The Coquihalla section was a toll road until 2008. Helmer Lake Highway 5, 24 km north of Merritt at Helmer Interchange, looking to the north. The list goes on. Its totally paved. Pothole Lake West Hwy 97C (Okanagan Connector), near Pothole Lake about 7 km east of Aspen Grove, looking west. Davis is from a hauling family, learning the ropes at an early age from his parents before establishing his first towing firm with his brother in the 1980s. Hes the constant that can be relied upon when self-reliance runs out. Becoming partly cloudy later. It is so-named because near Hope, it generally follows the Coquihalla River, for about 60 km (37 mi), and uses the Coquihalla Pass. Next update time Mon Mar 6. Here is a link with more information on BC highways and cycling restrictions: Winds SSW at 10 to 15 km/h. Winds light and variable. It's called British Columbia Highway 5 (Coquihalla Highway). Highland Valley Road Highway 97C, at Highland Valley Rd, about 61 km north of Merritt and 46 km south of Ashcroft, looking north. Winds E at 10 to 15 km/h. Low -9C. REDUCED SPEEDS IN EFFECT. High 2C. A diamond interchange at Exit 336 provides an important turn off to Logan Lake on Highway 97D and Lac le Jeune. Snow accumulations less than 2cm. Stay tuned. Ten earth structures (stopping dams and mounds) which you probably wouldnt notice because they are now covered with vegetation. A particularly important intersection is the signal lights at Halston Drive, which is one of only two access points to the north half of Kamloops. Services for drivers are provided in the major towns. Its an interesting stretch of highway that comes with its unique challenges but our district staff and maintenance contractors will continue to monitor the Coquihalla and keep you moving as efficiently and as safely as possible. 10 day. Othello Road Coquihalla Canyon Provincial Park, Hope, British Columbia V0X 1L1 Canada Full view Best nearby Restaurants 30 within 5 kms Home Restaurant 670 2.7 km$$ - $$$ American Diner Canadian Starbucks 6 2.9 kmAmerican Spice & Grill 2 2.9 km See all Attractions 19 within 10 kms Kawkawa Lake 4 1.2 kmBodies of Water Nature & Wildlife Areas (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This 'travel news' services website is privately owned. Davis strongly discourages driving at night. Winds light and variable. Once the roads are passable, Davis or one of his drivers will come back with gas, but be prepared to pay. For highway rescuer Jamie Davis, those words of wisdom come from 10 years of pulling wrecks from gullies along the snowbound Highway Thru Hell, otherwise known as B.C.s infamous Highway 5, also named the Coquihalla. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Tomorrow. The recreation area was established on September 4, 1987, with the goal of protecting the transition zone between the wetter coast and drier southern interior regions of the province. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I am puzzled by the statistic Annual vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT): 3.3 million which appears in the page about the Coquihalla. Until Sun Mar 5 at 3:00 AM PST. We recommend that you check DriveBC before you travel, specifically the webcams, to get an idea of snow levels along the route. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. WIDE LOADS OVER 4.5 METERS USE BOTH SOUTHBOUND LANES AT BOTTLE TOP BRIDGE. Jamie Davis behind the wheel of one of his heavy rescue tow trucks. which shows MVKM (Million Vehicle Kilometres) for many highway segments. Lane Closure. High -2C. 30 km (19 mi) north of Little Fort, while continuing to follow the North Thompson and the CN Railway, Highway 5 reaches the community of Clearwater. The severe winter snow and winds threaten even the most experienced and best-equipped drivers. Periods of rain except periods of snow near the summit. Expect a fee of $200 or more to relieve the empty feeling. [7], On May 16, 1986, Phase 1 was officially opened and Highway 5 was re-routed between Hope and Merritt; its construction required 31 bridges and underpasses and over 3.7million tonnes (4,100,000 short tons) of gravel. Road construction work between Exit 231: Mine Creek Rd and Exit 250: Larson Hill for 18.6 km (31 to 12 km north of Coquihalla Summit). Partly cloudy in the morning followed by periods of snow showers later in the day. Without knowing exactly the location you are referring to exactly, we would guess that is what youve seen. Coquihalla Box Canyon South Hwy 5, near Box Canyon Chain-up Area, looking south. 2023 Driving, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. On November 14, 2021, a major storm in southern British Columbia damaged sections of the Coquihalla Highway and other routes in the area. Highway 5. premier", "New route changed the face of the province forever", "Construction of the Coquihalla: Still Amazing After 30 Years", "B.C. Thanks for your questions. Thanks for your comment anonymous. The Sumas Prairie area of Abbotsford was put on evacuation order Monday evening. Discussion in 'Trucker Videos' started by TractorTrailer, Mar 24, 2013. 1. For highway rescuer Jamie Davis, those words of wisdom come from 10 years of pulling wrecks from gullies along the snowbound Highway Thru Hell, otherwise known as B.C.'s . Safe travels. Variable clouds with snow showers. High 3C. At road level (1220m), we receive annually an average of about 1150cm of snowfall (235cm average snowpack). Considerable clouds early. [3] Now free to drive, at the Coquihalla Lakes junction, the highway crosses from the Fraser Valley Regional District into the Thompson-Nicola Regional District. The toll booth once marked the halfway point of the formerly tolled Hope-to-Merritt portion of the highway. Vehicle recovery between Inks Lake Rd and Chuwhels Mountain Rd for 4.0 km (13 to 9 km south of Kamloops). 's rural highways", "What You Need to Know About Winter Weather on the "Coq", "British Columbia's 12 deadliest highways", "Highway Thru Hell: tough, but Canadian-style tough", "Highways closed around B.C. Its infamy is borne on the backs of all those who failed to make it over her 1,244-metre mountain pass, which connects the coastal rainforest of B.C.s Lower Mainland with the desert climate of its interior. 26 | Day -5 90% SW 30. Elkhart West Hwy 97C (Okanagan Connector), about 25 km east of Hwy 5A/97C Junction, looking west. Hes been the one constant along the hellish stretch of road that truckers rely upon, and as such hes seen it all more than once. Utility work planned between Harmon Rd and Vavenby Bridge Rd (Vavenby). This is one of the most amazing stretches of roads in North America. The road is named after Coquihalla River. I give my express consent authorizing TruckersReport and its. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. At ridgetop (1660m) our average is 1850cm of snowfall, and this year we only received 1269cm. Chance of snow 60%. | next update Sat Mar 4 at 1:00 PM PST. Hi Sarah, | next update Mon Mar 6. The Coquihalla Highway is one of the province's busiest mountain passes. Thanks for connecting with us here. Privacy | The ascent is particularly steep after passing northbound through the Great Bear snow shed. Wait until morning. Over heating vehicles is a common occurrence. [2] After 10 years in office, Waterland retired from the Cabinet in 1986 a few months after seeing this part of the project through to its completion. In order for you to receive the best possible offers, please make sure your answers above are accurate prior to submitting. Families headed for ski trips, folks on business, and of course the inept holiday traveller so well-satirized by Clark Griswold in National Lampoons Vacation series. Specific highway corridor? Winds light and variable. It also experiences extreme snowfall rates, with accumulation sometimes exceeding 10 cm per hour. Coquihalla Lakes S Hwy 5, 61km south of Merritt, looking to the south. won't privatize Coquihalla Highway", "Alberta highway shouldn't claim Coquihalla", "Actions to improve safety on B.C. Chance of snow 50%. Today. VKT/km represents the annual VKT divided by the length of the roadway, and provides a good relative indicator of the average intensity of usage over the length of each highway. Low -4C. to have this designation. On the one hand, you have the Othello Tunnels, which is what the park is most known for; on the other hand, you have the park's epic geology, rushing water and beautiful flora. Many of the catastrophic mistakes he bears witness to involve typical cars and SUVs rather than big rigs. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. The Coquihalla was closed north of Hope on Sunday due to the July Creek wildfire, which jumped the highway and merged with the Brook Creek blaze on the other side. Larson Hill S Hwy 5 at Larson Hill, 36 km south of Merritt, looking to the south. Sometime in March? Snow accumulations less than 2cm. Along with adequate provisions to maintain ones warmth and energy, there are the obvious car-related preparations, such as proper snow tires. Traffic volumes thin out at that exit and shortly afterwards Highway 5 narrows to a 2 lane undivided road. Hello Anne and thank you for your message. It requires skill to drive. At high elevations it can sometimes get to be -30 deg. The tunnel entrance of the mountain pass on B.C.s Highway 5. tap here to see other videos from our team. Is it true Surrey Lake Summit was formerly called Clapperton Lake Summit? C in cold winter weather. Coquihalla Summit - Hwy 5, about 7 km north of Zopkios Brake Check, looking south. Low -9C. government privatizing toll highway", "B.C. It encompasses 5,750 hectares (14,200 acres) of forested mountain slopes stretching from Portia Peak in the southwest to Coquihalla Lakes in the northeast. In British Columbia, motorists will find such information at Low -4C. Snow deposit removal between Brenda Mine Rd and Pennask Summit for 10.1 km (Pennask Summit). This stretch of road, which carries 97 South and 5 North on the same lanes (and vice versa), is the only other wrong-way concurrency in British Columbia, along with 99 North and 12 South, near the town of Lillooet. It was a toll road until 2008. Zopkios Northbound N Hwy 5, northbound at Zopkios Rest Area, near the Coquihalla Summit looking to the north. Hwy 5 - Coquihalla Pass 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 1020 30405060 708090 100 Kilometers Elevation (meters) 1.5% 5.4% 8.5% 1.2% 4.7% Hope Merritt. 19962023 - All Rights Reserved. The Coquihalla Highway, which appears to have snapped in two, is one of B.C.'s most important highways since it connects the city of Vancouver to the province Interior. Chance of snow 60%. Jan 30, 2013 Surrey, BC 0 This is The Smasher on BC's Coquihalla Highway. The next issue of's Blind-Spot Monitor will soon be in your inbox., why is a portion of the highway called the smasher?. [11] Phase 2 between Merritt and Kamloops opened in September 1987, re-routing Highway 5, while Phase 3 was opened in October 1990 and designated as Highway 97C. [8], In 2003, Premier Gordon Campbell announced the Liberal government would turn over toll revenue to a private operator, along with responsibility for operation, and maintenance of "the Coq". It is so-named because near Hope, it generally follows the Coquihalla River, for about 60km (37mi), and uses the Coquihalla Pass. Highway Thru Hell | Episode 4 Wreck Analysis Upload, share, download and embed your videos. Coquihalla conditions today. Low -8C. Many lives have been lost or irreversibly altered on the Coq, and thats a difficult reality faced by Davis and his crew. ADVERTISEMENT Nighttime driving is the worst for this, and the most dangerous. The small signs in the shape of old steam locomotives, The Coquihalla averages 1,350mm of precipitation of which 1,150mm falls as snow, The annual average peak snowpack (depth of snow on the ground) is 235cm at the summit, Average amount of winter abrasive used yearly: 40,000 m3, Average amount of anti-icing liquid used yearly: 3 million litres, During storm events, in addition to other equipment and snow plows VSA maintenance uses 3. According to ICBC there were 32 fatal crashes between 2004 and 2013, and an estimated 400-500 accidents occur during the winter seasons. Winds SE at 10 to 15 km/h. Highway 5 proceeds northeast for another 107km (66mi), passing Vavenby and Avola en route to the community of Blue River: a popular heliskiing location. Starting Wed Mar 8 at 9:00 AM PST until Fri Mar 10 at 5:00 PM PST. The pass is named after the Coquihalla River, from which the highway also derives its name. I would like to know, too. It was a mistake to take the toll off the Coquihalla hwy. Snow accumulations less than 2cm. But how well do you know this stretch of highway? #Coquihalla 2:20pm March 3 Repairs are being made. With the road closed for hours due to a snowstorm, Davis has had other motorists bang on his trucks door begging for fuel. This could include surveying, flagging and staking the right-of-way, mobilization of crews and equipment, preparing the right-of-way, clearing and grading, delivery and staging . Highway5 follows the North Thompson River north from Kamloops and Heffley Creek for approximately 54km (34mi), along a parallel course with the Canadian National Railway's main line. The Canadian docuseries, which premiered in 2012, follows the daily operations of tow truckers working in British Columbia. Winds light and variable. But thats not the entire story because there are signs on the highway directing bicyclists, so clearly it can be used. They chose to confront the Coq without a full tank, not realizing that idling a car for warmth hour after hour depletes an already dangerously low fuel tank. 2 Years Snow can fall on high mountain passes in BC, such as the Coquihalla, well into the spring and occasionally into the summer. Youre fatigued and the driving is its most treacherous. Highway 5, southbound. 1-5 Months "The heavy rain will begin to transition to snow this afternoon as a cold front crosses the region and snow levels drop," the weather agency said. Chance of snow 60%. Chance of snow 60%. Next it passes Tte Jaune Cache and crosses the Fraser River, after which it immediately meets Highway16 in a partial interchange; making its northern terminus. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Built to enhance regional tourism and to lighten traffic on the busy trucking routes, the 303 km, 4-lane highway has 3 segments. Snow accumulations less than 2cm. It's a 12-mile hill for those of you watching from the United States and might end up in British Columbia going down one of the more notorious hills, made famous by the TV series, "Highway thru Hell." So we're going to do today, we're going to give you a bit of information on the descent down the hill from the Coquihalla summit. It is located just south of the former toll booth plaza on the Coquihalla Highway, about 50 km (31 mi) north of Hope, and 65 km (40 mi) south of Merritt and is the divide between the Coquihalla River and the Coldwater River . Mostly cloudy. Snow showers.,,,,,,, B.C. And make no bones about it, being stuck on the Coq or any other remote highway when the mercury dips to minus 27 degrees Celcius is nothing short of a battle for survival. The rules imposed by the United States Dec 2 2021 requiring a test 24hours before flying to the USA do not apply at the land border however You are still required to be fully vaccinated to drive to USA. Could you tell me what the annual accident statistics are for the last five years? Winds light and variable. Touring the world with friends one mile and pub at a time; southlake carroll basketball. The length of the Coquihalla, per construction phase: vs. the old Highway 3 Route from Kelowna area you save approximately 70km of travel or/and an 1h30mins, vs the old Fraser Canyon Route (Trans Canada) from Kamloops via the TCH you save approximately 70km and 1h 10mins, Phase 1 opened in May 1986 (Hope to Merritt), Phase 2 was completed on Sept 4, 1987 (Merritt toKamloops), Phase 3 was completed on Oct 1, 1990 (The Coquihalla Connector from Merritt toWest Kelowna), Named the Coquihalla because it generally follows the Coquihalla River and uses the Coquihalla Pass. We hope that this is helpful. That's a LOT of white stuff coming down. Terms | Aspen Grove North Hwy 97C (Okanagan Connector), at Hwy 5A Junction, near Aspen Grove, looking north. Watch for slippery sections between Junction Hwy 97 and Pennask Summit for 33.0 km (West Kelowna to Pennask Summit). Copyright 2023, Province of British Columbia. In its whole length there is only one traffic signal, which is in the town of Valemount. Drivers could avoid becoming stranded and helpless if they were more conscientious about filling their gas tanks at each opportunity and carrying cable chains. Its not like bombing around in Vancouver or Toronto, says Davis. 13 km (8 mi) north of the snow shed, after passing through another interchange and the 1244 m (4,147 ft) Coquihalla Pass, Highway 5 reaches the former toll booth; it was the only highway in British Columbia to have tolls. ), Collisions (when a vehicle crashes into something) and the subsequent investigation and clean up, BC day long weekend (29,114 on August 1, 2014), Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT): 10,569, 3.3 million Annual VKT/km (VKT/km represents the annual vehicle kilometres travelled, divided by the length of the roadway), Busiest traffic month: August (based on 2012 stats), The Coquihalla has twice or more the volume of traffic compared to any other highway that crosses a mountain path in BC (based on 2012 stats). [27] I have driven the highway dozens of times, the majority being 97C, but lots to Vancouver too. BC Transportation (@TranBC) November 17, 2021 The Coquihalla is one major route connecting the Interior to the Coast, and it remains closed between Hope and Merritt. This information is collected by ICBC heres their contact information: Long steep grades will have large units using brakes and pulling hard going up hill. Snow showers. Tucked away in southern British Columbia, make sure you get your vehicle and yourself well-prepared before driving this road. He possesses astonishing insight into the world of transportation and heavy rescue. Title: Elevation and Grade Profile on Highway 5 - Coquihalla Pass Author: BC Ministry of Transporation Subject: 3-7cm of snow expected. After leaving the concurrency it immediately crosses the South Thompson River and enters a First Nations Reserve, temporarily leaving Kamloops city limits. Youve probably driven it a few times, whether as a commuter or a BC traveller, or TONS of times as a commercial driver. [1] It is the highest point on the highway between the cities of Hope and Merritt. 4 Years [3], Following nine days of snowfall in February 2014, a Class 4 avalanche occurred across the Coquihalla Highway, 33 kilometres (21mi) north of Hope on February 20, 2014. When can you count on there being no more snow on the Coq? Crews will have cleared the road, and youll be fresh., Davis goes on to say that the weather on the Coq, and in fact all mountain roads, can change in 20 minutes or less, and all the best forecasts can be wrong you just dont know.. Zopkios Southbound N Hwy 5, southbound at Zopkios Rest Area, near the Coquihalla Summit, looking northeast. There were 32 fatal crashes between 2004 and 2013 (according to ICBC). Information Obtained from Wikipedia and Drive BC. Job Listing Rules. The Coquihalla Highway - Phase 1, Hope to Merritt - was completed in time for Expo 86 in 1986. 's Interior helped to convince reluctant Cabinet members of the necessity of the third route to the Interior". Pothole Lake East Highway 97C Weather Cameras (Okanagan Connector), near Pothole Lake about 7 km east of Aspen Grove, looking east. Does an agency record statistics for the number of highway road closures per year? We hope that this information is helpful. What you see are likely the old avalanche howitzer guns and bases that are roadside within avalanche paths. From 6:00 PM to 3:00 AM PST on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The latest music videos, short movies, tv shows, funny and extreme videos. Parts of the Coquihalla Highway were washed away in heavy rains near the Caroline Mine area close to Hope, B.C. We reached out to our weather and avalanche group for clarification and they let us know that the issue is the difference between measurement of precipitation and snowfall. Number of closures for the last 10 years would be sufficient. Coquihalla Summit S Hwy 5, about 7 km north of Zopkios Brake Check, looking the south. The closures of Highway 1 in the Fraser Valley along with the closure of other highways around the Lower Mainland,. [20] While road maintenance strives to keep the roads as clear as possible, it is not unheard of for the highway to shut down, sometimes with travellers forced to stay overnight in their cars. Highway 97C, in both directions. The location of the former toll booth is 13km (8mi) north of the snow shed, passing through another interchange and the A big part of the show takes place along the Coquihalla Highway, a 201-mile stretch of road that . Snowfall amount 4 cm near the summit. Discover our featured content. So when we said 1150 mm falls as snow, then thats the water equivalent of the snow. Highway 5, southbound. Chance of snow 50%. You've probably driven it a few times, whether as a commuter or a BC traveller, or TONS of times as a commercial driver. Edit your picks to remove vehicles if you want to add different ones. as rain batters province, leading to mudslides and flood warnings", "Relentless rain causing flooding, road closures and evacuations across B.C. Kw'ikw'iya:la (Coquihalla) in the Halq'emeylem language of the St:l, is a place name meaning "stingy container." Could you provide on how many times the Coquihalla has been closed during the winter months and whether that closure was due to an incident (i.e. Al Quiring and his team of heavy-tow operators have been rescuing trapped drivers and their vehicles from the treacherous Coquihalla Highway in British Columbia for years. Wildfire Service said. Regardless, Highway 5 is designated as a core route of Canada's National Highway System. Stay tuned. [28] Snow accumulations less than 2cm. Snow accumulations less than 2cm. The Coquihalla highway in BC, Canada is frequently traveled by Canadians and Americans. Check out these related links: Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae97b9131b164e536984c2e38dcabe60" );document.getElementById("b69d9e56eb").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Sowhats the grade for north of the snow shed? Chance of snow 60%. Highway 5, in both directions. [8] The project was divided into three phases, with Phase 1 being the 115km (71mi) section between Hope and Merritt, Phase 2 being the 80km (50mi) section between Merritt and Kamloops, and Phase 3 being a 108km (67mi) branch between Merritt and Peachland, south of Kelowna. We used to use the guns for avalanche control in the area, but the ministry now use helicopters to detonate explosives and trigger controlled avalanches. City folk drive out of Vancouver and forget that they have to go through a mountain pass, halfway up they are at the point of no return and arent equipped. And thats when things go wrong. Trucks have been known to avoid the route, but most motorists don't have any hesitation about driving the route in spring-summer-fall conditions. Chance of snow 40%. minor construction | last updated Fri Mar 3 at 8:05 PM PST. Highway 5 begins in the south at its junction with Highway 3 at an uninhabited location known as Othello, 7 km (4 mi) east of Hope (named after a nearby siding on the Kettle Valley Railway, which used many Shakespearean names). A series of protected areas were established along the route in 1986. Share YOUR roads!We'vemorethan 13.000 roads but we want more! Chance of snow 50%. It's 7 kms from Hope (the Shakespearean name is reminiscent of the Kettle Valley Railway which used such names). I was hoping you could either confirm or deny this. High 1C. Exit numbers on the Coquihalla are a continuation of those on Highway 1 west of Hope as it is an extension of the freeway that starts in Horseshoe Bay. Do you have information to supply? Mostly cloudy skies early. Safe travels. Highway 5 begins south at the junction with Crowsnest Highway (Highway 3) at uninhabited Othello, 7km (4mi) east of Hope (named after a nearby siding on the Kettle Valley Railway, which used many Shakespearean names). [7] In order to offset the cost of fast-tracking construction, Phase 1 was made a toll highway, with a toll plaza constructed at the summit of Coquihalla Pass; was designed to accommodate 13 toll booths for 14 lanes of traffic. Winter driving is indeed dangerous, but that is more a reflection of the high elevation and mountainous terrain rather than the road itself. A long steep 8%. Check Coquihalla conditions. [16][17], Effective July 2, 2014, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure increased the speed limit of Coquihalla Highway from 110km/h (68mph) to 120km/h (75mph) after conducting an engineering assessment and province-wide speed review. Coquihalla Great Bear Snowshed N Hwy 5, Great Bear Snowshed looking to the north. Periods of rain except periods of snow near the summit. Without knowing exactly the location you are referring to exactly, we would guess that one of these is what youve seen. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. The ascent to the Coquihalla Summit is very steep, especially from the south. As Davis puts it, Its you, your vehicle, and a very lonesome feeling. While such words may be apropos for a hurtin song, they carry a far more serious meaning when delivered by Davis. Britton Creek S Hwy 5, by Britton Creek Rest Area northbound turnoff, looking south. A rescue is currently underway using helicopters to airlift people stuck between two landslides on Highway 7 near Agassiz. ICBC tracks these statistics here: Hi there Cass thanks for your question. It's one of the worst roads in all of North America in winters. Although it is scenic and modern built, it poses many travel hazards. To quote Highway from Hell's Jamie Davis, I cant criticize the Coquihalla. Coquihalla Lakes N Hwy 5, 61km south of Merritt, looking to the north. Theres no help around the corner, so you must rely upon your own smarts to survive. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. 1,244m or 4,081ft) is a highway summit along the Coquihalla Highway in British Columbia, Canada. [7] Surveying commenced in 1973 and in 1979 the first construction contract was issued for 4.5km (2.8mi) section of highway between Nicolum Creek and Peers Creek near Hope; however, work progressed slowly until 1984 when Premier Bill Bennett announced that the project would be fast-tracked so it could be completed to coincide with Expo 86. Variably cloudy with snow showers. Do you guys know the annual snowfall for Thar peak? [11][14] Subsequently, the toll station and signs were dismantled. It should be cm, not mm. Expect minor delays. Videos showing interesting road situations. Every month 400 people find a job with the help of TruckersReport. Hourly weather forecast . Safe travels. NO highway should be demonized because of the idiots who dont know what they are doing. Zopkios Southbound N Hwy 5, northbound at Zopkios Rest Area, near the Coquihalla Summit looking to the south. High 2C. 5+ Years, Please select ALL of your current, valid drivers licenses. Watch for slippery sections between Exit 202: Portia and Exit 231: Mine Creek Rd for 25.2 km (6 km south of Great Bear Snowshed to 12 km north of Coquihalla Summit). 1,244m (4,081ft) Coquihalla Pass. High around 0C. where is the smasher on the coquihalla. Ran it opening day may long weekend in 86 no signs for brake check at top of smasher it was quite the ride coming over the top at 100 km apparently motor ways put 6 in the runaway lanes that week so I was told. Earlier, a witness shared photos of another section that appeared to be washed away near the Othello Tunnels.
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