Allen named their partnership "Micro-Soft", a combination of "microcomputer" and "software", and their first office was in Albuquerque. Tvideo. The bill should cut the global greenhouse gas emissions in a level similar to "eliminating the annual planet-warming pollution of France and Germany combined" and may help to limit the warming of the planet to 1.5 degrees - the target of the Paris Agreement. He warned that it would cause "polarization" if users with different political views divide up among various social networks, and said: "I don't think banning somebody who actually did get a fair number of votes (in the presidential election) well less than a majority but I don't think having him off forever would be that good. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates opens up about his childhood, business career and passion for improving the lives of people in the developing world. Presuming to dictate the medical actions that will be required for the world, to go back to normal. We've raised our kids in a religious way; they've gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in. [151], The foundation is organized into five program areas: Global Development Division, Global Health Division, United States Division, and Global Policy & Advocacy Division. In 2004, he became a director of Berkshire Hathaway, the investment company headed by long-time friend Warren Buffett. Bill Gates - Life Story of Microsoft Founder Bill Gates - Documentary. I've been very lucky, and therefore I owe it to try and reduce the inequity in the world. Coverage of that proceeding brought out information about romantic pursuits of women who worked for him, a long-term extra-marital affair, and a friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. [50] In 1975, the MITS Altair 8800 was released based on the Intel 8080 CPU, and Gates and Allen saw the opportunity to start their own computer software company. Gates left Harvard after two years while Ballmer stayed and graduated magna cum laude. [52] He explained his decision to leave Harvard: "if things hadn't worked out, I could always go back to school. [51] Gates dropped out of Harvard that same year. PC Magazine asked if Gates was "the man behind the machine?". ! At first he was perceived as a brilliant but ruthless "robber baron", a "nerd-turned-tycoon". Uploaded by This documentary is truly an incredible deep dive into Bill Gates and what he is up to. "[232] Despite Gates's denials, the judge ruled that Microsoft had committed monopolization, tying and blocking competition, each in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. [205] This information and his response to the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in some deterioration of his public image, going from "a lovable nerd who was out to save the world" to "a tech supervillain who wants to protect profits over public health. Search the history of over 797 billion "[75], On June 15, 2006, Gates announced that he would transition out of his role at Microsoft to dedicate more time to philanthropy. Bill Gates' Web of Dark Money and Influence - Part 1: Philanthropic Narrative Shaping. [55] The company moved from Albuquerque to Bellevue, Washington on January 1, 1979. New Documentary on WHO Exposes Widespread Corruption, Massive Funding by Bill Gates "TrustWHO," a documentary film produced by Lilian Franck, reveals the clandestine influences including Bill Gates's role as No. He grew up in Seattle, Washington, with an amazing and supportive family who encouraged his interest in computers at an early age. web pages [21], Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955. Bill Gates is no public health expert, hes not a doctor, an epidemiologist or an infectious disease researcher. Microsoft became independent of MITS in late 1976, and it continued to develop programming language software for various systems. This is the first step of the CE Protocol and it outlines the idea that in order for us to . Be the first one to write a review. [240] Gates interrupted presentations with such comments as "that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard"[241] and "why don't you just give up your options and join the Peace Corps? [161][162][163], Gates has also provided personal donations to educational institutions. [293] He also appeared in a cameo role in 2019 on the series finale of Silicon Valley. [2][3] During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), president and chief software architect, while also being the largest individual shareholder until May 2014. Bill Gates, born in Seattle, Washington, in 1955, is an American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, and author. In 2010, a former staffer with a government health initiative in Ghana made a shocking claim: a project partially funded by the Gates Foundation had tested the contraceptive Depo-Provera on unsuspecting villagers in the remote region of Navrongo, as part of an illicit "population experiment."The woman making the charge was the Ghanian-born, U.S.-educated communications officer for another . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. [139][140], Gates is critical of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Being told, at some length, that he can read quickly and. Watch 28-year-old Bill Gates explain why he didn't see himself as a genius. [130] After he published his book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, parts of the climate activist community criticized Gate's approach as technological solutionism. WHO IS BILL GATES DOCUMENTARY 2021 ENGLISH SPOKEN, DUTCH SUBTITLES - (THE REAL BILLY WAS HUNG ON A TREE IN INDIA IN 2013 TOGETHER WITH HIS WIFE. William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, and writer. [58][59], IBM, the leading supplier of computer equipment to commercial enterprises at the time, approached Microsoft in July 1980 concerning software for its upcoming personal computer, the IBM PC,[60] after Bill Gates's mother, Mary Maxwell Gates, mentioned Microsoft to John Opel, IBM's CEO. Meet Bill Gates - Documentary Natural Health Community Meet Bill Gates Bill Gates Plans To Depopulate With Vaccines Bill Gates : Reducing Population Growth Among Vaccine Benefits (Cut) Bill Gates Explains What Can Kill Over 10 Million "EXCESS" People What Did He Just Say? He is the founder and chairman of several companies, including BEN, Cascade Investment, TerraPower, bgC3, and Breakthrough Energy. 2. The sales of MS-DOS (the version of DOS sold to customers other than IBM) made Microsoft a major player in the industry. His choice of things to take on a desert island were, for music: "Blue Skies" by Willie Nelson; a book: The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker; and luxury item: a DVD Collection of Lectures from The Teaching Company.[292]. [133] He thanked both Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer for their efforts in a guest essay in The New York Times, where he said "Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 may be the single most important piece of climate legislation in American history" given its potential to spur development of new technologies.[134]. /r/IAmA", "Baidu CEO Robin Li interviews Bill Gates and Elon Musk at the Boao Forum, March 29, 2015", "Saudi Crown Prince and Bill Gates review joint development projects", "Prince Mohammed books out hotel to dine with Murdoch", "Bill Gates reveals his 'greatest mistake' that potentially cost Microsoft $400 billion", "Gates Foundation Commits $100 Million to Speeding Up Coronavirus Treatments and Response", "Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci talk regularly here's what they're discussing now", "This is What Bill Gates's Portfolio Looks Like", "Bill Gates Cuts His Stake in AutoNation Stock", "Bill Gates Has Started a New Company, bgC3", "Bill Gates now biggest CN shareholder (CA;CNR)", "Cascade Investment (Bill and Melinda Gates Investments (BMGI)) - Family Office, United States - SWFI", "Bill Gates: America's Top Farmland Owner | The Land Report", "Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States. Also, his sisters share their childhood memories. Full documentary produced by the channel The Corbett Report showing the real intentions of eugenics behind the philanthropist actions of the multi billionair. [89] That same year, Gates became an advisory board member of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum. [62] IBM's discussions with Digital Research went poorly, however, and they did not reach a licensing agreement. The criticism came due to the possibility of this preventing poorer nations from obtaining adequate vaccines. In the interview, Gates provided his perspective on climate change, his charitable activities, various tech companies and people involved in them, and the state of America. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. He wrote, "I believe we can make this transition faster, both because the pace of innovation is accelerating, and because we have never had such an urgent reason to move from one source of energy to another. 2 Favorites. [3] He is the son of William H. Gates Sr.[b] (19252020) and Mary Maxwell Gates (19291994). The transformation of Bill Gates from computer . Windows XP, released one year after Gates stepped down as Microsoft CEO, was the first to not be based on DOS. Computer whiz kid. Bill Gates praised India's progress in various fields, said this while praising PM Modi. 2:14. Who is Phoebe Gates' new boyfriend? [41] He scored 1590 out of 1600 on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) and enrolled at Harvard College in the autumn of 1973. Now that we are presented with the very problem that Bill Gates has been talking about for years. [168][169] In early 2015, he also appeared with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show and challenged him to see if he could taste the difference between this reclaimed water or bottled water. Luminous Computing, a company that develops, Mologic, British diagnostic technology company that Gates purchased, along with the, Gates has received honorary doctorates from, In 2002, Bill and Melinda Gates received the, He was given the 2006 James C. Morgan Global Humanitarian Award from, In 2015, Gates and his wife Melinda received the, In 2021, Gates was nominated at the 11th annual, 1983: Steve Jobs hosts Gates and others in the "Macintosh dating game" at the. [246], A 2019 New York Times article reported that Gates's relationship with financier Jeffrey Epstein started in 2011, just a few years after Epstein's conviction for procuring a child for prostitution, and continued for some years, including a visit to Epstein's house with Melinda in the fall of 2013, despite her declared discomfort. In 1999, Gates donated $20million to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the construction of a computer laboratory named the "William H. Gates Building" that was designed by architect Frank Gehry. Rather than using the system remotely via Teletype, Gates went to CCC's offices and studied source code for various programs that ran on the system, including Fortran, Lisp, and machine language. Anthony Fauci has become the face of the US Corona response, echoing Bill Gatess assertion that the country will not get back to normal, until a good vaccine can be found to ensure the publics safety. In the first few months of 2020, business tycoon and billionaire Bill Gates saw his popularity soar through the roof. Follow 4.24K. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. A reader recently asked for a playlist of Corbett Report documentaries, so in the interest of putting everything in one place, here are all of the major documentary productions in one spot. This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 17:24. Now we have to focus on Gates shadier friends that you talked about who assisted that Rockefeller University meeting and their psychopathic eugenics plans for us all. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. ITEM . winds hits Seattle and Juanita on September 28, 1962", "Bill Gates | American computer programmer, businessman, and philanthropist", "National Merit Scholarship Corporation Scholars You May Know", "Timeline: Bill Gates: 1973; from google (bill gates major in harvard) result 3", "The No. [55] Gates never returned to Harvard to complete his studies. [190] In 1998, he reportedly paid $30 million for the original 1885 maritime painting Lost on the Grand Banks, at the time a record price for an American painting. While Microsoft had previously given financial support to the institution, this was the first personal donation received from Gates. [4] He was a major entrepreneur of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s. His. That's what Gates says in the upcoming three-part Netflix documentary "Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates." With the documentary, which drops Sept. 20, director and executive. [186][187] His days are planned for him on a minute-by-minute basis, similarly to the U.S. president's schedule. "[213], In 1999, his wealth briefly surpassed US$101billion. Benevolent philanthropist. Wyoming Senator John Barrasso also said that it could boost the state's once-active uranium mining industry. Part Four: Meet Bill Gates. Bill Gates attends the Telluride Film Festival 2019 on August 31, 2019 in . [157], Gates delivered his thoughts in a fireside chat moderated by journalist and news anchor Shereen Bhan virtually at the Singapore FinTech Festival on December 8, 2020, on the topic, "Building Infrastructure for Resilience: What the COVID-19 Response Can Teach Us About How to Scale Financial Inclusion". (Or any other language, for that matter?) He has given sizable amounts of money to various charitable organizations and scientific research programs through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, reported to be the world's largest private charity. on January 12, 2021, For more Documentaries like this check out James Corbetts Channel on Youtube,, There are no reviews yet. Search the history of over 797 billion At the bottom of the above mentioned webpage, you will see links to the comment sections of each part. By Dr. Joseph Mercola 90 Link copied Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed, CLICK HERE for audio/video downloads and hyperlinked transcript, Watch this video on BitChute / LBRY / / YouTube, Just in time for #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action, The Corbett Report is releasing the full Who Is Bill Gates? [199] On May 3, 2021, the Gateses announced they had decided to divorce after 27 years of marriage and 34 years as a couple. Who Is Bill Gates? Thats the stupidest fucking thing Ive ever heard" meant that Gates was amazed. September 20, 2019, 7:06 AM PDT. He argued with examiner David Boies over the contextual meaning of words such as "compete", "concerned", and "we". Bill Gates: The 2021 60 Minutes interview 60 Minutes The Dark Secret of Bill Gates | Becoming the World's Richest Man | Dhruv Rathee Dhruv Rathee Bill Gates at the WIRED Conference. Perpustakaan. Excellent. [179] The following year, Gates and Federer returned to play in the Match for Africa 5 on March 5, 2018, at San Jose's SAP Center. As of January2014[update], most of Gates's assets are held in Cascade Investment LLC, an entity through which he owns stakes in numerous businesses, including Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, and Corbis Corp.[78] On February 4, 2014, Gates stepped down as chairman of Microsoft to become "technology advisor" at the firm, alongside CEO Satya Nadella. [232], Gates had primary responsibility for Microsoft's product strategy from the company's founding from 1975 until 2006. "In the lore of Microsoft, if Bill says that to you, youre made". Criticisms included the interconnectivity of the non-profits with Gates, as well as his personal lack of formal credentials in medicine. In October 2019, just before the pandemic began, Gates gave a 100 million contribution to the National Institute of Health and staged an exercise called Event 201, handling a global Coronavirus pandemic. [15] Gates was number one on the Forbes 400 list from 1993 through to 2007, 2009, and 2014 through 2017.[228][229]. Who Is Bill Gates? Who Is Billy Boy?, Documentary, 2020, bill gates, Swedish Government Grants $175,000 to Fund Drag Queen Shows for Children May 4, 2021, 3:15 AM. Their opponents were Jack Sock, one of the top American players and a grand slam winner in doubles, and Savannah Guthrie, a co-anchor for NBC's Today show. He is not a doctor, an epidemiologist or an infectious disease researcher. Caravan to Midnight:, AL Whitney | In Defense of Humanity: The game was written by Gates and Neil Konzen. The way Franck frames it is that Gates is the primary contributor to the World Health Organization (WHO), the "public health" arm . In the first few months of 2020, business tycoon and billionaire Bill Gates saw his popularity soar through the roof. Hi, James, one question here: Have you considered translating your work into Spanish? Here are the biggest reveals. [147][148], Gates has credited the generosity and extensive philanthropy of David Rockefeller as a major influence. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. (Full Documentary, 2020) Embed. Gates then turned to Allen who helped him finish the system for Lakeside. Gates is the top private owner of farmland in the United States with landholdings owned via Cascade Investment totalling 242,000 acres across 19 states. It became the world's largest personal computer software company. Thanks so much for such an excellent video. [56] This letter was unpopular with many computer hobbyists, but Gates persisted in his belief that software developers should be able to demand payment. [127] Gates has also urged rich nations to shift to 100% synthetic beef industries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from food production. [91][207] In September 2022, Politico published an expose' critical of NGO leadership at the helm of the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic response, written in cooperation with the German newspaper Welt. [189], Gates purchased the Codex Leicester, a collection of scientific writings by Leonardo da Vinci, for US$30.8million at an auction in 1994. It is very one-sided for documentary. comment. He wrote his first computer program on this machine, an implementation of tic-tac-toe that allowed users to play games against the computer. It was mercenary opportunism plain and simple". Indeed, Gates was infamous for his incessant drive, which the 63-year old centi-billionaire says was critical to his . All together Bill Gates has merely used his wealth from dominating the software market, to achieve a similar position in the market of global health. A few decades after that though the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern. web pages [47][48] His solution was formalized and published in collaboration with Harvard computer scientist Christos Papadimitriou. Fire Your Doctor! It tells us that Gates is deceiving the public into supporting his takeover of the world with a false front of philanthropy. He is not a doctor, an epidemiologist or an infectious disease researcher. Directed by Davis Guggenheim, the three-part Netflix documentary details Bill Gates' attempts to change the world through new technological innovations, with the primary focuses being global health, polio eradication, and safe/economic nuclear power. The event was in support of the Roger Federer Foundation's charity efforts in Africa. Now science has filled in some of the realm not all that religion used to fill. [250], Gates was the guest on BBC Radio 4's Desert Island Discs on January 31, 2016, in which he talked about his relationships with his father and Steve Jobs, meeting Melinda Ann French, the start of Microsoft and some of his habits (for example reading The Economist "from cover to cover every week"). [238][239] Gates saw competition in personal terms; when Borland's Turbo Pascal performed better than Microsoft's own tools, he yelled at programming director Greg Whitten "for half an hour" because, Gates believed, Borland's Philippe Kahn had surpassed Gates. [81][82][83][84], In an interview that was held at the TED conference in March 2015, with Baidu's CEO, Robin Li, Gates said he would "highly recommend" Nick Bostrom's recent work, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies. Part 1 52m Bill Gates speaks about his life-or-death mission to get better sanitation to the developing world. [8] During the late 1990s, he was criticized for his business tactics, which have been considered anti-competitive. ), but these 3 short videos, which have been very-well produced, come with . But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates' rise as unelected global health czar . [57], DONKEY.BAS, is a computer game written in 1981 and included with early versions of the PC DOS operating system distributed with the original IBM PC. [63] Microsoft made a deal with SCP to be the exclusive licensing agent of 86-DOS, and later the full owner. ', "40 billionaires pledge to give away half of wealth", "A Rich Gift: Homemade Jelly for Bill and Melinda Gates", "Our Campus Teaching, research, and administrative spaces", "BBC news article "Bill Gates drinks water distilled from human faeces", "From poop to portable, This Ingenious Machine Turns Feces into Drinking Water", "Bill Gates makes $100 million personal investment to fight Alzheimer's", "Briefly Noted < Excellence in Philanthropy", "Bill Gates follows Thalapathy Vijay's unique way to help Kerala flood victims Tamil Movie News", "Bill Gates Is Giving Away Free Copies of One of the Most Important Books He's Read to All College Graduates -- Here's How to Get Yours", "Every College and University Student Around the World Can Now Receive a Free Digital Copy of Bill Gates' Book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster", "Why Bill Gates gave away 4 million copies of this book to future leaders", "Are Bill and Melinda Gates Giving Away Free College Textbooks? I didn't have any business relationship or friendship with him". [247], It was reported that Epstein and Gates "discussed the Gates Foundation and philanthropy". I mean, you know, we ask you to wear pants, and no American says, or very few Americans say, that that's, like, some terrible thing. "Remarks of Bill Gates, Harvard Commencement 2007". [202] The divorce was finalized on August 2, 2021. Why Bill Gates switched from Microsoft to Vaccines is a hard hitting documentary on the untold history of the tech mogul. [65], The contract itself only earned Microsoft a relatively small fee. By the age of 31, he became a billionaire following the release of the first version of Windows in 1985. [22] His ancestry includes English, German, and Irish/Scots-Irish. IBM's representatives also mentioned that they needed an operating system, and Gates referred them to Digital Research (DRI), makers of the widely used CP/M operating system. Instead of handing out dimes, Gates found an even simpler tactic buying good publicity by investing in media partnerships sponsoring the coverage of his program area, like funding the BBCs coverage of global health and development issues, the Guardians global development website, NPR global healths coverage, the Our World and Data website on the Coronavirus pandemic, world health coverage on ABC News,. [234], In the early 1980s, while business partner Paul Allen was undergoing treatments for cancer, Gates according to Allen conspired to reduce Allen's share in Microsoft by issuing himself stock options. Gates read the January 1975 issue of Popular Electronics which demonstrated the Altair 8800, and he contacted Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) to inform them that he and others were working on a BASIC interpreter for the platform. Bill Gates is no public health expert. documentary in a single upload. Bill Gates is a technologist, business leader, and philanthropist. The documentary starts with a long suppressed 90s case of Bill Gates bribing to sabotage his rivals and to impose his policy on sovereign nations., RBN | Republic Broadcasting Network: (Full Documentary, 2020),, Cops Canceled, New START, Fluoride Trial - New World Next Week, mRNA Vaccines for Livestock? [216][217] Slim retook the position again in June 2014[218][219] (but then lost the top position back to Gates). Jennifer Gates the eldest daughter of billionaire Bill Gates and his ex wife Melinda French Gates married Olympic equestrian Nayel Nassar at their farm in . [180], Gates is an avid reader,[184] and the ceiling of his large home library is engraved with a quotation from The Great Gatsby. [38] In 1972, he served as a congressional page in the House of Representatives. "Machine That Changed The World, The; Interview with Bill Gates, 1990 (raw video)", "Bill Gates Goes to Sundance, Offers an Education", "In 1983, Steve Jobs Hosted Apple's Version Of 'The Dating Game' And Bill Gates Was A Contestant", "BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs, Bill Gates", "Bill Gates to guest star on geeky 'The Big Bang Theory', "The Billionaires Who Made Our World: Bill Gates", "83 Reasons Why Bill Gates's Reign Is Over", "The Meaning of Bill Gates: As his reign at Microsoft comes to an end, so does the era he dominated", Watch the 'Who is Bill Gates?' Documentary Below: Watch on BitChute / LBRY / or Download video / Download audio The documentary is broken down into the following main topics: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health Watch / Transcript / Download / Comments BILL GATES: Hello. [55] They dropped the hyphen within a year and officially registered the trade name "Microsoft" with the Secretary of the State of New Mexico on November 26, 1976. Tonton dalam layar penuh. His parents were supportive of him after seeing how much he wanted to start his own company. Many people have suspected that Bill Gates' obsession with population control is driven by a eugenicist ideology - and that worse, his obsession with vaccines intersects with this eugenicist ideology. [123] Another initiative was Breakthrough Energy, a group of investors who agreed to fund high-risk startups in clean energy technologies. [145][146] Gates, through his foundation, also donated $20million to Carnegie Mellon University for a new building to be named Gates Center for Computer Science which opened in 2009. Bill Gates' daughter gets cozy with mystery man on . Gates has the entire medical industry panting after his loopy ideology. [164], The Maxwell Dworkin Laboratory of the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is named after the mothers of both Gates and Microsoft President Steven A. Ballmer, both of whom were students (Ballmer was a member of the school's graduating class of 1977, while Gates left his studies for Microsoft), and donated funds for the laboratory's construction. Show notes:. Sign up today! [12], Since 1987, Gates has been included in the Forbes list of the world's wealthiest people.
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