Plot Summary In 2001, best-selling American author Annie Gallagher loses her beloved Irish grandfather Eoin to cancer. The bit with Secretary Wang is so, so weird. This was my reaction seven minutes before the ending: WHAT!? I dont often find a book I cant put down, but I devoured, . Whilst I have read several books from this period, this one was special. Jin-sung tells Boss Man that all the winnings are his in order to pay Soos debt, but Boss Man has another plan he knows where Jin-sungs family is, which is already a threat in and of itself. I dont often find a book I cant put down, but I devoured What the Wind Knows. In the end, the struggle becomes a question of whether she should or could stay in a time period she doesnt belong in but has become home for her. I think they were talking about actually bringing flowers for his restaurant. Jin-sung, WHY did you hang up on Hee-sun?! Hee-sun mentions that theyre going to see Soo tomorrow, but it doesnt seem like theyre seeing him alive when they talk about what flowers to take. Link's Awakening ends by showing all of the people who helped along the way, and how they are literally ceasing to exist because they were all a dream. The famed poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once penned the beautiful words, "Be still, sad heart! We see this in how the ghoulish reverend taunts her, saying how he was enjoying himself. Everything made its own logical point UNTIL the last episode. Windfall (2022) Movie Ending Explained & Themes Analyzed: Directed by Charlie McDowell and produced by High-Frequency Entertainment and Mutressa Movies, Windfall promises to be a crime thriller.However, it is dipped in elements of dark comedy so saturated that by the end of its 92-minutes long runtime, you'll feel yourself smiling. What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon. Sad that it's not really a ratings success even if NHK lost her soul to the devil. --Ryo. Doctor Sun-hee treats Young at home, with Lawyer Jang and her closest friends watching nervously even as Sun-hee declares that Young will be fine when she wakes up. Hes been waiting, Annie., Nominee for Best Historical Fiction (2019). Amy Harmon. "I highlighted line after line within these pages, again completely awe-struck as I read feelings and thoughts I have experienced, but have never been able to put into words as eloquently as Amy Harmon. I agree with you Canxi. She had been missing for days. She needed her since Soo was not in her daily life. I was so in love with it until that forced kiss and then it basically took a giant swing downhill. If the stories are gone, then the people are gone too. The result is confused audience. that would be too much. Is this another instance of Drama Syndrome, where characters would rather undergo pain and irreparable harm than do something logical? Is this a dream? The ending seems to be pushed/could be better, yes. Good play. It's what sets this drama apart from the movie version which was a neat package in itself but i felt the drama extended and explored and fleshed out the characters on a deeper level that made me - with the exception of Sec Wang (whatthehell show- she made her blind, i don't care how well she can cook)- connect with the narration as a whole. Also, it's not completely out of the blue, but I still don't buy how all a sudden the show just turned Soo into a chef at the end?! Regardless, though, I still can't help but feel lightheaded and drunk from all the prettiness between SHK and JIS in the "1 year later" scenes. Thank you so much for the recap! South Wind Knows My Mood Episode 39. I hate mellow, I always hate mellow. Charlie tells Ellie he wanted to be part of her life, but that her mother forbade him from seeing her. 0.0/10 from 0 users. , Enhanced typesetting xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page I love it. Another BIG factor as to why the last scene is not a depiction of heaven, or Young's imagination, is because the conversation between Soo and Young in that cafe is waaay too elaborate to be fake. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. I wanted to say "Congrats on getting past that time in your life!" There are no amount of words to describe this book. and cease repining; Behind the cloud is the sun still shining; Thy fate is a common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall." Longfellow is rightrain comes at different times to all of us. However, she is interrupted by the return of her husband, who has brought back the recently deceased Emmas books with him. She can see him, even if the picture isnt too clear, and smiles brightly. Wah anywhy was a great drama plus the acting was awesome X3. If the ending of The Wind left you with a few questions, allow us to supply the answers. The frontier of the American West in the 1800s was a difficult place to live, especially for women. If not, its a bad thing. (Just enough to pay Soo's debt.) Even at the moment when I wanted to end it, a part of me still wanted you to run back to me. Though I was happy to see OS alive, I was not jumping up and down, I was not clapping (meaning I was not overly excited), and I couldn't help but wonder if MC dying (though maybe we had that coming) and the other characters being alive (I am assuming) was a way of doing fanservice, the main characters got to live and all. Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2023. Time is not linear in this story, but annular, leaving readers with a picture of just how connected all of our stories are, if only were are open to listening. Granted, some things started to not make sense towards the end, but NOTHING about this show makes me think the director or writer became lazy and gave up along the way. He acted very well there, too. Now shes looking toward the future, to when theyll meet again. Thank you, Heads, for pointing out all the illogical additions and omissions that left me feeling confused and nonplussed during the last three or more episodes. One day, Anne chases Eoin's ball into the lough and she begins to fade away. Anne Gallagher is in the home of her grandfather, Eoin Gallagher, in 2001 as he is dying. I am not wedded to reality, because, hey, it's TV. While she is there she does some family research. The poet says that the wind makes a mockery of . It's even weirder cuz 2 eps ago lawyer ahjussi was angrily throwing her out asking her if she's human and all and then hey! It's lovely and I don't think you can blow it off as just pretension. I guess it wasnt over for me either when I let you go. Even if she survives the stab wound from the scissors, which is bleeding profusely, she most likely slowly descends into madness before long. Agreed. I HONESTLY dont know where to start on how much this book meant to me! To me, this drama fizzled out around episode 8. I see. Soo drags his feet, futilely trying to make it to the hospital as blood streams from his wound and tears stream from his face. And I read and understood the part about OS wanting Boss Man to join in the game so OS can gamble against him and win his money. It really did feel very Kdrama-like to separate the characters for the sake of separating them? Really? And its never wrong to be grateful.. 3. A horror that doesn't fall prey to the stereotypes of the genre (read - Hereditary, A Quiet Place, Bird Box). Open your mouth when you kiss such a hot man who obviously loves you so much! Oh you have made it perfect sense.I did not feel the flowers were for the grave, as lambs ear was more for OY than OS. Gideon is timid and ineffectual, while Emma soon begins to claim that she is being haunted by some kind of unseen entity that inhabits the scrubland that stretches out all around them. One of the biggest tensions in "The Wind" is the question of whether the occurrences Lizzy experiences are actually real. For bookclub, we had to choose a book with a time travel element in it. They didn't treat it as a "melodrama disease" with over exaggerated helplessness or what have you. As Leaphorn, Chee, and Manuelito converged on the thieves' cave, they. // Load the SDK asynchronously One evening, Anne, Thomas, and Michael are at a gathering at the Gresham Hotel when Anne suddenly remembers reading about a tragedy that took place at that hotel. When I started watching I already accepted the fact that someone or even all of the lead characters might die. If he didn't I'd have to wrestle with that scene. (I am just curious about that part). Soo nearly drops in relief when he finds Young, even as she emotionlessly tells him shes hungry. Like you, I didn't understand why she couldn't have that conversation with OS when she was having her tea and he was there (right there), and she had already shared her questions with him. So, it makes me think that perhaps those scenes with Oh Soo were not real - maybe they respresent Young's imagination or their "afterlife" together. But the young couple is clearly not a happy one. Completely agree, Kaye. This is how she matured and transformed. Otherwise, he would not have let her go through the pain and suffering alone again as she explained that fear to him several times throughout the dramaespecially after they had finally connected without any charades. I still don't get this drama. Oct. 7, 2021 6:00 a.m. PT. It always took some time with him. js.src = "//"; Lawyer Jang tries to get Soo to take the money on Youngs behalf, since it would make her feel better. News flash he's out in his tight pants and leather doing redemption deeds and looking for hee Sun's sister. Marvel . This is a happy ending. You're the best. There were some really amazing nuances to this drama that I just loved. I always see this movie labeled as "porn", but this is the perfect example of explaining that it isn't. As the story jumps back and forth in time, we learn that leading up to her death, Emma's behavior had become increasingly erratic, while after her death, Lizzy has come to believe that she too is being menaced by the entity her neighbor claimed to hear whispering to her on the wind. TWTWB was one of the few melodramas I actually completed so kudos to that. There is Balban, the "invader of the weak mind" and "bringer of delusions," Jezebeth, the "seductress," Succorhenoth, the "bringer of jealous thoughts," and Vetis, the "shapeshifter," among others. Young has a surprisingly full head of long hair a year after brain surgery, and everyone seems to be having a good time. I wont even get into how robbed I felt of FINALLY seeing Jin-sung break away from his astounding sense of loyalty, because it would have been an amazing character moment to see exactly how the wheels turned in his head when he chose his family over his best friend. I cant forgive you, she says. Nice Guy and TWTWB, both the male protagonists were stabbed, but they survived, right? Wind explained - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Wind explained Energy from moving air Wind is caused by uneven heating of the earth's surface by the sun. About the ending, while watching the last episode, i really had the impression oh soo died. The Wind is an American Supernatural film that follows elements of horror and mystery in the Wild West. I didn't have a problem with Soo not taking the $$ though! I didn't understand the scene where JS knifed OS. You will answer all my questions honestly. How about NOW, since youre already asking the questions? because she had not truly forgiven Sung's betrayal. Yippee, a happy ending! The vast open spaces, combined with the lack of commercial construction, resulted in small households living alone on huge tracts of land. The forces haunting her are so diabolical and sadistic that they torment her in a way that nobody believes her. They seemed to have resorted back to their just friends status although Sung was still very much in love with her still. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, (and really, if it's a happy ending, is it so hard to just give us a straight forward ending but why also a stabby scene? Amy Harmon is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and New York Times bestselling author. Her historical novels, inspirational romances, and young adult fantasy books are now being published internationally. And the good times keep going as Soo helps Jin-sung and his family pack for their move to the countryside. Its no surprise that Soo lived, since every character in this show (aside from poor Moo-chul), displayed a knack for healing without a scratch. (Just enough to pay Soos debt.) Her suspicions are confirmed when she finds Emma's diary in her cabin, which details not only her secret relationship with Isaac but also the fact that the baby Emma was carrying may have been his and not her husband's. When Lizzy opens it, the camera lingers long enough to see the list of demons and their attributes. Hence, left all alone and surrounded by the vast open prairie, Lizzy begins cleaning up her blood-soaked kitchen.
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