A service may not guarantee Early AM arrival to {city} {state} {postal code} {countryname}, Package(s) in this shipment contains a warning: (Description). Valid values are R or N, Invalid license number. Try to edit existing & returns error. Missing label specification label stock size. Invalid Shipment Delivery Confirmation Type. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Deciding Factors 2 Alternatives 3 ShipStation Pricing 4 Functionality 5 Features 6 Ease of Use 7 Expert Score 8 9 10 ShipStation is a fulfillment and shipping platform that enables businesses to import and manage orders. [XXX][], UPS does not offer service for the specified Commodity Regulated Level Code from the selected Origin country.[XXX][]. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Seeds. UPS does not offer service for the specified chemical record to the selected Destination country/postal code. {0} of Receiver Return Notification is only allowed to be specified at the first package that has Receiver Return Notification. Shipper has no SDL contract and is not eligible to ship SDL shipments. Valid length is 1 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing product weight unit of measurement code for product number {0}. PackageServiceOption HazMat TransportationMode has invalid value. UPS Account is not authorized for Worldwide Economy DDP service. ShipStation is a cloud-based shipping solution for automating order fulfillment. (Description) will be a detailed description based on the shipment. UPS does not offer Biological Substances, Category B service to the selected Destination country/postal code. Address Validation Error on ShipFrom address. Mail Innovations shipments are limited to 1 package. The Packing Group specified: XXX is invalid based on chemical table validation for this U NID. 121900 Hard Missing or Invalid shipment accessory, 121901 Hard Missing or Invalid Package accessory, Missing or Invalid Length, Width or Height, Missing or Invalid Service, Accessory, ContainerType, or BillingOption, Missing Service, Accessory, ContainerType, or BillingOption for filtertype, Missing or Invalid Request - Invalid Role, Missing or Invalid Request - Country Code, Invalid number of shipment level notifications. Missing ultimate consignee address information. UPS Account is not authorized for hold for pickup at UPS Access Point Shipment. (Description), ShipTo EmailAddress cannot exceed a length of 50 characters. The payer of Duty and Tax charges is required. Valid length is 1 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid carrier ID. Missing or invalid alternate delivery address postal code. Missing or invalid alternate delivery address information. Your email address will not be published. Package HazMatPackageInformation AllPackedInOneIndicator is optional. Invalid or missing Sensor ID for package {0}. Custom label instructions cannot be supported for shipment. Valid length is 1 to 8 alphanumeric. Invalid Emergency contact. Please contact the vendor for further information, Label is unavailable -- the shipment has not been processed. Valid length is 1 to 30 alphanumeric, Invalid forward agent state province code. Valid values are 04. special characters etc. Missing InternationalForms/PartiesToTransaction. The following tables lists the errors that UPS may return in response to a request. The Package Level Access Point COD is not valid for the shipment origin and/or destination. ShipTo PhoneExtension cannot exceed the length of 4. Click the edit button of the order you wish to change 3. Invalid Num Of Pieces for package {package number}. No more than two email addresses for Receiver Return Notification are allowed in a shipment. The country selected for duty/taxes charges does not allow for Third Party payment option. Verify your postal code, or select %orig.AdjCountry% as your Pickup From country. Missing or Invalid Mail Innovations Package Id. Thanks for getting back to me, though, I am sorry you're still seeing this error. The maximum dimensions for a pallet are %maxlength% cm (length) by %maxwidth% cm (width) by %maxheight% cm (height) for the selected origin. Successful responses may or may not include warnings. Missing or Invalid Forms EEIFilingOption ExemptionLegend, Missing or Invalid Forms UPSFiled POA Code. Invalid InternationalForms/InBondCode. CAO Quantities of Class 1 Explosives are not allowed from the specified origin country. International shipment cannot be made with multiple 10KG or 25KG packages. UPS does not offer service for the specified Commodity Regulated Level Code to selected Destination country. HazMat EmergencyContact Information is required for this shipment. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. ShipFromPhoneExtension cannot exceed the length of 4. Mail Innovations is not a valid service for shipping all categories of dangerous goods. The payment method specified for Transportation charges is invalid for return service. Invalid Unit Price for package {package number}. Missing or Invalid EEIFilingOption. Using user generated forms is not permitted. Missing or Invalid Simple Rate Package Code. Missing Dimensions container for HandlingUnits {0}. "UPS label service error: Severity: Hard, code: 120109: detail: Missing or invalid Shipper phone number" Phone numbers are required for the recipient, sender, and return addresses for all international shipments and for domestic shipments with some carriers. 4. Pencarian saya terakhir. Invalid GoodsNotInFreeCirculationIndicator. Package Type must be specified when the package is not Part of All Packed in One. HazMat EmergencyContact Information violates datatype only ASCII allowed. Excepted Quantities are not allowed from the selected Origin country. Shipper phone extension is only valid if a phone number is given. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing producer city. ExternalClientError: Missing or Invalid CompanyName. Invalid telephone extension. Invalid PreDepartureITNNumber or EEIShipmentReferenceNumber in EEIFilingOption. Shipper is not eligible to ship Hazardous Material / International Dangerous Goods. ADL notification and UAP Shipper Notification are required for UPS Access Point Delivery. Lighter authentication (LAA) number required - Remarks must be entered or package rejected. Credit card authorization failed, contact your financial institution, PaymentInformation/Prepaid/BillShipper/AccountNumber must be the same shipper number as Shipper/ShipperNumber, A single billing option is required per shipment. 1. Discount can not be greater than the invoice line total. I've confirmed that my business information is filled out correctly within the plugin. Invalid or missing sold to phone number. Cannot access the high level business components, {0}, Cannot access the low level business components, {0}, The field, {0}, contains invalid data, {1}, The phone number contains invalid characters, The Integration Indicator is no longer supported. Saturday Delivery is unavailable to desired destination. Missing value of other unit of measurement. HazMat PackagingType violates datatype only ASCII allowed. HazMat ReferenceNumber exceeds maximum of 15 characters. The maximum total size constraint (length + girth, where girth is 2 x width plus 2 x height) of a UPS Returns Flexible Access package is . Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. AdjustedHeight container is required if AdjustedHeightIndicator is requested. This guide contains some of the more common errors. The given postal code is invalid for the given state. . Alcohol is not a valid ISC type for the specified destination. Missing or invalid alternate delivery address city. Missing or Invalid Width for HandlingUnits {0}. The Return Services are unavailable with the requested service. Valid length is 0 to 9 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing intermediate consignee country code, Invalid or missing producer option. Missing product weight unit of measurement information for product number {0}. Maximum value per package: {0} {1}. HazMat TransportationMode has invalid value. I double checked - everything is correct. The UPS Returns Flexible Access option is unavailable with Additional Handling. ShipStation's integration with Purolator allows you to get rates, create domestic and international shipping labels, and ship regular packages, dangerous goods, and shipments that require special handling. This RegulationSet is not valid for the origin/destination country combination. Missing or Invalid UnitOfMeasurement for HandlingUnits {0}. Mail Innovations Tracking Information not found. Change the State Code accordingly 4. Net Quantity UOM: XXX is Not Valid For IATA. This error means the "shipper" phone number was missing. The maximum number of goods printed on CN22 form cannot be more than 1 for combined MI package and CN22 label. Valid length is 0 to 15 numeric and can hold up to 2 decimal places. Invalid other charges monetary value. Click Edit next to the warehouse you'd like to update. Lift Gate for Pick Up accessorial is not allowed with Drop Off At UPS Facility accessorial. Saturday Delivery may not be combined with the package type for the given product. The maximum declared value for Flexible Parcel Insurance has been exceeded. All packages with DryIce RegulationSet must contain the same Regulation Set. Notification language-dialect pair not valid. If you are shipping to a city within %dest.country%, enter the correct city. August 9, 2018. Filter menurut: Anggaran. Proyectos de precio fijo Missing or Invalid Page Size for UPS Premium Care Form. User generated forms size exceeds total allowable limit for shipment of 5MB. Excepted Quantities are not allowed to the selected Destination country. Valid length is 10 alphanumeric, Invalid product schedule B quantity for product number {0}. HazMat ProperShippingName violates datatype only ASCII allowed. Invalid or missing Product Currency Code. Common Error Codes The following error codes can apply to all APIs. (Description), Shipper EmailAddress cannot exceed a length of 50 characters, Shipper EmailAddress is an invalid format, Shipper number must contain alphanumeric characters only. Even if the parcel was marked as delivered, carriers like UPS and FedEx require the sender of the parcel to file the complaint. The Shippers shipper number cannot be used for the shipment. Invalid or missing producer attention name. Valid value is 1 to 35 alphanumeric. PackageServiceOption HazMat Regulation required or has invalid value. Invalid InternationalForms/Product/ExportType. Verify that your account is listed; if not, select the Add a UPS Account link Follow the instructions to add the account Find peace of mind with the details. Once you enter this information, your orders will begin importing. FreightDensityInfo container is required for Density Based Rating request. ago. HazMat PackagingGroupType exceeds maximum length of 5 characters. The payer of Transportation charges is invalid for Split Duty VAT shipment. Missing or Invalid Shipment Value Threshold Code. Valid length is 1 to 30 alphanumeric, Invalid intermediate consignee state province code. Valid length is 0 to 10 alphanumeric, Invalid commodity code for product number {0}. HazMat TransportationMode exceeds maximum length of 30 characters. Missing or invalid alternate delivery name. Return Service Type is required for Mail Innovations Single or Dual Return shipment. Uploading of your user generated International Forms was not successful. Shipments cannot exceed a COD amount of $5,000 when requesting a cashiers check or money order. Package Level COD is not valid for the shipment origin and/or destination. HazMat Quantity is absent or doesn't meet specification. HazMat ReferenceNumber violates datatype only ASCII allowed. Additional Handling is unavailable with the selected service. Invalid TransportCategory for a given Hazardous material package using ADR RegulationSet. Although the document is well formed and valid, the element content contains values which do not conform to the rules and constraints contained in this specification. CAO Quantities of Class 1 Explosives are not allowed to the specified destination country. The currency of the Access Point COD amount must be the same as the Destination country's currency: %COD.APCurrencyDest%. The accessory is invalid with the billing option. The UPS Import Control option is unavailable with the selected accessory. The specified service name, {0}, and version number, {1}, combination is invalid. UPS Premium Care Form is required if UPS Premium Care Accessorial is requested. A Commercial Invoice must have at least one commodity in the request. Correct value is needed for EEI form, Missing or Invalid Form EEIFilingOption Code. When creating UPS labels in Ordoro, you may receive the following error message: UPS only allows for 35-character long company names. The COD amount cannot exceed $1,000 when a cashiers check or money order is requested. No shipment found within the allowed void period, The Pickup Request associated with this shipment has already been completed, Pickup Cancellation is not Available on this Pickup Request, The Pickup Request associated with this shipment has previously been canceled, The Pickup Request associated with this shipment cannot be canceled, Return Service Shipments cannot be Voided at the Package Level, International Shipments cannot be Voided at the Package Level, None of the submitted packages were voided, Package(s) {0} selected to void is(are) invalid. The following tables lists the errors that UPS may return in response to a request. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This article also lists the following: Common error messages that occur when getting rates or creating labels, as well as their meaning and solutions. Valid length is 1-3 Numerics. Valid length is 0 to 5 alphanumeric, Invalid forward agent postal code. Package/HazMatPackageInformation required with either AllPackedInOneIndicator/OverPackedIndicator values. ADL notification code (012) and notification data (email or phone number) is required for UPS Access Point Delivery. LabelSpecification/Instruction is not allowed with the shipment. Valid range is 0 to 35 alphanumeric. Valid values are NC or NO, Invalid or missing net cost date range begin date for product number {0}. The following error codes can apply to all APIs. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Mail Innovations Single Returns Shipment. Master Carton shipment must be single piece only. Valid length is 1 to 3 alphanumeric, Product/Unit/UnitOfMeasurement/Description is required when Product/Unit/UnitOfMeasurement/Code is ""OTH"" for product number {0}. Shippo: Missing or invalid ship from state province code Shippo: invalid credentials Shippo: USPS - Could not find a rate ShipStation - Common Errors Miscellaneous - Common Errors Analytics Exporting your data for better insights (CSV) I receive an error in the Analytics dashboard Importing data into Excel does not work Missing package notification email information for package {0}. Jeff Kolyer January 19, 2022 01:36 Follow This error means that the recipient info is too many characters for the carrier and must be shortened. It will be supported during the second phase of Dual MI Returns Label Shipment. Without warnings - Indicates the request has been processed as anticipated. Number of HazMat entities per package cannot be greater than 3. on the service you choose and a variety of factors driven by your actions in using our software and by decisions from ShipStation and other business partners of ShipStation. TI is the only valid Quantity UOM for given Class 7 request. Valid length is 1 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid intermediate consignee address line 2. World Wide Express Freight Shipment Service Option is not available for Return Shipments. ShipStation is a web-based shipping solution that streamlines the order fulfillment process for your online business. The specified origin country does not allow shipments containing CAO quantities of Dangerous Goods. The package is being shipped to a Commercial address, so a . Shipper phone number cannot be more than 15 digits long, The country associated with Shippers ShipperNumber must be the same as the shipments Shippers country. HazMat UOM value exceeds maximum length of 10 characters. Invalid label specification label stock dimensions. A single ChemicalRecord cannot be All Packed in One. Mis bsquedas recientes. Invalid Number of Packages. The maximum dimensions for a pallet are ({0}) in by ({1}) in by ({2}) in for the selected destination. Additionally, we surface detailed messaging around any errors that may have occurred during the validation process. Hard errors indicate that an error existed in the request that UPS could not resolve, it is a user error. Thank you for answer! Length is the longest side of a package. The contact name includes special characters or is an incorrect format, and the order cannot ship until this is resolved to a proper format. Invalid insurance monetary value. I have also received the "Missing or Invalid shipper name" warning. Invalid or missing Package Number (Product is selected to be placed in a Package that does not exist). Thermal label is not supported for shipment. Festpreisprojekte Maximum value for this service is: %maxDeclVal% %currencyCode%. HazMat PackagingInstructionCode violates datatype only ASCII allowed. The Saturday Delivery option cannot be combined with the Return Services option. Invalid license information. Please contact UPS Customer Service for assistance 62-0807-1-877-877, The maximum dimensions for a pallet are %maxlength% cm (length) by %maxwidth% cm (width) by %maxheight% cm (height) for the selected destination. Valid length is 0 to 50 alphanumeric, Invalid producer tax id. Notification phone number may not exceed length of 15. The Pickup From postal code %orig.postal% is not a valid %orig.country% postal code. The length width and height must each be less than {description} inches or {description} centimeters. Missing or Invalid Currency code for Access point COD. Invalid or missing ShipFrom tax identification. Cannot use multiple types of currency in a shipment. The UPS Import Control accessories are unavailable with the requested service. Missing or Invalid Total Number of Pieces in all Pallets in a Shipment. The warning contains information in the response that should be passed to the end user. Missing {0} Level Reference Number value. No more than 3 address line information can be given for forward agent address. Please enter another Payment Type to complete your shipment. Please contact UPS Customer Service for assistance 62-0807-1-877-877. The 400 and 500 errors listed below are the most common errors you are likely to see when ShipStation sends a request for orders or a shipment notification to your . UPS Account is not authorized for Worldwide Economy DDU service. Address Validation is the process of checking the Recipient Address against an official database to ensure the address is valid. Valid length is 0 to 2 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing in bond code. UPS account number that was provided as the payment method is missing or invalid. Two Languages are required for UPS Premium Care Form. Invalid or missing international forms form type for ExcludeFromForm. Length is the longest side of a package. Connecting a store to ShipStation is usually as simple as entering your store's username, password, and other admin details. Shipper has no power of attorney privilege. HazMat ReportableQuantity violates datatype only ASCII allowed. Please advise. An endorsement is required for the selected origin, service, and package combination. To do so: 1. The COD Funds Code is invalid. The Access Point COD amount cannot exceed %COD.APAmountMax% %COD.APCurrencyDest%. Please correct. missing or invalid ship from company name shipstationverde independent obituaries. Packages must weigh more than zero pounds. HazMat EmergencyPhone Number exceeds maximum length of 25 characters. Number of DryIce items per Package is greater than 1. [][], Packing Instruction does not match the (PAX, CAO, LTD QTY) packing instruction, basedvon chemical table validation. Package exceeds the maximum length constraint of {0} cm. Missing or Invalid Code in UPSFiled. valid values are 01, 02, 03, 04. Categories . Valid length is 1 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid producer address line 2. See this help article for details. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Valid format is yyyyMMdd, Invalid or missing blanket period end date. The specified destination country does not allow shipments containing CAO quantities of Dangerous Goods. missing or invalid ship from company name shipstation. {Rating Error Description} The weight exceeds the limit for the UPS Letter/Envelope rateand will be rated using the weight. HazMat EmergencyPhone required since Regulation Set is TDG. UPS Access Point shipping is not valid with Goods Not in Free Circulation between EU countries. Accessorial is not available with the selected access method. Missing or invalid declared value currency code for package {0}. The form specified for the product must be one of the requested forms. Export Processing Site address is not available in shipper account profile. missing or invalid ship from company name shipstationchicago mission apparel missing or invalid ship from company name shipstation. Missing or invalid Combination of package length, width, and height values. Valid length is 0 to 9 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing forward agent country code, Invalid or missing ultimate consignee company name. Valid length is 1 to 30 alphanumeric, Invalid ultimate consignee state province code. Needed for EEI filing. Emergency Contact must not match the Emergency Phone Number. Invalid or missing product weight for product number {0}. Refresh your Ordoro account. HazMat TransportationMode violates datatype only ASCII allowed. Please contact UPS Customer Service for assistance 62-0807-1-877-877, The maximum dimensions for a pallet are %maxlength% in (length) by %maxwidth% in (width) by %maxheight% in (height) for the selected destination. Missing or Invalid Form EEIFilingOption Code. Filtrar por: Presupuesto. In some urban locations, UPS may be able to accommodate larger palletized movements. I recommend putting something in that field and trying again.Good luck, the service seems awful. Dry Ice Weight is absent or doesn't meet specification. These errors are critical and prevent requests from processing. What to do: UPS requires a company name in the ship from address, so make sure the Company field for your Ship From Location has a value. Valid length is 1 to 5 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing mode of transport. Shipping Error Codes Error Codes 20004 - 20011 Error Codes 120001 - 125000 Error Codes 126000 - 126099 Error Codes 120711 - 127007 Error Codes 127054 - 127299 Error Codes 128001 - 150000 Missing or invalid Package Release Code. The APIO total net quantity exceeds the lowest permitted maximum net quantity. The negotiated rates do show and everything looks fine until I select the option to print the label, I get the message that says: "Missing or invalid shipper name". The request is well formed but the request is not valid. Shipper not authorized to request for the Third Party/Freight Collect negotiated rates for this shipment. Label Recovery Service is Temporarily Unavailable. If Custom is selected, please type in Quickbooks Commerce Price List name for Supply Price. A shipment can only contain one Commercial Invoice. Missing or invalid shipment indication type code. Invalid or missing User Created Form Data. Label Stock Size not allowed for specified Label Image Type. Missing/Invalid LabelSpecification LabelStockSize Width. HazMat PackagingInstructionCode is Required. Valid length is 0 to 5 alphanumeric, Invalid sold to postal code. Valid length is 0 to 4 alphanumeric, Invalid ECCN number code. The customer service for ShipStation has been deplorable. Valid length is 0 to 9 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing ultimate consignee country code, Invalid or missing intermediate consignee company name. The only difference is my UPS account is under a different name than my ShipStation profile (one is Boone's Overstock and the other is Brutal Planet). If you want to pickup from %orig.AdjCityName%, select %orig.AdjCountry% and enter the postal code %orig.AdjPostal%. Valid length is 6 to 15 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing product origin country code for product number {0}, Invalid or missing net cost code for product number {0}. Emergency Phone Number contains an invalid entry. Invalid InternationalForms/UPSFiled/POA/Code. Createthe label with the updated Warehouse information. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Dangerous Goods shipments with ADR RegulationSet. Invalid InternationalForms/Contacts/UltimateConsignee/Address/CountryCode. Confirmation Type for Mail Innovations USPS Delivery Confirmation is invalid. Missing or Invalid Mail Innovations Cost Center. Shipper PhoneNumber must be at least 10 alphanumeric characters, Shipper phone extension must contain only numbers, Shipper phone extension is allowed only if the shipper is located in US, Puerto Rico or Canada. The maximum per pallet weight for the selected service from the selected origin is ({0}) pounds. Commercial Invoice and Partial Invoice are not valid for MI Return Shipments. Valid values are 67, 68, 70. Valid length is 3 alphanumeric. Updated January 13, 2023 Article Contents: ShipStation is a certified UPS Ready application that allows you to get rates and create domestic and international shipping labels using your negotiated UPS shipping rates. The tariff number associated with the content in the CN22 form is invalid.