At the age of 12 she began her rap career with artist such as LL Cool J, 50 Cent, NOE from ByrdGang ,Kool G Rap and many other. Her name was Kate Barker, but she was notoriously known as "Ma" Barker, a Midwestern woman who became the FBI's most wanted mother of the 1930s. Microfiche. Barker-Karpis Gang member Alvin Karpis who knew her quite well paints a different picture, describing her as "an old-fashioned homebody from the Ozarks superstitious, gullible, simple, cantankerous, and, well, generally law-abiding" (via theToronto Sun). Standing here in front of the windows where Ma Barker made her last stand, it's easy to feel one. /FontName /EQNEBL+Times-Bold However, a few minutes later, machine-gun fire erupted from the house. The gang operated under the protection of St. Paul's police chief Thomas "Big Tom" Brown, and they went from being bank robbers to kidnappers under his guidance. (Herman and Lloyd Barker reportedly involved with the. But in the back of a bedside chair, one . The lakefront Florida retreat where FBI agents gunned down gangland legend Ma Barker in 1935 is up for sale - bullet holes and all.. Later again, John le Bercher was recorded in the Curia Regis Rolls for Hampshire in 1212. Born Arizona Clark on Oct. 8, 1873 in Ash Grove, Missouri, Ma Barker was the daughter of Scotch-Irish parents John and Emaline Clark. By 1935, the FBI was after the Barker-Karpis Gang. In September 1932, Arthur and Lloyd were released from prison and joined Fred and Alvin. endobj The tumultuous life of Kate Clark - simple farm girl turned gangster matriarch - is a lesson in this inevitability. George Barker wanted to admonish his sons, but, per Enss and Kajanjian, Kate wouldn't allow it. A strong-willed matriarch who allegedly helped organize her sons' crimes, Kate Barker better known as "Ma" Barker was killed after a four-hour gun battle with FBI agents in Ocklawaha, Florida in 1935. Yorkshire had the highest population of Barker families . J. Edgar Hoover also attributed Kate's sons' rampant criminal activities later in life to her spoiling them. Roger and Alva have been deceased for many years. Getty ImagesBack in the 1930s, people would pose with the bodies of infamous criminals. ", "Note. Karpis claimed that Ma Barker was just an old-fashioned homebody from the Ozarks a simple woman, adding that Ma was superstitious, gullible, simple, cantankerous, and, well, generally law-abiding. (/A/y/n/c/M/B/z/o/d/C/p/e/E/r/g/F/s/h/G/t/i/S/H/u/T/k/J/w/l/a/V/K/x/m/W/parenleft/parenright/space/hyphen/period) It was there that the Barker-Karpis gang committed their more infamous crimes, eventually turning from bank robberies to kidnapping under the protection and guidance of Thomas Brown, the citys corrupt chief of police. July 4, 1918 Arthur "Doc" Barker involved in US automobile theft in Tulsa, Oklahoma; arrested (#841) (escaped). Fred shot the sheriff four times. Ma tossed out her husband around that same time and lived in abject poverty from 1928 to 1931 during her sons incarceration. There is no evidence that she was ever anything more than a glorified accomplice. Yorkshire had the highest population of Barker families . /Flags 4 The Barker family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. By 1933, they had graduated to the big leagues: kidnapping the wealthy. In 1910, per The Famous People, teenage Herman Barker ran over a child while fleeing the scene of a robbery in a getaway car, and the Barkers became constantly involved with the police. Plymouth Colony, MA d: 8 May 1763 dp: Scituate, Mass m: ca 1737 Mary Green b: 8 Mar 1710 bp: Plymouth, Mass d: 16 Mar 1756 dp: Barnstable, Barnstable Co, MA James Bird b: 1722 bp: Litchfield Co, CT City, State. . 722 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 444 556 444 0 500 556 278 0 556 278 833 556 This was about 22% of all the recorded Barker's in USA. Travis Barker's family has not made many public appearances, but he was born to parents, Randy Barker and Gloria Barker, with two siblings on November 14, 1975, in California. These grand gestures were often successful in getting sentences terminated - or at least greatly reduced. << Kate Barker (born Kate "Ma" Barker (born Arizona Clark; October 8, 1873 - August 16, 1935) was the mother of several criminals who ran the Barker gang from the "public enemy era", when the exploits of gangs of criminals in the Midwest gripped the American people and press. /StemV 147 [5], Ma's common-law husband Arthur Dunlop was said to be loose-lipped when drunk, and he was not trusted by members of the gang; Karpis described him as a "pain in the ass". He lived in West Springfield before settling in Westfield years ago. First Name. Ms. 29.245,fol. Both pictured above, they are Fred, Ash Grove, Greene County, MO, United States, Aurora, Lawrence, Missouri, United States, Aurora, Lawrence County, Missouri, United States, Ocklawaha, Marion County, FL, United States, Historical criminals, thieves and vagabonds, American Gangsters of the 1920s and 1930s, Arizona Donnie "arrie Kate" Barker (born Clark), Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963, Spartenburg Weekly Herald and Herald-Journal - Jan 19 1935, Ma Barker Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story. The home is famous for being the location of the longest gun battle in FBI history. Karpis sentenced to 4 years but paroled after restitution made; Fred Barker also avoided jail sentence. Most notably,in 1927, Herman Barker killed a sheriff deputy who had witnessed him cashing stolen bank bonds (per ZMAN Magazine). While in Washington, his father fell from a tower and sustained an injury which resulted in his death in 1929. With over 30 billion records and 100 million family trees to search, Ancestry is one of the key websites to visit to help you trace your family tree back in time. She wasn't a leader of criminals or even a criminal herself. An error has occured while loading the map. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Agents entered the house after Woodbury announced that Ma and Fred Barker were both dead. By 1928, all three remaining Barker brothers were incarcerated, with Lloyd serving time in a federal prison in Leavenworth, Kansas, Arthur in an Oklahoma State Penitentiary, and Fred in a Kansas State Prison. Barker's sons committed crimes as early as 1910, when Herman was arrested for highway robbery after running over a child in the getaway car. Ancestry is a major source of information if you are filling out the detail of Ma Barker in your family tree. After about a four-hour gun battle, gunfire stopped coming from the house. [6] He also claimed that she enjoyed the lifestyle that was the fruit of her sons' crimes and supposedly had a string of lovers.[6]. The pedigrees are almost without dates, but as this William Barker alias Coverall was about five generations back from those living at the time of the Visitations he must be placed fairly early in the fifteenth century, and all the MSS. Arthur Barker was killed when he tried to escape from Alcatraz Prison. She wasnt suited for a role in the Karpis-Barker Gang., Karpis went on to write in his autobiography that the most ridiculous story in the annals of crime is that Ma Barker was the mastermind behind the Karpis-Barker gang., Continuing, he wrote, She wasnt a leader of criminals or even a criminal herself She knew we were criminals, but her participation in our careers was limited to one function: when we traveled together, we moved as a mother and her sons. /FirstChar 32 They made no exception for Fred and Ma Barker after they were brought to a morgue in Ocala, Florida. In August 1933, gangsters attacked a vehicle carrying the money. Feeling the heat, the gang left St. Paul and returned to Chicago, where they tried to launder the ransom money. Shortly after, Fred Barkerwas released from prison in 1931 and, per Biography, brought home a friend: former cellmate Alvin Karpis. Witchraft brings to mind Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. A funeral mass was held on Monday, September 12th 2022 at 11:00 AM at the St. Augustine's Parish (43 Essex St, Andover, MA 01810). Compare DNA and explore genealogy for William Barker Sr born 1646 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts died 1718 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts including parents + descendants + 2 photos + DNA connections + more in the free family tree community. /MissingWidth 250 She was devastated when he was killed in 1882 (per the Orlando Sentinel). /BaseFont /EQNEBL+Times-Bold Historian and author John Koblas declared (via Press), "You can't talk about Ma Barker without talking about Jesse James.". $Zm:T==v6]kC}Vz}oq3')$?W08A .XBgFp"QY*H"8#'j ~)IelQNQqT*N3Qii4vZ|TX*eQE=zs1|e^YvrNTl}]4q~ZQNMrEy}vJTe'D/zf%A,"S! BARKER Family. A strong-willed matriarch who allegedly helped organize her sons crimes, Kate Barker better known as Ma Barker was killed after a four-hour gun battle with FBI agents in Ocklawaha, Florida in 1935. After learning about the rough-and-tumble life of Ma Barker, check out some more female gangsters. We are all related! FBI leader J. Edgar Hoover agreed, revealing to the public in 1935 that her eyes were "queerly direct, penetrating, with some strongly smoldering flame, yet withal as hypnotically cold as the muzzle of a gun.". I'm Ma Baker. That day, Hoover said, marked "the end of an era of violence." For nine months, the corpses lay unclaimed. The fuzz was hot on their tail, and it was time to find a place to hunker down for a while. Per the Joplin Globe, the Barker boys were known as the town criminals while still school-aged. [ Ref] He married first Elizabeth Brown of Byfield, Rowley on 27 Mar 1781 in Newbury. Concur in stating that he was descended from one Ralph or Randulph de Coverall, for whom a date is given, 12 Edw. Source: S-459734466 Repository: #R-995697160 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo . 7 . Birth of Eva M. Clark. Prior to the move, her ghost was said to haunt the house, as per the Tampa Bay Times. The second kidnapping of the Barker/Karpis gang targeted a wealthy banker named Edward George Bremer, Jr., who was snatched in St. Paul, Minnesota on January 17, 1934. The Visitations trace all these five families to a common ancestor, "William Barker alias Coverall," who married "Margaret daughter and heire to Goulston of Goulston" and one of his sons is shown as the first Barker of Aston. The Family of Richard Barker of Andover, Massachusetts Paradigm of Seventeenth Century Colonial Puritanism. In the 1920s, he was employed as a farmer, watchman, station engineer, and clerk. Her parents owned a home with a nice garden and play yard. They had rented the property under the pseudonym "Blackburn", claiming to be a mother and sons wanting to vacation in a country retreat. The agents ordered them to surrender, but Fred opened fire; both he and his mother were killed by federal agents after an intense, hours-long shootout. 1. The Ma Barker House was owned by the Bradford family and rented by Kate "Ma" Barker and her son Fred George Barker in November 1935 as members of the Barker/Karpis Gang were sought in . The name Barker is derived from the old Norman "bercer," which signified the elected herdsman of the village or manor. Chris Enss: Ma Barker was this incredible woman who ends up being the matriarch to a family of thieves, thugs, and murderers. Woodbury reported that there was no one inside alive. [10] According to the FBI's account, a Tommy gun was found lying in her hands. The Barker-Karpis gang of the early 1930s was one of the most notorious collections of villains to plague America during the Age of Gangsters. January 17, 1934 Gang kidnaps Edward George Bremer, Jr.; Bremer released on February 7, 1934 after ransom paid. In his memoirs ("Ma Barker"), Karpis claimed, "there was probably never before as complete a gathering of criminals in one room in the United States as there was on New Year's Eve in 1931.". June 10, 1931 Fred Barker and Alvin Karpis (alias George Heller) arrested by Tulsa, Oklahoma Police investigating burglary. Travis Barker Family Tree Explored: Parents And Siblings Revealed. 121122), Learn how and when to remove this template message, federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, Hoover, J. Edgar, "The Kidnapping of Edward Bremer", November 19, 1936, "Latent Prints in the 1933 Hamm Kidnapping",, Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture Barker Gang, McCord of Northwest Airways Company, thinking he was a policeman. [6] She certainly knew of the gang's activities and even helped them before and after they committed their crimes, and this made her an accomplice, but there is no evidence that she was involved in planning them. Had she lived she likely would have been simply been charged with accessory and harboring fugitives. He observed in his autobiography that Ma Barker "couldn't plan breakfast" let alone a criminal enterprise. J. Edgar Hoover described her as "the most vicious, dangerous, and resourceful criminal brain of the last decade." Descendant of Mayflower passenger Richard Warren Abigail BarkerBorn:. Heres how she became the FBIs most wanted mother of the 1930s. Whether due to Kate's unfaithfulness, sadness over his son's death, or simply to escape the rampant crime, George left Kate around 1928 and moved to Joplin, Missouri, to run a gas station (per Enss and Kazanjian). Records of Ma Barker on Ancestry. Although she stood only5-feet 4-inches tall, notes Chris Enss and Howard Kazanjian in "Ma Barker," she made a lasting impression on those who met her. In addition to being a writer, Samuel is a social activist, photographer and cat lover. /Type /Font Ma Barker died from a single bullet wound, and Freds body was riddled with bullets. [7], The gang relocated to Menomonie, Wisconsin, and Fred Barker hid Ma in a variety of hotels and hideouts during their stay there. He was among a group from nearby Newbury and Ipswich who had petitioned for . They obtained $100,000 in ransom by abducting William Hamm, then arranged the kidnapping of Edward Bremer which netted them a $200,000 ransom. As a result, Kate Barker became a wanted woman, and a poster with her photo offered a $100 award for her capture (per Mark Muncy and Kari Schultz in their book, "Freaky Florida"). . endobj January 18, 1932 Lloyd Barker received at Leavenworth Prison. Joseph Passed away in 1980. /FontDescriptor 11 0 R Laurence L. Barker 1930 - 2022 Westfield Laurence Lionel Barker, 92, of Joseph Avenue passed away Thursday at home surrounded by his family. According to ChrisEnss and Howard Kazanjianin "Ma Barker," Ma Barker attended church every Sunday and took her boys with her. /Filter /FlateDecode She was born about 1772. Two of the shots hit the sheriff in the heart, killing him instantly. On February 14, 1920, there was a jailbreak. As the legend goes, his last words before he pulled the trigger were, "forgive me, Ma," notes Judith A. Yates in "Put the Money in My Purse!". April 26, 1932 Body of A.W. Samuel Barker was a lineal descendant of John Barker, of Shropshire, England, who married, in 1549, Elizabeth Hill, a sister of Sir Rowland Hill, the first Protestant Lord Mayor of London. Additionally, an assortment of machine-gun drums, automatic pistol clips, and a large amount of ammunition was found in the home. Put yer hands in the air and gimme all yer money," before going on to describe her as "the meanest cat from ol' Chicago town." March 5, 1915 Herman Barker arrested for highway robbery in Joplin, Missouri. "We'd leave her at home when we were arranging a job, or we'd send her to a movie. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. He is also survived by many loving aunts, uncles and cousins. There was no machinery so the grain was sown or planted by hand and cut with sickles. The red-haired, plump Kate Barker was always something of a spitfire. Barker Family Tree Insert Logo Here Born: 12-14-1814 Death: 3-22-1878 m. Born: 1819 Death: 1894 John H. George Tyler Wallace C. Anna S. . It was probably derived from the office, or rather appointment, of Bercar, a sort of Inspector or Chief Shepherd, whose duty it was to superintend the stint of sheep on the common lands of the manor, especially on Manors of the Royal Demesne. The genealogy of Oliver Cromwell, 1st Lord Protector, American Gangsters of the 1920s and 1930s, Titanic Deck Crew, Victualling & Restaraunt Staff, Orchestra and other employees, Early and Notable Families of Charlestown, Massachusetts 1629-1818, World War II - Pearl Harbor - USS Arizona, Origins of the Colonists of the Winthrop Fleet and pre 1632 Massachusetts Bay Colony Settlers, Child Emigration from Britain to Canada (1871 Travelling Alone), Daughters - Daughters of the American Revolution, Patriots - Daughters of the American Revolution, Historical criminals, thieves and vagabonds, South African female Progenitors /Stammoeders, Mormon Pioneers (1847-1868) Master Project, Pre - 1820 British Settlers in South Africa, Mount Pleasant Cemetery - Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Jersey Settlement, Warren County, Ohio, Rowley Register - 1643 Massachusetts Bay Colony, van Beuren family of the 20th century ~> immigrant family surnames, Great Migration: Passengers of the Mayflower, 1620, South African male Progenitors / Stamvaders, South African British Settlers 1830 - 1900, World War One: United Kingdom & Ireland HQ, World War I (1914-1918): Gallipoli Campaign, Women in Military Conflicts - Doctors, Nurses and others, Attorneys to Judges - the American Legal System, Pioneers of the Northwest Territory (Ohio), 1738, New Hampshire with Counties, Towns and Communities Project, Great Migration: Passengers of the John of London, 1638, Great Migration: Passengers of the Mary & John, 1630, New Zealand Premiers, Prime Ministers and Politicians, British Radio and Television Personalities, Wildman and related families of the Lancashire Yorkshire border (1500s through 1600s), Branford, Connecticut and Newark, New Jersey Founders and Descendants, Locality Teuva - stermark, Southern Ostrobothnia, Finland, We're Related to Royalty and Famous People, "Neptune" 1790 (Convict Ship) Second Fleet (England to NSW, Australia), Convicts, Naval Personnel and Free Settlers on the Second Fleet, Australia, 1789, Railroad Transportation in Canada and the United States, Pennsylvania in the US Civil War (USA) 1861-1865, "Southern Eagle" 1857 (Settlers) England to Tasmania, Australia, Great Migration: Passengers of the Mary & John, 1633/4, The BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation, Manukau Memorial Gardens, Auckland, North Island, New Zealand, Villages, houses, inhabitants and house owners in Asikkala, Finland, Massachusetts Counties, Cities and Towns Project, Import of New Zealand casualties of World War One and their kin, World War I (1914-1918): New Zealand Roll of Honour, Lithuanian United States Naturalization Project, Horror, Occult and Dark Fantasy Literature, Negro Southern League Baseball (1920-1936), (1945-1951) League Abbreviation = NSL, Montgomery Gray Sox Negro Southern League/ Team Abbreviation MGS.AL.NSL, United Memorial Gardens,Superior, Washtenaw County, Michigan, 48170 USA, Garfield Park, Bessemer, Jefferson County, Alabama, Bessemer Stars,Negro Southern League/ Team Abbreviation BS.AL.NSL, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Montgomery County, Alabama WWI, World War I Victory Medal (United States) and Battle Clasps, First Battle of Corinth (1862), US Civil War, Northern Cemetery, Dunedin, Otago, South Island, New Zealand, Arcadian, Franklin & Hancock Mine Fatalities, South African ancestry disconnected due to lack of sources, Sleepy Hollow Cemetery,Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 01742 USA, Tauranga Anglican Cemetery, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand, Morrisburg Cemetery - Guthrie County, Iowa, American Revolution: Battle of King's Mountain (1780), Kendall Flats Cemetery, Cattaraugus County, New York, New Hampshire in the US Civil War (USA) 1861-1865. Barker was born Arizona Donnie Clark in Ash Grove, Missouri, the daughter of John and Emaline (Parker) Clark; her family called her "Arrie".In 1892, she married George Barker in Lawrence County, Missouri, and the couple had four sons: Herman (1893-1927), Lloyd (1897-1949), Arthur (1899-1939), and Fred (1901-1935). Barker was born in Darrington, Washington, and spent most of his youth on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. She was sent to the, The character of "Ma Jarrett" in the 1949 James Cagney film, Ma was played by Jean Harvey in 2 episodes of the TV series, "Ma Barker and Her Boys", an episode of the 1959 TV series, Barker's story was also adapted in the low-budget film, "The Ma Gantry Gang", featured in the first episode of the 1974 TV series, Another retelling of the legend occurred in the 1996 movie, Maw Famon and her thug sons who battle it out with. Satina Pearce was born in Brooklyn New York, 1988. About Kate "Ma" Barker. According to Chris Enss and Howard Kazanjian in their book "Ma Barker," the family moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, for a fresh start, but the troubles with the law only increased. She felt he treated her and her three siblings worse than his two biological children.