disadvantages of slice in tennis

However, the shot is not always . Slice shots don't bounce as high, either. In tennis, a slice is a type of swing that puts spin on the ball.Players will utilize a slice when serving or returning volleys to give the ball an irregular bounce, making it harder for their opponent to track and return. Slice is also an underrated shot, again thanks to that Bollettieri talent-destroying-nonsense. About a 90-110 degree bend at the elbow. Next, lets talk about how to make contact with the ball. However, its often one of the most challenging serves to develop. Wrist strains. Disadvantages of Tennis Potential for serious injuries Tennis equipment can be costly Not a team sport Tennis cannot be played alone Lack of tennis courts Tennis takes some time to learn Motivation might be a problem Tennis may be time-consuming Need for a trainer to get to the next level Pressure can be high May conflict with your corporate career Some professionals hit virtually all of their forehands with slice. For example, if youre 6 tall and playing a 54 opponent, then you might be able to take advantage of their height by hitting a kick serve thats way out of their strike zone or even over their head, making it challenging for them to return. Slice shots never travel with a lot of pace. There are a few disadvantages of using a slice in tennis. One of these techniques is the slice, which gives a confounding backspin to a serve or return.Find more information on slice strokes in tennis below. One of the biggest challenges of the game of tennis is adjusting your stroke according to the incoming ball (high, low, topspin, slice, fast, slow, etc. Key points about the tennis forehand slice: The forehand slice is a little unfashionable, but it is certainly not obsolete. The first thing you need to do is grip the racket properly. Learn with comprehensive resources to help you improve your game. When executing a tennis slice, the player will swing downward in a slicing motion, angling the racket anywhere between fully flat and entirely diagonal.When the racket and the ball make contact, the racket should be continuously moving in a direction close to perpendicular to the ball. As a result, when the flat serve hits the court, it tends to bounce low and continue straight forward from where it lands in the court. He enjoys competing in county tennis leagues and ITF Seniors events. Many of tennis greats, such as Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, have relied on their vicious topspin forehand to win world championships and countless titles. If youre a righty, hitting a slice serve out wide in the deuce court will draw your opponent off the court, leaving the rest of the court open for a follow-up shot that puts you in a position to move forward and attack. A "tennis slice" is when the ball hits the ground and bounces back into play. By using the proper topspin or backspin techniques during your next competitive match, you will be able to easily keep your opponent on their toes, making it much more difficult for them to adjust to your techniques throughout the entirety of your match. Without some of Hi there! Get the Intuitive Tennis iPhone/iPad App https://apple.co/3c5IyJpGet the Intuitive Tennis Android App https://bit.ly/3QTK1S7In today's video, I explain. The same can be set for other net approaches.

Michael Kernicki is currently the Head Professional at the Indian Creek Country Club in Miami Beach.

Michael Patrick Shiels writes frequently for golf magazines and is the official golf writer of the PGA of America's Michigan section. 5 Point Friday The major difference is that the racquet shouldn't be pointing straight up, at a 90-degree angle, like a bat. Instead, the best option is to stretch wide, perhaps in an open stance, and move the racket from high to low and through the line you want the ball to travel. Topspin shots are used by most tennis players as their general groundstroke because it forces opponents to go backward. Lets take a look at how to hit a slice serve with proper technique. Even if good spin and placement are used, if the ball lacks pace, it can easily be attacked. Swing forward with a high-to-low motion. Tennis Interviews. Lets dive into the proper technique for hitting a kick serve. When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent ","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"

Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you).



Figure 1: Hold your racquet at a 45-degree angle to the fence when you slice your backhand.\t


3. The best choice is, using a continental or Eastern grip, to cut sharply under the ball with a high-to-low action, following through either straight up the court or cutting across the line to impart additional side-spin. This brushing action means youre allowing the strings of your racquet to make contact with the outermost edge of the tennis ball, which causes the ball to spin and ultimately kick up off the ground when it hits the court. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Tennis Warehouse, Amazon, and other companies linked to on this site. This photo was snapped at the height of the toss so you can get a sense of accurate placement. One of the best ways to increase your racquet head speed is to incorporate a wrist snap as you extend your arm to make contact with the tennis ball. {"appState":{"pageLoadApiCallsStatus":true},"articleState":{"article":{"headers":{"creationTime":"2016-03-26T22:57:30+00:00","modifiedTime":"2016-03-26T22:57:30+00:00","timestamp":"2022-09-14T18:12:05+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Home, Auto, & Hobbies","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/33809"},"slug":"home-auto-hobbies","categoryId":33809},{"name":"Sports & Recreation","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/34001"},"slug":"sports-recreation","categoryId":34001},{"name":"Tennis","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/34033"},"slug":"tennis","categoryId":34033}],"title":"Slicing and Dicing, Tennis Style","strippedTitle":"slicing and dicing, tennis style","slug":"slicing-and-dicing-tennis-style","canonicalUrl":"","seo":{"metaDescription":"Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). link to The Best Babolat Tennis Rackets (for Every Type of Player), link to The Top 3 Best Babolat Tennis Rackets Under $100. If you look at a tennis shot side-on from the players right, a ball hit with topspin will appear to be rotating clockwise. Slice shots never travel with a lot of pace.


If you hit this shot from a comfortable, set position (at about the center of the baseline), your racquet should be pointing toward the right netpost.


Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). Speed: The faster a serve is hit, the less time your opponent will have to react, which can cause players to make contact with the ball late or mistime their shot. A slice serve is a fantastic weapon on any court surface. Slow pace and the flat trajectory give your opponent two big advantages: more time and an ideal height, at about a foot above the net, to smash away a winner. 02. of 02. Discussion Boards If players like to attack the net and volley, they slice a lot.


The slice can be a useful weapon, but it does have some disadvantages. Topspin has changed how tennis is played due to the fact that you can generate much more power behind your shot with a proper topspin forehand. When comparing table tennis to tennis, golf, ice hockey, football, or nearly anything, you will find that it is rather cheap. However, youll also want to hit up slightly to give the ball a bit of topspin so that it drops back down into the court. It moves forward and down, coming around to your right side only at the tail end of your stroke, long after the ball is gone.


Make contact with the ball, with the racquet \"slicing\" under it, when it's at a point about even with your right shoulder. 3. When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent to really stretch to get to the ball. As your game improves, learning all three types of serves will allow you to compete at a higher level by bringing variety to your service game. Heres a photo to show you what your contact point should look like for a slice serve. As for the angle of your racquet head, youll want the edge to be roughly parallel with the baseline. Aerodynamically it will appear to rise and then dip, kicking forward and up off the court surface when it lands. However, by hitting up on the ball, you generate topspin, which can bring the ball back down into the court even though youre hitting up. Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). During a slice shot, the racket travels in a downward motion, before slicing underneath the tennis ball. In contrast, a sliced groundstroke will appear to be rotating anti-clockwise. Once again, when hitting a kick serve, you should rely on your continental service grip, which is ideally suited for this serve. Just before you start your forward swing, raise the racquet head to shoulder height, open the face so that the hitting surface faces up, and produce slice by cutting under the ball with a long, smooth stroke.


The slice forehand is easy to master, and a fair number of hackers resort to it. Not a Team Sport. This toss placement allows you to achieve the proper racquet angle for those serves. Follow through until your racquet arm is fully extended, with the head pointing toward the ground at a moderate angle. If youre playing on a clay court, you may love your kick serve, where you benefit from the higher bounces that make this serve even more challenging to return. Some people love the camaraderie and sense of interdependence that goes with being part of a larger sporting group, like in a football, soccer, or basketball team. Serve and volley: Due to the shorter reaction time that you may have fielding your opponents return, it can be challenging to move forward and volley. Grass is tough on the arm, though, because the ball hits the racquet with more speed, and more speed generally means more shock and torsion. To generate the necessary topspin for your kick serve, you need to brush the side of the tennis ball from low to high. On slice shots, the racquet doesn't come around and up, making an arc. To slice in tennis, a player must angle their racquet and swing downward in a slicing motion.The manner in which the player angles their racquet while slicing downward can be anywhere between fully flat and entirely diagonal. If you remember, the flat and slice serve toss is about 12-18 inches in front of you and approximately 6 inches to the right of your tossing arms shoulder at the peak of the toss.

Michael Kernicki is currently the Head Professional at the Indian Creek Country Club in Miami Beach.
