forced diversity in advertising

But the giveaways and removal of responsibilities took this motivation away from blacks, simply to secure their vote for the Marxist Democrats. But once again, American Marxism, Mark Levin. Its all such a bunch of crap because the WOKE folks have taken over. Yeah, Im not seeing how follow the money works here. After all white men have been portrayed as stupid do nothing without the help of the wife in Sitcoms for years, to the point I stopped watching such nonsense. Anything goes for Christmas that is. This organic, truthful approach will seem more genuine. Now that weve created the world its time for those who sat back and enjoyed the fruits of our labor to take over and disappear us! Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your experiences and examples. Nysha King, MRINetwork, Diversity is important but needs to fit your target audience. Could black players in the NHL then foot the bill for this? They are owners and CEOs of major corporations and professors at prestigious universities. The Davos crowd is trying to destroy America because our Christianity and freedom-loving traditions stand in their way. These schemes absolutely have a shelf life and we are at the end of ours. Thank you! It is Hispandering plain and simple and it is insulting to Latinos. Im willing to do my part. You are exactly right that advertisers are concerned about violence and how loud they are, that explains why the majority of commercials are full of black people and not anywhere near as many Hispanics/Asians. Just dont use the dreaded C (Christmas) word though. if there are only women in a television commercial, and it calls for jocularity, the white woman is the clueless one while the other (of color) is the wise one. Why do we constantly try and guess? To get more information about these cookies and the processing of your personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. As a fellow white male who judges others by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, and who has worked his ass off to get where hes gotten, I agree: the endless portrayals of white men as stumbling, bumbling fools and the foils for characters of other races in advertising is insulting, unfair, and perpetrated by hypocrites. Someone should research who is actually creating these ads! Occasionally there is a tan or brown-skinned person thrown in there. BARF! Simple dog. Excellent points. Stop this daily unfair portrayal of white males. Not to mention the actual equipment all a financial burden on the parents. Homosexual couple having fun together "Diversity" has many different . How dumb do they think the 70% of us are that make up America? Recently, I too have seen greater representation of Asians and Hispanics in commercials, while the over-representation of blacks has stayed about the same. We also noticed several auto agencies running the same awful holiday ads from the year before were looking at you Ford Trucks. Yes, being a blonde haired man, Ive noticed that too. I appreciate you widening the discussion to include the very real and destructive impacts on families and societies. As a retired marketing executive with over 30-years experience at a Fortune 10 company, I cant understand what the ad industry is doing today. Its so absurd and annoying. Astute readers have shared their well-considered opinions all over this page. 5. It should be noted that a new diversity index in the Census has some claiming that white people are undercounted.). I have been calling these commercial actors as vaguely non-white, This way, the Ad execs avoid pigeon-holing any one raceoh, except the whites where the bearded dad is goofy and the rest of the white family are redheads. Isnt it just a little bit racist of advertisers to tell us that blacks and other people of color must walk, talk, dress and behave like white people, and partake in activities favored by whites, in order to be successful? But true. And most of it is due to the monolithic multinational corporations and their greed for two synonymous and interchangeable terms money and power. I for one am going back to reading or streaming movies with no commercials. I cant believe I found this article having recognized the basis of your article for years. Even a black president did not expiate the sin. One last point. I have to tape all my shows because I am so tired of seeing all black and gay and transgender and interracial people on tv. I have ad blocks on youtube and on many websites. We need to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by the narrative put forth by the jackals who would divide us, and realize that the vast majority of our fellow Americans are in fact good people who are very accepting of different races and cultures. Im fine with showing mixed race couples since they certainly do exist but its portrayed in far far greater percentages than exist in reality (unless Madison Avenue is trying to have life imitate art by convincing women that black men are the ideal and white men are bumbling morons). Indeed, the warped representations we see in TV commercials are simultaneously a cause and a symptom of deepening problems in our culture. While Im sure that some of what we are seeing is driven by good intentions, Im also sure that a lot of it is driven by politics, fear of cancel culture, and cynical attempts by brands to hitch their wagons to the latest hot-button social issues. And in print ads, commercials, etc. Thanks for speaking up, Jake. I know that every generation makes the same claim, but it is only in recent times that we have reached the critical 100yr mark of the Federal Reserve Act being passed. Time to turn off the TV. And based themselves within Columbia University in NY. Together, these groups now account for 24.7 percent of the U.S. population, yet they do not appear in anywhere near 24.7 percent of the advertising. And yet we cant say Merry Christmas. Appreciate your thoughts, Robert. In watching TV from the US, my tico friends say to me things like: wow white people arent important in the US. Thats perfectly normal! I actually cut cable years ago and just stream and make sure I pay extra to stream commercial free because honestly the whole thing is stupid and it feels like Twitter sponsors everything on TV these days. Its Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism. Youre spot on Sharon its really sad to see that the woke/cancel culture society is promoting this rubbish on the Caucasian culture its far from reality and its only going to promote division within our society . As a race, were actually the minority of the world, I wonder how many people know this. EVERY commercial is mostly blacks. It seems like a no-brainer, but this means that ads targeting more diverse . Whay ever happened to hiring someone because they are the best person for the job? Any time you want to get together and teach Mr Fuckerburg a lesson in humility just say the word. Yes, the erasure of strong male role models from American culture is absolutely intentional. As you note, weve allowed our culture to somehow brand masculinity as toxic a big mistake, as it is and always has been the natural combination of masculine and feminine parents that has allowed the human race to survive, to birth and raise the next generation, and to prosper in a harsh world. Thank God there is a voice of reason on the net. Constructive feedback and criticism is the way to make your voice heard and hopefully get someones attention. Most blacks and whites dont think its okay. There is absolutely nothing fair about not using black men and black women as a family unit along with their children. He replied, young lady, I have plenty of assets, I just dont have any money. But anyway, regardless, pray for your country. Hes worried about missing his bubble bath and pedicure. Walk down a jetway at Hartsfield or any airport. Yay, a 19th century painting, so at least white people DID exist! Ask your sales folks for input. Dont make assumptions about your audience. Corporations ran the world and kept people controlled with mindless TV as one mechanism. When brand loyalty goes out the window, consumers tend to price shop or product hop, turning most of our landscape into boring commodities. Make An Ongoing Commitment To Diversity, While shopping with my 13-year-old, she told me that her friends will shun brands that rainbow wash their message during Pride Month. I just want, as Tool says in Aenima, Mom to come and put everything back together again. Yes, just like race, the mouth-breathers behind all of these so-called equity movements have gone way overboard with regard to the representation of womens bodies. Thats one of the things that bothers me most about this topic brands and advertisers and everyone else banging on endlessly about racism and diversity and inclusion, and then doing absolutely nothing fair, honest, equitable, or meaningful when they have the opportunity to actually be the change they say they want to see. Its important for the masses to hear from other fair-minded people who arent afraid to call out what we all can plainly see. Below, they share their best tips for doing so. (Law & Order: SVU particularly.). These include cookies that allow you to be remembered as you explore the site within a single session or, if you request, from session to session. Thx again for bringing me back to the reality of the situation. Just sick of all the whining. Check out this tweet sent by the NHL regarding the Trans Draft Tournament that just took place in Middleton, Wisconsin (about 10 miles from my old home). Avoiding them is not racism. I pulled him aside and told him to wait his turn and not go down until theres no kids on it. Nice idea, Timothy, but I doubt that would solve anything. A solution might be to use No actors! Its as if blonde men are too representative of the old America, and therefore are not shown. Listen I know she is one of the best players ever, and I know this might be her last professional appearance. Youre right, Joey TV *is* unwatchable. I dont blame you a bit for turning off the tube in favor of books and movies, Madge, but I would encourage you to hit back with a parting shot before you go. Why is that the right decision for CBS, audience or sponsors? The organizations (both foreign and domestic) behind this arent even attempting to hide their intentions anymore. How many rainbow-colored logos did you see in June? Again, youre not racist just observant. Being Enterprising and working to create as much legitimate value as possible for self-sufficiency and to benefit as many others as possible. Its happening already with companies like Disney and Netflix. Ha! There are certain areas of Norwich which have pockets of concentrated areas of Eastern European people and pockets of concentrated Asian and Indian communities who mostly work for and live near an NHS hospital and some who drive taxies, so unless I need to see a doctor or hire a taxi I dont usually come into contact with anyone other than a regular white UK person. Usually any family consists of a black male, white female and a variety of ethnic children. Along with the over representation of blacks, theres a ton of people of color from all races in most ads. While Matthew Quint, director of the Center on Global Brand Leadership at Columbia Business School, agreed more diverse races and gender identities are appearing in advertising in general and. I totally agree with you. Theyre made to look stupid, or just plain made fun of! The foreign-born population was only 5% in 1965 compared with 14% today. They have been totally emboldened and safe feeling, they dont need to wear a mask. Planning and strategy of inclusion and diversity needs a holistic approach which involves most, if not every stakeholder. Companies purporting to care about progressive values are really doing nothing more than striking a superficial pose meant to signal virtue while distracting from any companys true motive: financial gain for shareholders.. When the roles are reversed, BOTH races are mentioned. Ironically I feel a little safer knowing hes a little less tolerant of bull crap than he probably should be. I guarantee that 90%+ of Lowes products are purchased by people that celebrate Christmas. Which I wouldnt have a problem with if it didnt already seem that blacks feature in >50% of car commercials. Im talking about the new discrimination against whites, men, Christians and women, if we include all of the trans males that are now invading womens rest rooms, womens sports, and every other area traditionally held by biological females. And the hard truth is, its well past time for us to have an adult, national conversation about the violence and criminality that is so pervasive in black culture. The comments to the thread are right on the money too. . Well that thought lasted about a minute because now that is probably the most common representation you see on tv ads today. If you find it annoying, its because its not representative of reality. As others have pointed out, its actually exacerbating racism. I have to agree with you on your second point as well. And I believe most people feel the same. I disagree that slavery is Americas sin. People who dont know history dont know that slavery has been widely practiced throughout the world for centuries, and in fact, millennia. I dont consider myself a racist by any means, and hinting that Im not supportive or on board with all the overnight, progressive changes and what I see as financially driven portrayals of race in commercials and ads. lol. 100% agree with your perspective. Are they terrified of being called out as racists? It would be more accurate to describe the situation as a forced lack of diversity being stripped away over time as media companies seek larger profits. Now send $5 to BLM for repentance. Personally I dont know of any white people that held a gun to any of their heads and kept them from going to school or getting a job. Gee, Wallace, I wonder. Further, there has been an increase in the ethnic diversity of the marketing teams of ANA member companies the most significant growth of ethnic diversity in the five-year history of this report!

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forced diversity in advertising