The Enigmatic Pop Culture Professional. Cause of Death. . Ben Gabbe/Getty. [122] His first film back at Paramount, The Sign of the Cross, was also his first success since leaving Paramount besides The King of Kings. Additionally, DeMille's epics such as The Crusades influenced Sergei Eisenstein's Alexander Nevsky. Date of Death: January 21, 1959. The school closed, and Beatrice filed for bankruptcy. After more than thirty years in film production, DeMille reached a pinnacle in his career with Samson and Delilah (1949), a biblical epic which became the highest-grossing film of 1950. [301][302], Cecil B. DeMille received many awards and honors, especially later in his career. [10] At the military college, even though his grades were average, he reportedly excelled in personal conduct. [207] Costume designer Dorothy Jeakins, who worked with DeMille on The Ten Commandments (1956), said that he was skilled in humiliating people. [39] DeMille wrote a few of his own plays in-between stage performances, but his playwriting was not as successful. [15] The two were married on July 1, 1876, despite Beatrice's parents' objections because of the young couple's differing religions; Beatrice converted to Episcopalianism. In addition to winning the Oscar for Best Actor for his role in Lilies of the Field, Sidney also received a BAFTA award for The Defiant Ones, a Golden Globe for Lilies of the Field, and the Cecil B. DeMille Award, among other awards and nominations. Red carpet photos. The October 2002 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine saluted Paramount's ninetieth Anniversary by writing: "Somewhere Cecil B. DeMille is smiling.". Cecil Blount DeMille (August 12, 1881 - January 21, 1959) was an American film director and Academy Award-winning film producer in both silent and sound films. [28] This was the first of few film collaborations with his brother William. [89] DeMille was maintained as director-general and Goldwyn became chairman of the board. [62] When William found out that DeMille had begun working in the motion picture industry, he wrote DeMille a letter, disappointed that he was willing "to throw away [his] future" when he was "born and raised in the finest traditions of the theater". [41] However, none of these were very successful; William deMille was most successful when he worked alone. Instead of portraying the danger and anarchy of the West, he portrayed the opportunity and redemption found in Western America. DeMille's return was approved by Zukor under the condition that DeMille not exceed his production budget of $650,000 for The Sign of the Cross. [255] Consequently, the name "DeMille" has become synonymous with filmmaking. is the 10th plague, in which the Angel of Death is imagined as a thick . [72] He made his first film run sixty minutes, as long as a short play. [156] DeMille did not have an exact budget proposal for the project,[158] and it promised to be the most costly in U.S. film history. [276] Famed director Steven Spielberg stated that DeMille's The Greatest Show on Earth was one of the films that influenced him to become a filmmaker. Consequently, he formed the DeMille Foundation for Political Freedom in order to campaign for the right to work. [111], The immense popularity of DeMille's silent films enabled him to branch out into other areas. The Captive (1915) $500 /week. This allowed for the rapid production of his films in the early years of the Lasky Company. The United States Supreme Court declined to review his case. Birthplace: Ashfield, MA Location of death: Hollywood, CA Cause of death: Heart Failure Remains: Bu. He worked with visual technicians, editors, art directors, costume designers, cinematographers, and set carpenters in order to perfect the visual aspects of his films. His first several films were westerns and he produced a chain of westerns during the sound era. [134] William Keighley was his replacement. December 26, 2014 at 3:45 p.m. As the keeper of her grandfather Cecil B. DeMille's legacy, Cecilia de Mille Presley is used to fielding calls from people who want to ask her questions, recruit . [62] They offered Farnum a choice to have a quarter stock in the company (similar to William deMille) or $250 per week as salary. However, Birchard acknowledged that Sarris's point was more likely that DeMille's style was behind the development of film as an art form. DeMille did not believe a large movie set was the place to discuss minor character or line issues. [316] DeMille's Union Pacific received a Palme d'Or in retrospect at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival. Beatrice DeMille's family was not in attendance, and Simon Louvish suggests that this was to conceal DeMille's partial Jewish heritage. [143] [note 9] In 1938, DeMille supervised the compilation of film Land of Liberty to represent the contribution of the American film industry to the 1939 New York World's Fair. [26] The aim of the school was to teach young women to properly understand and fulfill the women's duty to herself, her home, and her country. Epic. [86] A large collection of DeMille's materials including scripts, storyboards, and films resides at Brigham Young University in L. Tom Perry Special Collections. [63] The Lasky Company wanted to attract high-class audiences to their films so they began producing films from literary works. [121], In 1932, DeMille returned to Paramount at the request of Lasky, bringing with him his own production unit. [23][note 2] DeMille's parents operated a private school in town and attended Christ Episcopal Church. Occupations. Recommended For You. The original story Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is about two teenagers, Romeo and Juliet, who fall in love and their families' feud ends with death of Romeo and Juliet. [9] DeMille's father was also an English teacher at Columbia College (now Columbia University). [44], DeMille performed on stage with actors whom he would later direct in films: Charlotte Walker, Mary Pickford, and Pedro de Cordoba. DeMille recalled that this church was the place where he visualized the story of his 1923 version of The Ten Commandments.[25]. Robert Birchard wrote that one could argue auteurship of DeMille on the basis that DeMille's thematic and visual style remained consistent throughout his career. [130] He resigned from the Lux Radio Show because he refused to pay a dollar to the American Federation of Radio Artists (AFRA) because he did not believe that any organization had the right to "levy a compulsory assessment upon any member. An annual award, the Golden Globe's Cecil B. DeMille Award recognizes lifetime achievement in the film industry. According to director of photography Janusz Kaminski, Steven Spielberg's earliest home movies still exist, and were consulted for the scene in "The Fabelmans" in which young Sammy Fabelman recreates a train crash scene from Cecil B. DeMille's 1952 film "The Greatest Show on Earth." "We've watched them before, but they are a little too primitive [] [255] Andrew Sarris, a leading proponent of the auteur theory, ranked DeMille highly as an auteur in the "Far Side of Paradise", just below the "Pantheon". [244] Another minor characteristic of DeMille's films include train crashes which can be found in several of his films. His overriding spirit . [55][56] However, changes in the theater rendered DeMille's melodramas obsolete before they were produced, and true theatrical success eluded him. Host Scott . He is acknowledged as a founding father of the American cinema and the most commercially successful producer-director in film history. Its interracial love story made it commercially successful and it first publicized Hollywood as the home of the U.S. film industry. [60] In addition to directing, DeMille was the supervisor and consultant for the first year of films made by the Lasky Feature Play Company. His father, Henry Churchill de Mille (1853-1893), was a North Carolina-born dramatist and lay reader in the Episcopal Church, who had earlier . "A dreadful showoff. [129] DeMille also liked Franklin D. Roosevelt, however, finding him charismatic, tenacious, and intelligent and agreeing with Roosevelt's abhorrence of Prohibition. Self - The Real FBI Story (2017) . Cecil B DeMille announced that his next production would be his biggest and most ambitious to date. "[156], Alfred Zukor responding to DeMille's proposal of The Ten Commandments remake, In 1952, DeMille sought approval for a lavish remake of his 1923 silent film The Ten Commandments. Despite the urging of his associate producer, DeMille wanted to return to the set right away. 21 January 1959. This was, according to DeMille, the lowest point of his career. The other three children were surprised by this, as DeMille did not treat the children differently in life. Gender. The Warrens of Virginia (1915) $500 /week. [132] [note 7], In 1939, DeMille's Union Pacific was successful through DeMille's collaboration with the Union Pacific Railroad. Cecil B. DeMille real name: Cecil Blount DeMille Height: 5'11''(in feet & inches) 1.8034(m) 180.34(cm) , Birthdate(Birthday): August 12, 1881 , Age on January 21, 1959 (Death date): 77 Years 5 Months 9 Days Profession: Movies (Director), Also working as: Producer, Director, Editor, Screenwriter, Actor, Father: Henry Churchill de Mille, Mother: Matilda Beatrice deMille, Married: Yes, Children: Yes DeMille also was planning a film about the space race as well as another biblical epic about the Book of Revelation. I'm ready for my close-up." Right here at FameChain. DeMille was born in Ashfield, Massachusetts, and grew up in New York City. This Day and Age and Four Frightened People were box office disappointments, though Four Frightened People received good reviews. He related a story that he maintained his self-control when Gloria Swanson sat on his lap, refusing to touch her. Despite its quick turnaround, the film was fairly successful. [93] [note 5] In 1922, the couple adopted Richard deMille. [268] DeMille appeared as himself in numerous films, including the MGM comedy Free and Easy. [130] From 1936 to 1945, he produced, hosted, and directed all shows with the occasional exception of a guest director. Chromium is a mineral that is found in a number of foods, such as meat, vegetables, grains, fruits and nuts. Cecil B. DeMille was a master of spectacle. A Biblical epic with sex, it was a characteristically DeMille film. William deMille would later convert from theater to Hollywood and would spend the rest of his career as a film director. 1956 theater brochure Constance Adams DeMille (April 27, 1873 - July 17, 1960) was an American actress and wife of filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille. With this year's Oscar nominations soon to be announced, we take a look back at his cinematic extraganzas. [248], According to Sam Goldwyn, critics did not like DeMille's films, but the audiences did and "they have the final word". De Mille daughter dies. Derided then . [154] In 1954, Secretary of the Air Force Harold E. Talbott asked DeMille for help in designing the cadet uniforms at the newly established United States Air Force Academy. He was confined to bed and unable to eat. The American Academy of Dramatic Arts honored DeMille with an Alumni Achievement Award in 1958. It was commercially very successful. DeMille studied famous paintings that captured the life of Christ and brought them to the screen. [148] Again, 1952's The Greatest Show on Earth became Paramount's highest-grossing film to that point. . [84] While on a European vacation in 1921, DeMille contracted rheumatic fever in Paris. In his first instance, in 1917, he remade The Squaw Man (1918), only waiting four years from the 1914 original. He then appealed to the California Supreme Court and lost again. [36] One of DeMille's affairs was with his screenwriter Jeanie MacPherson.