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is dear evan hansen on disney plus
A high school teen gets entangled in a lie after the letter he wrote himself is mistaken for a final note from a schoolmate who had killed himself. Disney Plus didnt exactly need that driver, with millions of subscribers signing up in its first few days in the US, Canada and Australia, and more coming in the months afterwards as it spread to the UK and rest of Europe. Heidi Hansen: [from trailer] I already know you. Now 22 years old, she has embarked on her career as a writer. More: Dear Evan Hansen: What The Movie Changes (Including New and Cut Songs). He soon embarks on a journey of self-discovery when a letter he wrote for a writing exercise falls into the hands of a . Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a82a3165d8d2ed806d055d7b1a617e2d" );document.getElementById("c1d1d28a5a").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); You may use these HTML tags and attributes: