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The only pitfall here is that it can sometimes turn into a heavy responsibility or a burden. Venus Conjunct / Trine / Sextile Venus 3. The North Node indicates Tae's destiny and the people/places/things which will feel the most fulfilling to him. Its extremely accurate and insightful. Your soulmate is as much a coach as they are a lover. they stabilize each other; the aries narrows the libras middle ground perspective to become more focused and concrete, and the libra helps the aries to remember that there is a middle ground at all. Someone who will fight for you and will be your partner in crime. I got virgo sun/ pisces . I just checked and we have it prominently in the synastry with the two men in my life. 4 Sensitive Cancer meets their soulmate between 15 and 20. venus: capricorn. Things to look for when thinking of soulmates in chart analysis: South Node Connections - especially conjunctions to objects like Moon or Juno. A lot of Leo placements indicates an exuberant person who likes to express with any kind of artistic techniques, they are naturally talented in acting, modeling or performing. I really liked your astrology posts. Soulmates have the same mission and probably the same starseed. A free spirit with a dominant air chart- you attempt to label him he will go cold. You have your own private universe together and its the most magical place on Earth. If a soulmate to you is a best friend, then look for someone with whom you can form a grand trine. leos possess a natural ability to make people love them and understand them, perhaps because they are relatively traditional. Pisces in 8th house: fears related to chaotic situations, deep emotions, love, explore your dreams, explore your spiritual side, losing yourself. They are masters of service and duty, so what better song to represent them than one about taking care of others? when the libra individual is kind, they do the right thing when it is available to them, but rarely go out of their ways. Entertaining and talkative, wants spotlight but knows how and when to share it with you. A tarot reading about your career! Theyre going to be independent, classy and extremely generous, this person is going to make you feel like every second spent with them is precious and valuable, youre going to be obsessed with them. There is a mutual understanding between you, and you have a lot in common. Your soul mate is beautiful and I dont mean that in a superficial sense. Taurus is the ultimate hedonist, and can therefore also be quite greedy. Note: Just theory ideas! This reading its insightful if you want to manifest something. Generous person with a big heart. The 8th house is all about fears, taboo, the dark side of the human mind and whats hidden. Juno in Virgo / 6th House - your partner is someone who justknows. Juno in the 2nd House: My material gain and comfort. A partner who only cares about the surface of things, who is too afraid to embrace their most vulnerable feelings, will leave you feeling isolated and alone. A lot of Taurus placements indicates a person who loves to create, I noticed that these people likes to sketch and dont care so much if their art is perfect or not, they like to experiment with artistic techniques and try new ways to express their creative instincts. Hi beautiful souls! These individuals would likely feel an incredible affinity for each other and get along with astonishing ease. Its extremely insightful and accurate! Pluto in 5th house: heal your relationship with your inner child or surround yourself with children, give yourself the opportunity to act like a kid again, work on being spontaneous and less shy, express yourself through art and theater. These one-of-a-lifetime encounters can mean a turning point . Soulmate Astrology. taurus is all about stability; how can they maintain the things they love? Someone who is caring and can help you to open up and express yourself better. @soulmateastrology-blog / She wrote a monthly column for the Atlanta Astrological Society and shares her insights in Daily Astro Inspirations. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. You are free to do and decide whatever you want. You must recharge your crystal once a week, I always suggest to recharge your crystals with the Sun light instead of the Moon light (Sun energy is warm, dynamic, bold, positive and it radiates confidence, I noticed that it adds a strong boost to crystals). The sun and moon naturally complement one another; they are meant to be together. the scorpio gives the taurus an eye into the world of darkness, a place that taurus normally wouldnt dare to set foot, just as taurus helps scorpio see the good in the world. Someone who is witty and smart and also possess high emotional intelligence. This person is going to need some time to open up, they doesnt like to jump in a relationship fast, theyre going to make things slow. And sporting events are the perfect place to tap . Strong, independent mind with lot of And yes this includes information on your soul mate too! Try them for a few months and then buy your tarot deck if the experience with oracles was positive! There are four angles in astrology: the ascendant, the descendant, the IC, and the Midheaven. An active 5th (Leo) / 7th (Libra) or 12th (Pisces) house. They may be not showing their interest in having someone, at least not outwardly, they may despise the idea of marriage. They are all well-tuned to the workings of the world, and this group is definitely filled with charmers. pluto: sagittarius. THIRD SIGN YOU SEE IS THEIR RISING. Sagittarius / 9th House: a philosophical, adventurous, and jovial partner who may be freedom-loving, rebellious, and blunt. It delves into the realm of soulmates. Scorpio continues to get a bad rap, because they have within them an intensity that some of the other signs just don't understand well, except for . Everything will turn out fine. They are still too young, but there is something attractive and romantic in their very youth. 2 Taurus meets their soulmate between 16 and 18. Most individuals believe that soulmate love is a blissful and perfect love that lasts a lifetime. The Justice (XI) : Its a card about equality and fairness. They have a strong sense of balance, otherwise they could be a bit detached from their emotions. Honourable mention to Libra as well. Theyre going to be quite private and introverted, they dont like to talk about themselves and overshare. LEARN MORE ABOUT READINGS. The sun conjunct the moon or Venus in another person's horoscope is a possible indicator of a soulmate connection. Pluto in the 12th house: you need to explore with your spiritual side, work on your internal dialog, try to sleep well, analyze your dreams and trust your intuition, your spiritual gift will guide you through the healing process. This may be true. Cancer has deep emotions, and theyre not afraid to hide it. Juno MOST of the time is about your romantic partnerships but it can refer to your other platonic relationships with people like friends or family members) Juno in Aries / 1st House - your partner is someone who is confident and strong. In my personal experience, I have known just one couple that made me think,Wow, those two are truly made for each other, and they just so happened to be a Cancer/Capricorn pair. They will possess Virgo, Mercury, or 6th House influences. However, the third trio is united by how it chooses to present itself to society. Gemini is compatible with several signs, including Aries, Leo, Capricorn Compatibility and Best Matches for Love, The best match for Capricorn needs to understand that this sign sees life as a slow, sure-footed climb to the top of a mountain and that this is also the way a Capricorn approaches relationships wi, How to Attract a Sagittarius Man: 12 Keys to His Heart. It's always nice to see some positive Saturn aspects in a marriage chart, since this bodes well for a long-term commitment. It could also mean that youre not allowed to receive the answer for your question (I noticed that if this card come out frequently during your readings its signal to stop doing tarot for a while and to recharge your energy). It reminds that you should trust your emotions and follow them. Venus connections primarily relate to passion, physical love, and mutual appreciation for pleasure. The thing about Cancer is that they seem very dramatic, crying all of the time and making a big deal out of everything, but theyre not acting differently from the way that they truly feel. It could be referred to an important gift, a resolution to a problem or a dream that came true. You will know when you meet them because your entire life will change. Its connected with abundance and being wise. Taurus/Cancer/Leo/Libra/Pisces on the cousp of the 2h / 6th / 10th house: these houses are connected with money/work/career, artistic signs on the cousps could be associated to an artistic career. This exhilarating Jupiter transit truly epitomizes the meaning of adventure, as it will propel each and every one of us . You admire their courage and tenacity. My 131313 conjunct his Sun/ oppose Venus. virgo may act tough and dish out criticism like they have a quota to meet, but pisces treats them nevertheless with the kindness and unconditional love that others rarely extend to the seemingly emotionless virgo, but that the virgo needs. virgo and pisces: the teardrop and the waterfall. All rights reserved 20152023 astrology, Your soulmate based on your Juno sign/Venus sign. virgo is the rock, sitting somewhere in the ocean pisces spends their life swimming, when at once a wave comes and sends pisces crashing into it. There are key soulmate aspects in synastry that can denote possible astrological soulmates. Juno in Gemini / 3rd House - your partner is someone who can understand you. Astrology possesses a couple of benefits over and above the expert sages and the analysts of the human race, they are known as Synastry, as well as Venus, the Love Goddess. Theyre going to move mountains juts to be helpful toward you, theyre going to be very giving. Youll know important informations about your relationships and your love life. Juno in Taurus / 2nd House - your partner is someone who is sensual and protective. Cancer / 4th House: a nurturing, emotional, and compassionate partner who may be clingy, home-bodied, and domestic. Scorpio: Beyond Love. they walk about the world like theyre in a dream, oblivious to the injustices that normally tug at their tender heart strings. Slow and steady is the way to go when dating a Capricorn man. When your Venus is conjunct, trine, or sextile your lover's Mars or the other way around, it's a potent aphrodisiac that can spark almost instant soulmate attraction. its usually a positive card and its energys able to protect you from the energy of negative cards. Your soulmate is family-oriented, tender, and caring. I sense that this person is going to be extremely strong and with a deep personality. The art, and science, related to loving relationship investigation within Astrology is labelled Synastry. Partner is someone honest, fiery and independent. Harmonious aspects between the suns in two birth charts are an indicator of compatibility. In a negative scenario it could be referred to a manipulative person with bad intentions. It can surely help you out with a lot of things. Its related to spring/summer and announces that youre going to see the product of your work in a while, changes will not be noticeable immediately. All rights reserved. TAROT DECK: I suggest you to buy the original Rider Waite deck, PLEASE dont buy an artistic/not original deck as your first deck, memorizing cards meaning is WAY EASIER with the original Rider Waite deck, its also cheaper than artistic or personalized deck. It announces an obstacle in a situation or that someones not being honest to you. Venus is the Goddess of Love. there is nothing more glorious than a pisces in love. The Death (XIII) : This cards about the natural end of a cycle, radical changes, moving on and ending in general. Capricorn: Astronaut. I've noticed that quite a few couples who are very happy like to describe themselves as "soul mates" and usually "feel" as if they known their mate all their lives, and/or that their chance encounter in this life is more like a deja vu. Leo is aggressive and fierce. Cancer 8th house: fears related to your roots, your family, expressing your emotions, being vulnerable. Juno in Sagittarius / 9th House - your partner is someone with a strong spirit and need for diversity. Because people can always choose another soulmate over a soulmate (or twinflame). The Lovers (VI) : This cards all about duality, choices and relationships. It is the naked character, the true being and definitely not the disguise that they normally don for the remainder of the planet. Gemini 8th house: fears related to communication, expressing your opinion, being chatty, being superficial, not feeling smart enough. Together, they are the most mature and understanding of the signs. Aries: Sparks. Im going to tell you few things about your soulmate! Aries' feisty nature applies just as much to the quest for love as it does other aspects of life. These individuals would likely feel an incredible affinity for each other and get along with astonishing ease. Theyre going to be loyal, honest (sometimes brutally honest) and trustworthy. Draconic astrology is derived from the True Nodes of the . They appreciate their privacy, and no matter how well one may think they know them, they always keep a bit of their character to themselves. Passionate but can be detached. Partner is generous but they are not lavish. The Tower (XVI) : Its about destruction, surprises, shocking events. Instead, your soulmate will make you feel like youre on a magic carpet ride. Mars Conjunct / Trine / Sextile / Opposite Mars 4. The public, his fans, think they know him . It suggests you that your problems will be solved in the right way, you just have to trust the universe and allow the divine energy to guide you. Then scroll down, and you'll also find free astrological synastry interpretations. The position of Pluto in a specific house of your birth chart suggests how you can heal your traumas. FREE Cosmic Birth Chart. They will possess Aquarius, Uranus, or 11th House influences. they share the same mars-venus push and pull of aries and libra, but perhaps to a greater scale on the part of scorpio and a smaller scale on the part of taurus. aries is so rooted in their own interests and beliefs that they possess the ability to be either the ultimate good or the ultimate evil. Libra / 7th House: a loving, affectionate, and harmonic partner who may be clingy, passive, and superficial. If someone's planets are conjunct your ascendant, there is a strong attraction between you. Ill tell you all you need to know about your personal placements (Sun, Moon, ASC, Mercury, Venus, Mars). taurus is at home in what is considered beautiful and natural, and when they learn to bring their scorpio, who lurks in the shadows, out into the light, they receive the loyalty that theyve always wanted and given in return. Theyll provide you with grounding energy so that you never have to worry where you stand. A horoscope matching is the ideal personalized tool to find out if you have a match made in heaven. . aquarius and leo: the foreign language and the mother tongue. / University hiatus. They show you beauty, they care about beauty, and fill you with it every day. Ill tell you in details whay kind of experiences are you attracting right now. Someone who is sociable and knows how to act in the company of people. They also have a researched taste in art and music. Chances are, you'll be more compatible with them than any of the other zodiac signs out there. Juno in Libra / 7th House - someone who is strong and intuitive. Juno in Cancer / 4th House - your partner is someone who is a go-getter. I'm going to HOW TO SPOT TRAUMAS AND FEARS IN A BIRTH CHART pt.1 , Astrology, tarot cards and spiritual services , HOW TO SPOT ARTISTIC ABILITIES / INTERESTS IN A BIRTH CHART . Its the right time for counseling or seeing a psychologist. Any Saturn aspect with personal planets, even a square with Mo. A lot of Libra placements indicates a person who is extremely talented in finding beauty everywhere they go, these people have an amazing sensibility and are able to find beautiful things even in unexpected places. Aries and Gemini are pretty clearly similar, but Taurus may initially seem out of place among them. It's karmic, spiritual and unconscious, pertaining to the soul and the soul's desire, linked to destiny, fate and soulmates. It suggests you to have faith, to act in a positive and optimistic way and to follow your instinct. Minor LOVE asteroid's synastry series # 1 Valentine (Sun,Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, ) What is Valentine? If youre looking for high quality astrology insights or tarot readings just feel free to contact me! The "planet" person is attracted to the "ascendant" person's outer persona and physical appearance. They will bring excitement into your life! Also telling are their Moon, Venus and Jupiter, and Saturn signs, but also planetary aspects involving them. and what about a virgo? Aquarius / 11th House: a unique, intelligent, and caring partner who may be rebellious, moody, and unpredictable. 3. ORACLE CARDS: If you want to learn how to read tarots I suggest you to start reading oracle cards before, theyre way easier to read and their meanings are always positive. My soulmate will become evident through Juno in the 1st House: Love at first sight, appearance. Someone who can be clingy. Essentially, some spiritual soulmates come into your life to help you grow in love and wisdom, while others are there to aid you in learning difficult life lessons. Each aspect is worth 1 point. This person is going to be patient, slow but determinate. They will possess Taurus, Venus, or 2nd House influences. The angles are a crucial part of the natal chart. A general reading about your future and what youre going to experience, Im going to consider every single area of your life, this reading will be 360 and in depth. Pluto can be a tricky planet, its connected to karmic lessons and can be challenging keeping on repeat the same lessons again and again until you change the game in a definitive way. This is someone who wants to build a nest with you and settle. They usually likes 60s-'70s-'80s-'90s music and have a vintage sense of style. Your soulmate is going to be quite impulsive, stubborn and passionate, this person is going to make "crazy things" just to make . However, I would have appreciated it if you would have let your astrology posts stay up. North and south nodes. It's also important to note that if two individuals were born during the same year and on the same date, they will have many connections in their synastry. Ill tell you everything you need to know about your question. If the Leo nature could be shrunk down to one word, inversely, that word would bebig. Even in the small things they do, they attract attention and exist with dignity. They may need a time to realise that they want from their partner and what kind of partner they want. A Scorpio's dark inner world is best blended with signs that help focus their energy and also enjoy solitude. Your soulmate will never fail to be a thunderstorm of devotion. The Devil (XV) : Its a card about obsession, secrets, negativity, manipulative behavior, gossips and bad energy in general. neptune: aquarius. Your Soulmate Based On Astrology *Check Juno (sign + house) and 7th House* Aries / 1st House: an assertive, protective, and energetic partner who may be impulsive and may experience skin and head related ailments. This is the reading for you! Virgo is defined by a certain ethereal quality. If an individuals partners placements conjunct the individuals sun-moon midpoint (and/or vice versa), there is likely to be a great deal of understanding between the two. The idea is to not geek out over one or two but wait till you see a whole lot of these indicators. Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? There is a strong pull. Its connected with Scorpio and associated with Pluto, the planet of regeneration and rebirth, it suggests that were all able to find the key for heal our traumas and win over our fears. Someone who is jealous, likes physical affection but also can keep a conversation going. More than one personal planet in one of these signs indicates an inclination towards artistic expression. Soulmate means different things to different people. Very romantic (sometimes even cheesy). Someone who value true intimacy. mars: taurus. Romantic but logical. Virgo / 6th House: a helpful, critical, and resourceful partner who may be a tense and practical perfectionist. Your soulmate is fiery, assertive, full of energy, and a self-starter. Stylish, Hollywood god. They're mature, knowledgable, and they know what they're doing. The Fool (0) : This card is all about cycles, it could be referred to a new beginning in your life, a feeling of joy and excitement. Someone sassy, smart and kind. wow im not dead!! It forces you to let go of something to make space for something better. A partner who prefers to remain in the shadows will make you feel unfulfilled. Also Read: 6 Zodiac Signs That Like To Party Hard. The Composite Chart. it is easy for the malleable libra to feel distanced from themselves, as they have made so much room for the opinions of others. Like The Magician it suggests that the right time to act is NOW and that you should put your needs first. In some cases it could mean that someone of your past is going to get back into your life. capricorn is a hunter, strong and devoted, but belonging in the end to a pack. A connection between planets and the South Node () indicates a past life connection and issues the couples must work out in this lifetime. Discover more posts about soulmate astrology. There is so much going on inside of them that its hard for them to land somewhere. A tarot reading about love and relationships! Sister sign relationships are perhaps the most challenging, but as challenging as they may be, they are also the most rewarding. 17 notes. The Magician (I) : This cards about YOU and your ability to excel in a specific aspect of life. Still, it's up to you to take advantage of them. In that case, there is often a strong attraction that pulls you together. Taureans, most likely, do not know whether their relationship will lead somewhere. They will possess Scorpio, Pluto, or 8th House influences. And this zodiac sign will find all of this only at 21 years. Similar to Sagittarius this is someone who can have a completely different background than you and can befriend anyone. together, they achieve things on a local and global scale. Juno in the 5th House: Creative expression. Libra is charming by being pleasant, Scorpio is magnetic, and Sagittarius is charismatic.

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