He didn't truly need to do so, but perhaps he just wanted to show off for once. Kirei smiled as Shirou collapsed onto his knees in despair. Shirou was now ten meters away, and still kept moving. No, that's putting it lightly. The boy may have gained a second wind, but it was not a true advantage. Gilgamesh stated. Only for Saber to arrive, slashing at Caster. Before the Grail War even began, Shirou met a proud woman in the park. Gilgamesh complimented. He taunted, doing a barrel roll around a particularly large blade. It wasn't so much that she was weak so much as her Master was outright worthless for supporting her. "Did you seriously just reveal your true name to me?". 38 guests He wore a black bodysuit that exposed his chest and a red cape with golden sun decorations. It doesn't really matter if a boy or a girl wears them. Even still, Astolfo was slowly being dragged down with Gilgamesh. "Gilgamesh." Karna narrowly dodged the weapon Gilgamesh fired at him, the blade grazing him and opening up a cut along his cheek. Saber was not as much of a challenge as expected. As they departed from the warehouse for the main house, Shirou glanced back at Gilgamesh who trod behind him as if escorted. Saber smiled. "Get up! Synopsis. The Saga of Shirou's Summons (Fanfic) Tvtropes.org DA: 12 PA: 49 MOZ Rank: 74. Starting with Shirou accidentally discovering that Astolfo was not a girl. THIS IS A COPY AND PASTE FROM THE REAL FANFICTION ON FANFICTION.NET. ", "Servant Rider, True Name Astolfo. It was the only reason he had even bothered speaking, to see that look of brokenness. She raised her sword to the sky, dispelling the sheath of air around it. Karna didn't like this. The difficulty would be trying to keep his blonde little "cousin from overseas" from putting the moves on every lady in Fuyuki. "Is that all you got, King of Heroes?!" With Shirous hands in his own, the man had wept, moved by an unseen warmth that wrote life in the mans eyes unlike the heat of the fire that only burned. In a flash, he was in front of Saber and thrusting his lance for her neck. Gilgamesh let them go, planing on ending the Rider's life. "We're here to have fun for once! Once they were sure they were safe, the trio had a strategy meeting. ", Shirou took several seconds to respond. It is a shame your Master is not present to witness our battle.". Shirou said. I will be posting one chapter a day until it is caught up. Rin said. "Brahmastra Kundala!" Archer had willingly given himself up to Caster, choosing to serve her instead. Shirou's eyes widened for a moment, as he ran towards his Servant. "Like I thought. Shirou moved, drawing the sword Astolfo gave him and rushing at Caster. Karna was sent flying past them, crashing into the floor. Lancer's lower legs returned to spirit form, causing him to fall to the ground. I want to be a Hero of Justice and save everyone. You should start protecting your new Master." ", "Well, you're a Shirou. By my Command Seal, I order you to fight Berserker with everything you've got!" He broke through. Shirou had seen him in the shower while trying to inform him that dinner was ready, and saw far more than he would have liked. They arrived at Ryuudou Temple, ready to fight. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Shirou's vision blurred, the strain of using Projection this way beginning to get to him. Astolfo had a clear advantage in raw power, Monstrous Strength working its magic to overpower Saber's blocks. She felt mana gathering, and manifested her weapon in case something tried to attack her. "Archer?" And how could he use it while protecting Rin. ", "On the battlefield, there is no more weakness. Just sit tight while your knight in dingy armor takes care of things!" Whether or not the armoured Archer had materialised on earth as the hero of the eponymous tale, Shirou accepted that for however long this spirit would haunt him, Gilgamesh deserved the respect that one would give the so-named legend of past. Shirou wasn't aware of a massive vault having also materialised in the warehouse, nor what Gilgamesh meant by treasure, but he at least understood the golden spirits words at their base level. For all of his speed, it was simply impossible to escape such a barrage unscathed. "Ah, Hippogriff, what would I ever do without you?" "What else am I supposed to do? "You won a Holy Grail War? Mostly by the fact that Astolfo somehow had the advantage in this battle. Saber stated, stepping into Karna's path so he couldn't get at Gilgamesh. In that moment, Gudako realized that Tiamat's cries were a lament, sadness over the lost lives of her children, even as new ones are born from them. Gilgamesh can easily accept Shirou Emiya as a subordinate for the course of the war. SERVANTS WHO NEVER SHOULD BE SUMMONED- PART 1. They were both loyal. Berserker blocked the first blow, and the pair clashed. "I will not fail against him." Crack fic. I'm going to protect Shirou too." "I have no clue either." Astolfo, to her credit, dodged every strike thrown at her. Emiya Shirou is doing his best at living happily in London with his girlfriend Tohsaka Rin and their girlfriend King Arthur. Shirou's response was to summon Astolfo there with a Command Seal, who blocked Saber's slash with his lance. She had been slammed into the wall and then had her neck twisted around at least three times. He had shared the suffering of the dying people around him as his own, craved their salvation as if it was his own, and moved his feet with the same desire to live as that which rose in the choked air as countless cries. Have you figured it out my true identity?" ", Karna nodded. "Berserker!". Maybe, now that he knew what would happen to him, he could avert that fate. Gilgamesh probably only kill Shirou Emiya if: If Shirou were to be arrogant and demand the King to do something. "I could set up a connection between myself and him to feed him mana but we don't have the time. Unlimited Blade Works crumbled away, its owner too exhausted to maintain it further. Red flames engulfed the weapon, burning with the power of the son of the Sun God. Shirou recognized her as that girl he saw a couple days ago. Archer ended up tuning out everything else Astolfo said. Archer's barrage only sped up. They fled from the battle as fast as possible, Archer continuing to fire upon Berserker to slow him down. He had walked endlessly as if he had known nothing else until the end had finally found him and strangled his throat with glass and dust before his legs had given out and the rain had found his eyes. FGO-BabyloniaPondering his recent discoveries in this adventure as Chaldea's Last Master, Shirou Emiya thinks about Rin and how much the Sumerian Goddess Ishtar resembles her, to an extent. The Servant collapsed onto his knees, seemingly dead for a moment. In the middle of fading away during a heartfelt farewell with Rin, Archer stopped. "Lancer, look out!". There will be massive changes to the story as the Ghidorah will start before even the age of Camelot. "He's going to destroy himself. Or, A shiny golden man wards off a blue spandex man armed with a glowing red stick by throwing money at the latter with all the flare and force of miniature falling stars, before turning around and introducing himself to Shirou as his personal ghost. But the Holy Grail's magic was going to be used for something really bad, so my Master had to make a sacrifice to save the world." Saber diverted a thrust from Astolfo, preparing to counter. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In the holy grail war the seven servants were summoned. Gilgamesh remarked. Karna attempted to give chase, only to realize he plain didn't have enough mana to fight. "You seem quite powerful. He ran, and she followed. "Then is he? Every single Projection felt like thousands of needles were created within his flesh, but he didn't care. "You really are an impressive hero. Going through all the trouble of saving even me. Astolfo said. Mercifully, Shirou more or less understood the very basics of what was going on. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. Nothing else mattered. Your father was careless, and I killed him with the very dagger he gifted me. Karna had stepped off his chariot to get it unstuck from the mud, and met his end as his opponent unleashing a final attack with a special arrow that severed Karna's head. While the priest's Command Seals were in effect, preventing her from using her full strength without express permission, she still should have done some damage against her foe. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Wire frame replicas of gears hung in the sky. "And you wear girl's clothes?" 'He's kinda cool' Some hazy part of his brain thought. He needed to win. The story of a girl thrown into a deadly war of magic who finds love and salvation, and will do whatever. As is standard across most timelines, they encountered Illyasviel von Einzbern and her Servant, Berserker. Privacy Policy. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. A Master was backed up by his Servant. Shirou didn't care that Astolfo was a guy. Let's just see what you can do!" So it still wouldn't do damage. "Let's make it two wishes!" But what weapon would be strong enough to wound Berserker? "I suggest the court jester should leave before his execution. Karna kept moving. Karna blocked a powerful overhead smash, pivoting around and countering with a heavy swing of his weapon that tore into Berserker's side. Rider darted through the hail of magic, keeping his eyes purely focused on his target. "I am wary of dealing with a Servant as strong as you." "However, you're in my way.". "I know you're gonna wanna fight Caster's Master, and I definitely can't stop you, so I'm gonna teach you how to fight!" ", "Faker, huh?" Illya yelled. He held two swords at the ready as he searched through the ruins for the two prey he had set his sights on. I am Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, sovereign over Uruk, Knight and Heroic Spirit of the Bow. Gilgamesh just hates boredom. Shirou could only assume it was Astolfo's A-Rank Luck stat that gave them that blessing. Archer said. We're going to defeat you, here and now. "I feel the same way." He still didn't make it easy for them, unleashing his treasures in wild patterns that nobody could predict. Astolfo stepped back, narrowly avoiding the slash, and then immediately rushed in with another thrust of his lance. Shirou was closing the distance and surviving. What is your wish?". "I am impressed." Shirou couldn't defend against them all any more. "I am Lancer, and you do not strike me as any of the other classes.". "He left me, all so he could take care of you. She said, before stepping out of the shed to battle Lancer. He didnt notice when his feet tangled, but he was lying on the ground propped up by his elbows before he knew it with a burning in his hand and a flash of red aiming for his heart. It was some time after dinner, not long after Shirou and Rin (who was still staying there) went to bed. While Shirou probably just goes: "Do you want food, a bath, or something?". It was a simple, yet effective threat. It was one of the ones that Gilgamesh had fired upon Caster. "Last time I saw it used, my Master he had to sacrifice himself to prevent something really bad from happening. The result: chaos. "A fellow collector of Noble Phantasms. Lancer considered pursuing, before shaking his head. Kirei ordered. Shirou had understood literally only one phrase among the half dozen that this king had thrown at him. The lance exploded with a demonic aura. "I'd be a pretty bad hero if I just let her die. Karna blocked the first two strikes, attempting to counter with a swing of his weapon. Saber was missing most of her right side, burned to ash in the wake of Karna's power. Berserker prepared to move, only for a pair of swords to strike him in the chest. She declared. "Emiya, we need to get out of here. Saber sidestepped the attack, preparing to counter. Gilgamesh calmly walked over to Illyasviel and picked her up, before jumping off into the night. And then she stopped, hearing something. Unlimited Blade Works faded away, replacing their surroundings with the Einzbern mansion. What happened to the Holy Grail? And defend it did, barely managing to hold up against the assault while Shirou summoned a weapon his other hand. She was evenly matched with him right now, and he didn't seem to be giving it anywhere near his all. Enkidu: go on . The sound of Astolfo's Noble Phantasm, or one of them at least. He created Bakuya in his other hand. Ishtar grants the use of the second bull of heaven for Shirou to ride, it can fly, breath fire and possess incredible strength and speed. It was now or never. Archer seemed amused by the answer, until Karna continued. Chapter 1: Kirei was gone after a long struggle. ", Astolfo paused. It wasn't hard to infer that she was his Master. Gilgamesh stood at the top of the stairs, the portals of Gate of Babylon closing next to him. You shouldn't be surprised. Shirou was on his last legs, barely able to stand. Karna stated. Shirou got beat up a lot that day. An improved rewrite of the author's previous attempt at this fanfic, Fate/Identity Crisis. Is everything okay?" "Yep! He always struck me as off. Shirou stepped back, bringing up Kanshou and Bakuya to block one of Kirei's strikes. For some reason, the man with dark skin seemed to carry an air similar to Karna. Shirou unleashed a flurry of slashes from every angle, and Kuzuki blocked them with every ounce of speed Caster had granted him. Their surroundings were replaced with the Ryuudou Temple. "Are you really going to go up against a Servant with that?" This was it. gilgamesh +22 more # 9. I'll hold off Gilgamesh.". Shirou projected a pair of swords. Archer stated. Archer relented with a shrug, before creating several blades to block off Astolfo's path to him and grabbing Rin. I'd do it myself, but I'm a little busy supporting Lancer! Shirou lunged at Kuzuki. He had just returned home from school. He didnt have his tracing when he summoned Saber. Archer stepped around Shirou to dodge, going for his backside. "You survived mongrel?! Shirou reinforced his arms to block another heavy blow from Kirei. Shirou held it, giving it a test swing. Kirei asked. So say goodbye A fateful encounter between two heirs of a throne. Astolfo called out, running over to them while holding Shirou's hand and dragging him along. Astolfo pulled out a sword from nowhere. ", Rin sighed. Isn't that like how Shinji became friends with Shirou because Shirou is that type of person. A crossovr fanfic with RWBY, about miyuverse shirou got thrown to RWBY world. Language: English Words: . Shirou's respect for Kiritsugu had tripled. ", "That's not going to work." I know there's a lot going on, but relaxing is as much a part of this as actually fighting is.". Saber backflipped away from a swing of the lance, landing on the building's side. I made a contract with the World to become a Counter Guardian. He was already on his mount, lance in hand. "I had gone through the Holy Grail War." He was very pale, with similarly white hair. I create a world that contains infinite swords." Gilgamesh would never say he wishes. He manifested wings made of sunlight for a moment, reaching the peak of his speed as he dodged and darted around Gilgamesh's assault. Shirou desperately wanted to do something to help, but he couldn't. ", "Most likely. Blade after blade materialized along the ground. It actually drew a small amount of blood, the sheer force of it being too much even with his armor taking the brunt of it. He had one shot. Shirou and Astolfo sat down outside, looking up at the sky. left kudos on this work! Assassin closed the distance between them, attacking from higher ground. Unaware of amethyst light drawing patterns and circles around him, Shirou declared from the flame-touched depths of his heart a layered but honest truth. For more information, please see our Kuzuki hurled Astolfo at her in response, smashing both of them into a railing. Shirou deflected them with Kanshou and Bakuya, sending them flying into the air and then landing behind him. (NOTE. Well, dead was putting it lightly. Rin noted. She barely managed to see it coming and block the strike, being sent into the yard by the sheer force of the blow. Either hand over Astolfo, or Taiga Fujimura dies. He was powerful but he had faith in Saber. Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. Kirei was expected to be at Ryuudou Temple, the primary summoning location for the Holy Grail. Gates of Babylon was arguably the perfect Noble Phantasm, with the ability to strike from any angle and enough power to wound him with his armor. Just one strike. "You told me that an enemy Master killed him" Rin trailed off, realization dawning upon her. "Lancer? Kuzuki and Caster escaped, and Shirou was severely injured from the stunt he pulled. Mongrels!" Shirou spun on his heel before stepping back, narrowly avoiding Archer's swipe of Kanshou before going onto the offensive. Astolfo smiled as he dispelled La Black Luna, charging at Gilgamesh. His face snapped to an arrogant sneer, looking down on Shirou and Astolfo. Rin said. An inferior collector. ", Gilgamesh had to stifle the urge to laugh. He intends to use the Holy Grail to bring about the world's greatest calamity. It was basically a really long time ago for me, and-". Shirou and Spartacus formed an alliance, thinking he had a chance against Waver and Iskander because Iskander did not possess a Noble Phantasm that could instantly kill Spartacus. Shirou picked a sword up from the ground, using to block a mirror of itself, before having to dodge to the side as weapons rained down upon him. He actually think highly of Rin from his dialogue in CCC. Karna was without his armor, and was riding a chariot. With no immediate threats, Shirou and Astolfo got to know each other. Sometimes, Shirou summons Gilgamesh. I'll take care of this." Shirou, you understand who is truly Master and Servant, here. The ground beneath was replaced with a wasteland. Shirou asked. I'm not going to let Lancer disappear.". It was natural, but somehow still didn't feel right. left kudos on this work. Do you want me to change?". Shirou asked. "I'm going to guess you must be Rider." shirou emiya merges with hephaestus the god of forge after being absorbed by the grail, he will try to help the heroes of old to get happy endings. Read Remnants of a Carnival. Archer merely said, summoning the shield to block the attack. Illyasviel hissed. "Ah, you're the Rider-class Servant of this war." Speaking of his Master, he walked (more like stumbled) out of the shed to see Lancer. I'm one of the Twelve Heroes of Charlemagne, Astolfo, summoned in the Rider class! "Child, I am not going to let you attack him." Shirou did as requested, an arrow whizzing past his head and hitting Gilgamesh in the head. Astolfo declared. Karna blocked the assault with his lance, before rushing straight at Gilgamesh. Kirei was forced onto the defensive for once, Shirou's movements speeding up as his determination to win grew. Please consider turning it on! "Trace, on." Saber parried a thrust, going in for one of her own. She questioned, before giggling. Shirou managed to strengthen the part that was struck, reducing a fatal blow down into just a vicious one. "Shirou Emiya. "If Goldie has the vessel, then he most likely wants to use it as soon as possible. To drag me into a worthless wasteland?" ", "You're not even worried about yourself, huh? BroLancer would probably take a liking of him and act like an older brother. He needed to do something. +. I was sent to various points in time and mopped up the messes of humanity.". I'm going to be a hero of justice, and I'll save everyone I can. He went out into the living room to find the two sitting there, waiting for him to join you. I suppose you could call it something like that. "Your Noble Phantasm prevents damage you've previously taken from wounding you." This had resulted in Archer and Astolfo finally being in the same room. "I guess I got lucky?" An image flashed in his mind. She fired another Gandr shot, which was once again stopped by Caster. "C'mon, Hippogriff!" Where's Lancer? "Let us end this.". Kirei mused. The gap in their skills was obvious, but somehow smaller than expected. "Hey, Shirou. His opponent was also riding a chariot, focus solely trained on Karna. They were both Counter Guardians. "I don't think anyone can take him in a straight fight.". While Shirou has mastered Heaven's Feel, he can only utilize Kaleidoscope through a Mystic Code, but with Unlimited . If Shirou were to be an ass and ignore the King's demands. "I suppose I should have expected this. Your concerns are your own, Shirou. Before Berserker could make another attack, Archer blasted him with a barrage of arrows, giving Astolfo's mount plenty of time to arrive and for her to get on. Berserker growled, throwing a punch with his free hand that Karna blocked with his lance. After all, he encouraged Kirei to betray Tokiomi. With one final war cry, she swung the blade. "We won! He deflected Berserker's weapon into the ground, using the moment the enemy Servant's guard was down to stab him in the heart. As for Shirou "Do you know what happened in the last Holy Grail War?" ", "Just run, Master. DID! He turned away, preparing to leave. "Saber?" Inferior collector, you should leave. Last Shirou checked, he owned the short-legged table that Gilgamesh had yet to see. A ring of portals opened up around him, forcing him to jump. That night, Shirou dreamt of a battle between Karna and a man with dark skin. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Rin picked herself up, having just finished saving Shinji from being the Grail's core.
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