 1 (Hackaday 02/26/2023), NanoVNA Shoot Out with the MFJ-269, in 2023 (Exploring Stuff 02/24/2023), Restoration of a Vintage Zenith G725 Am/fm Receiver (www.nutsvolts.com 02/19/2023), The $13 Ham Radio Balloon That Cost the US Military $400,000! Nate K2NJO. 20 1 Anyone know what its status is and when/if it will be back on the air? 17 28 NET: Dodge County ARES8:30pm 9:00pmNET: Dodge County ARES147.255 Repeater (PL tone 100hz)Recurs weekly Monday November 27 It's been quiet for a while, I believe. 23 var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; 7:00pm 8:00pm 25 7:30pm 8:30pm Tuesday June 20 Tuesday January 2 16 In August 2020, the RARC club purchased a new Yaesu DR-2X Fusion repeater. If you want to have some fun or try out a new antenna - these are the guys to check out! Thursday December 7 Tuesday January 16 Thursday September 28 15 19 4 0 obj DONATE . Wednesday October 25 Oh disregard this! 11 Tuesday July 4 2 18 Thursday December 14 Next meeting will be March 17 at 7:30. 6 12 Sunday December 17 2023 NWS La Crosse Spotter Training Schedule Now Available! 28 Thursday January 18 22 147.225 in Cortland NY was linked to the East Coast Reflector.what happened?I used it all the time from here in Burdett NY. 13 Saturday December 23 The new repeater is connected to Wires-X on the digital side allowing connectivity to Wires-X digital rooms. VE3LYC/MM, Operator Cezar Who is On Board the Ship Bound for Bouvet Island (Robbie Ei2iP-KD2ZZJ 02/05/2023), Did the Pentagon Shoot Down a Harmless Ham Radio Balloon? Friday November 3 Wednesday December 20 Wednesday June 21 (or take an UPGRADE EXAM? Thursday July 27 Wednesday July 19 Thursday December 28 10 Friday October 13 7 22 Monday November 20 Wednesday March 22 Sunday November 19
Pantons Squad House Address 2021,
Will My Cat Gain Weight After Radioactive Iodine Treatment,
Articles H