Big Fan of Joe Lopez Keep your head up Joe .. Hope you do get that parole in October .. Stay strong Friend, Free Joe Lopez Esteban Cisneros get at me we might be related 509/8238193, Mi quierdo Joe Lopez ..Im writing to u express my love &support. I HOPE AND PRAY that IF/WHEN you ever have a CHILD, that he/she accuses YOU of molesting/raping him/her THAT way YOU will KNOW, 1st HAND, that ANYONE/EVERYONE (even a child) is CAPABLE of LYING ESPECIALLY when they KNOW that THATS the ONLY way that they can/will get their way !!! But yet I hardly see any comments regarding the child. It borrows heavily from both nations instrumental traditions, and guitars are frequently utilized to evoke different moods. On March 12, 2022, he had a live concert at the Alexander Convention Center in Cotulla, Texas. post that I had used profane language in Once again, I am VERY SORRY that not only you read that but more than likely everyone else that reads and responds to anything and everything about this letter from Joe Lopez . For consecutive years, it has won numerous awards, such as the Best Tejano Album inthe Latin Grammy Award. Wat jail is Joe Lopez in now 2015? Thanks much GOD BLESS, I think Joe is innoccent been a fan for a long time ny prayers are for him and his family ,sincerely Elma. Joe Lopez was given the orders by the court to be imprisoned in jail for 20 years. Mazz Joe Lopez Entertainment, LLC Thank u for posting this. He is a foremost trial attorney at the firm. THATS why her mom sent her to live with Joe and his family so she would have less access to that dick !!! Joe Lopez Net Worth is about $12 million as of 2022. I agree, thats really sad being a popular singer he could of had any women why a child,no excuse sorry Joe but when you have daughter thats not forgiving in my part no matter how great your music was good luck starting over. Juan guadarrama from San antoinio texas on All of you who support him why dont you let your child stay in his house !! Joe was set up by lawenforcement and the DAs office! The Tejano band originated in Brownsville, Texas. He has a child while he raped a 14-year girl and she got pregnant. UH maybe because he is a nasty man that likes molesting and sexually molesting kids. Joe Lopez Lawyer is regarded as a rising star in 2015. In 2014, DNA evidence was turned over to Lopezs lawyers, but the retested findings have yet to be seen. They have a right, to look good, ..and act more mature, but we all know, that the investigation, would have determine if she lied. Fuck this punk!! The judge presided the case and held court. Joe Lopez served 12 years of a 20-year sentence for raping his niece in 2004 He was released in 2018 and ordered not to visit Harris County where she lives A parole board in Texas has permitted. He is also a Single performer. t w well-knwn fr a unique utilization of th nthzr nd combining the rk nd rll nt th n tl. Joe Lopez was accused of the molestation of a child in 2006. Some stupid people dont know how traumatized a child is by a pedophile!!! [2] Grupo Mazz were known for using the synthesizer and blending rock and roll into their original Tejano music sound. dont know .I dont think he was charged with forcible rape , so maybe hes served his time . Especially why would he do that when he had women fall all over. In the making. The band was known for their idiosyncratic and innovative form of Tejano cumbia which made them distinguishable among their . There are multiple parking options available for those looking to attend the Houston Rodeo. Romeo, In a statement, they said,In making the decision, the parole panel reviewed his satisfactory compliance with parole since his release date of March 2018. Esteban fuk Joe and u!! It is VERY VERY EASY to rub a towel with cum on it onto ANYTHING even panties so I believe that the whole thing is a lie !!! His fathers name is Lopez Duran. And you would never think a priest would do it but they fucking do. just tryin to find a middle ground here people . She rubbed Joes and his wifes cum towel on her shorts and LIED HER FUCKING ASS OFF !!! Never !!!!! Marie & Delya FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! [9] Mazz performed at RodeoHouston for 14 consecutive years, starting in 1991 as part of Go Tejano Day. Joe Lopez Song list includeNo Te Olvidare,Para Nuestra Gente,Una Noche Juntos, andMazz Romanticos Que Nunca. He could have been set up. MAZZ LIVEZZ. The accusation that Joe Lopez was a sex offender marked a turning point in his life. Mazz is considered the Tejano band with the most awards. Let it go. That was a saying when you notice a young girl looking good. (LogOut/ Right now their are so many educated, politicians, celebrities and even priests that are sick fucks that like little kids. The one whom is traumatized is Joe !!! See also Other Works | Publicity Listings | Official Sites View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro Getting Started Contribute to This Page Hopefully Brandon Mireles from EP will join him. GrupoMazz is a band which Joe Lopez and mm Gnzlz found. To those who think hes guilty, there are gold digging people out there that will do and say whatever for a dollar. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Antonio and Lorenzo Lopez, Joes younger brothers, are both lawyers. As for Jimmy, if he doesnt want to take him back its OK. Jimmy is already down. Maybe Texas Rangers need to Investigate this situation. Villalobos put Joe in jail cuz Joe Lopez couldnt play at his(Villalobos) party he was having so Villalobos got mad. If he prefers little girls and is sick in the head and wants minors then having older woman throwing themselves at him doesnt mean anything to him. If the minor was your daughter, niece or sister would you still believe he is innocent? He fathered a child after raping a 14-year-old girl who later became pregnant. [15] As the board was considering his parole, court documents showed that Lopez also fathered a child with another underage girl, who was 14 years old at the time. Give it up he aint coming out till he repents for his sins! Mazz Swift (violin, voice) Peter Evans (trumpet) Miles Okazaki (guitar) Wendy Eisenberg (guitar) Levy Lorenzo (laptop, kulintang, vibraphone) Matt Mitchell (piano) Michael Formanek (acoustic bass) Chris Lightcap . He is a singer and earns a lot of money from his career. You hit the nail in the headFans are blind and usually are in denial when their hero or crush singer is accused of some horrendous crime. People dont just screw up in life like this!!! Grammy-award winning Tejano star, 69-year-old Joe Lopez of Grupo Mazz, is scheduled to make his comeback debut on December 13 at El Rodeo Disco in southeast Houston. However, he was sentenced to 20 years but bailed after almost 12 years. Why do you think Villalobos is in prison?! Dont let his celebrity status cloud your judgment. Villalobos took so much money from Joe promising Joe he would help him and still put Joe in jail. A TRUE FAN..SINCE ,I WAS 14YRS.OLD.JOE LOPEZ NEEDS TO COME OUT & SHOW HIS INNOCENTS He will be 71 years old in 2022, 5 feet 3 inches tall, and 80 kg or so, roughly. Band. Young girls want to be the center of attention. 2023 FOX Television Stations, ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING: Man shot in apparent accidental shooting in Houston, police investigating, CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Houston homeowner speaks out after being victim of terrifying attempted carjacking, Tom Sizemore, 'Saving Private Ryan' Actor, Dies at 61 after suffering brain aneurysm, G.O.A.T. Look yall stupid ass mufukerzhe still trying to say hes innocent and until he admits what he did he aint going no where but to the next cell to get sodimized by his celly they should cut off his baby ass dick and sew it to his bitch ass face FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! Performance Cancelled In Milwaukee: Lopez, A Texas Registered Child Sex Offender Was Among Tejano Entertainment Venue At Three-day Mexican Fiesta 2021 InMilwaukee, 55-Year-old Rita Frances Bellew Charged With Ethnic Intimidation And Harassment In The Amys Family Pizzaria Racist Rant In Hatboro,PA, Facebook (FB) Confirmed That Crystal Graves Tagging FB Users With Explicit Porno Images And Sites Doesnt Violate Their CommunityStandards, Milwaukees Southside Mitchell Street Mall Restricts Use Of Restrooms For Only Employees, No PublicRestrooms, 28-year-old Elijah D. Combs Suffered Self-inflicted Wound After Pursuit By Police In The Southside OfMilwaukee, Angel Sanchez Filed Nomination Papers For The Milwaukee County Supervisor District 14 Seat, Two Other Candidates Caroline Gomez-Tom and Travis Hope AlsoFiled. The terms will run concurrently. So dont be fooled! He returned to music after being released from prison. Tejano music is influenced by both American culture and its various Mexican roots. Antonio Lopez and Lorenzo Lopez are his siblings. An alleged prison letter from the former Mazz singer surfaced online Tuesday. They gained a reputation for being bad boys among their peers, considering that they were known for being late for their shows. Grupo Mazz were known for using the synthesizer and blending rock and roll into their original Tejano music sound. They were able to perform on stages across the globe, including those along the California, Florida, Southwest, and Pacific coasts of the United States, thanks to their success on a global scale. Listen to new Tejano music first with our playlists onSpotifyand podcast on iHeartRadio. To me, the message that this sends to sexual assault victims and any victim in the community is that your rights are circumvented by the rights of a convicted felon, Kahan continued. could a spoiled , coked up music star be set up by people close to him that he trusted ? Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Prison letter from Joe Lopez surfaces online,, water restoration company orlando florida, Joe Lopez eligible for parole in 2016 | TEJANO NATION. To pick Harris County as your first choice when you couldve gone anywhere in the state from our perspective sends a sinister and subliminal message, said Kahan. Kahan said the state board made a poor decision to allow a registered sex offender and a convicted pedophile to return near his victim. Will be praying for your release, we are and always will be fans of Grupo Mazz have faith you will be home soon, Just left the latest jimmy and mazz show, He ,Jimmy is AWESOME. He was kept in Jail. Today, well be discussing Joe Lopez net worth, his personal life, and his career, movies, accolades, height, age, wife, son, family, religion, and close friends. Joe Lopez interpreted Tejano music in the 1970s and 1980s as a founder of the Mazz band and an individual performer. The second lineup is from 1984 to 1997. . Mazz was the most famed Tejano music band during the 1990s. InNovemberof 2006, theGrupo Mazz co-founder wasordered to serve a 20-year prison sentence for the molestation of a 13-year-old relative at his Rancho Viejo home on the charge of aggravated assault of a child. Grammy-award winning Tejano star, 69-year-old Joe Lopez of Grupo Mazz, is scheduled to make his comeback debut on December 13 at El Rodeo Disco in southeast Houston. Joe is innocent, that so called child was and is a little slut, she tested positive for drugs and a sexually transmitted disease. U ARE NOT INDIAN UR 100% panocha!!!! [7] At the 1990 Tejano Music Awards, Grupo Mazz took Songwriter of the Year (Lopez), Vocal Duo of the Year, and Song of the Year (for "Now I Want You to Love Me") honors. When the band produced a series of albums that ventured into mariachi rancheras, pop ballads. [4] The band's repertoire included award-winning songwriter Luis Silva who provided the band's earliest success with "Laura Ya No Vive Aqu", "Olvidar Tu Nombre", and "Otra Vez". It just puts him in a position to be accused for another. He is now single. EVER you keep doing your thing and let Joe and Jimmy do his. was his behavior as drunk/high/sloppy to the point of not aware of his actions ? In 2006, Joe Lopez was sentenced of molesting a child. !._All the beautiful woman in the sea available to his leisure.Y would he jeapodize his future. However, the big story surrounding Joe Lopez was his conviction in 2006 as a sex offender. She worked at home. [2] Gonzalez was pronounced dead in San Antonio, Texas on June 6, 2018, after suffering from low blood sugar as a result of his diabetes. And for his dick it would be better off IN YOUR MOUTH mufuker !!! The is very popular just because of a contemporary form of Tejano cumbia. SONGS: Singer, songwriter makes new song inspired by FOX 26 news report about goats at Target, Man charged in shooting death of Officer Andres Vasquez Lasso ordered held without bond, Mother arrested after 4-year-old found outside alone, 1-year-old found laying in soiled linen, GOIN' CRUSIN'? Patience Ramirez Im REALLY SORRY that my comments couldnt have been private to CHINGTUMADRE and everyone else whom I responded to in that manner About the spelling, I am not a very good speller in Mexican (as you very well saw) due to my blood line of 3/4 Apache ( of the Mescalero Tribe) and 1/4 Spaniard I understand the Mexican language about 75 % when spoken to me as well as speaking it, let alone spelling it The ONLY reason that I understand and speak it is because I have worked around Mexicans for about 32 years I was born and raised in Brownfield Tx. He has been working in a team. Due to this, their songs were able to be remembered by a large audience across all platforms years later as tributes to them as artists. Program: yvind Torvund - Plans for Future Ensemble Pieces (2020, rev. Yall people are ridiculous !! The defense did not want the green shorts worn by the 13-year-old relative that Lopez was convicted of having sex with at his Rancho Viejo condominium in 2004. Brownsville, Texas, is where the Tejano band got its start. Set up 100%. Joe Lopez Net Worth is about $12 million as of 2022. Once release he should not be allowed to be around any minor children. He served 12 years of his 20-year prison sentence for multiple offenses involving his 13-year-old niece. Mazz band was renowned for their distinctive and creative form of Tejano cumbia. I am interested in trying to get information on Joe Lopez, to write to him or Email him. 25 Feb/23. Joe Lopez was sentenced to 20 years in prison and banned from coming back to Harris County, where the victim lives. Lopez relaunched his Tejano singing career after being released on parole from a Texas prison after serving 11 years and 6-months from a 32-year sentenced and recently caused a community backlash in Fort Worth after it was announced that he was scheduled to perform at Billy Bobs Texas entertainment concert venue, which was afterwards canceled last week. Joe Lopez. Sometimes, it combines Mexican-Spanish vocal styles and dance rhythms from some Czech and German genres. Joe Lopez made a comeback to his singing. He is the founder of Grupo Mazz. The Mazz band earns a large part of its income by selling records and albums, performing in numerous concerts, and making tours in the USA. The puesto que se la mamaste a Joe en in tiempo. On June 6, 2018, Gonzalez was marked dead in San Antonio, Texas. Esteban tas bien pendejo! Jason Aldean Jayrun Jeff Jennifer Lopez Jesse Mccartney Jessica Jay Jigsaw John Frusciante Jojo Josh Turner Julia King KH.SD THAITANIUM KLUAYTHAI Feat. We love u Just saying, I agree Joe Lopez is innocent Im a teajano my self I remember his 1st cassette my prayers Joe god is great best of the best, Only god knows the real truth and it will come out sooner or later life is so cruel sometimes but it always has its reasons for why it happens I think jimmy Gonzalez took advantage of the situation of calling his group grupo mazz cause the real mazz was Joe Lopez his songs were the real thing all the rest are wanna bes Im praying for your release Joe Lopez we miss your songs your the real MAZZ none else, Pingback: Joe Lopez eligible for parole in 2016 | TEJANO NATION, My prayer are with you mr Lopez May god bless you the truth will surface gods on your side you will be out soon God willing miss your music Your fan Always Bennie soto. [9] It spent five consecutive months at number two behind Bronco. yvind Torvund - Untitled School/Mud Jam/Campfire Tunes (2014) for piano . ALSO READ: Annalise Mahanes Singer and IMY2 band. Singing or making music is not an easy task at all, it requires a talented and a determined soul. The birthplace of Joe Lopez was Brownsville, Texas, on 28th August 1950. Someone will have to answer to God in the end and thats all that really matters. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He was convicted of sexually assaulting . He is enforced to record as a Sex offender for his remaining life. Por que Dios Mio 7. Update: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. has learned on Monday, that Gregorio Montoto from the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation confirmed that the Joe Lopez y Grupo Mazz performance was canceled after learning Lopezs was a registered child sex offender. She gave testimony against him. Select a Muse in the richer Cost-free Spins Bonus and be [17], Joe Lopez y La Nueva Imagen Mazz (1998 - 2006), Jimmy Gonzalez Y Grupo Mazz (1998 - 2017). with a live performance of Joe Lopez in San Esteban fuk Joe and u!! . 8pm Composer Portraits: yvind Torvund. He is presently a bachelor. But just because I loved his music doesnt mean he didnt do it. They signed with CBS Records in 1988 and released Straight from the Heart, however, the following year they signed with EMI Latin. Belinda from Texas City. (LogOut/ In the late 70s and early 80s, there was a new sound emerging with up-and-coming groups like McAllen's Espejismo, led by songwriter/lead singer Rudy Valdez, and Brownsville natives Joe Lopez, Jimmy Gonzalez, and Mazz introduced keyboard to Tejano, influenced by the disco sound of the era. HES the one that got 20 years in prison NOT the LYING LITTLE SLUT that put him there !!! WEDNESDAY, March 8 8:30 pm Quartet . Gonzalez suffered from cardiac arrest but was momentarily revived,[10] however, he was pronounced dead on Wednesday, June 6, 2018, from complications of diabetes. Create a free website or blog at Mazz is considered the Tejano band with the most awards. In November of 2006, the Grupo Mazz co-founder was ordered to serve a 20-year prison sentence for the molestation of a 13-year-old relative at his Rancho Viejo home on the charge of aggravated assault of a child. Raquel Rangel Heres a comment about the CHILD FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! The music industry is one of the biggest and most popular forms of entertainment in the world today. Antonio Lopez also died while going home by train. On June 6, 2018, Gonzalez was declared dead in San Antonio, Texas. He should think wht he did ?? Im glad to know we think alike! Came out in the trial. [5] The group had a reputation as being "bad boys" of the Tejano music industry, they were known to be late at their shows. The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles said Lopezs condition not to enter Harris County was modified solely for employment purposes. He was kept in Jail. Tejano is a popular kind of music that assimilates American and Mexican interpretations. Wikipedia and Forbes have confirmed this amount. Joesph Vasquez , From reading the articles it looks that Joe Lopez was set up. A child is a child, regardless, what what she looks like, or even acts. [4] The band's 1987 album Beyond took Album of the Year honors at the 1988 Tejano Music Awards, while Lopez and Gonzalez won Vocal Duo of the Year. Exactly!!!!! Wikipedia and Forbes have confirmed this amount. Well, most of his net worth comes from the earnings he made with Mazz when selling albums, records and touring around USA. The band was known for its idiosyncratic and creative form of Tejano Columbia. Del Bravo Record Shop is a one stop shop for Tejano, Conjunto, Vinyls, CDs, LPs and much more. He belongs to the United States. Grammy-award winning Tejano star- 69-year-old Joe Lopez of Grupo Mazz is scheduled to make his grand comeback debut on December 13 at El Rodeo disco after the state board modified his parole conditions, allowing him to return to Harris county to work. The band went on tour in California, the Southwest and Pacific Coastline of the USA, and Florida. Mazz also received a Latin Grammy Award for its Best Tejano Album in several years. Read more people! Being born on 19 October 1966, Joe Lopez is 56 years old as of today's date 3rd March 2023. Your stupid, Jimmy aint shit , the only reason Jimmy is popular is because JOE LOPEZ made those huts and Jimmys fat ass aint shit, MAZZ aint shit no more, never was since joe is gone, Reblogged this on TejanoMax and commented: His mothers name is Benita Lopez Duran. Both sign a contract of marketing with Coors in the mid-1980s. Cynthia G. Fuentes Your so right Im a big fan of Joe since way back but we know his fame not his mind and yes I saw many women throw themselves at him his bro.lived in Baytown TX he was best friends with my ex.he didnt seem to be a child molester but we dont know what goes on behind closed doors. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title.
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