The leaders of both Ukraine and Russia are expected to meet with China's president in the near future. In a rare joint statement, the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council said it was their primary . Dr. Babbage is the author of the forthcoming book The Next Major War: Can the U.S. and Its Allies Win Against China?. But, his hawkish new boss, Defence Minister Peter Dutton, says war with China should not be discounted. Chinas 1264 warplanes, meanwhile, are based in China. It has just about every contingency covered. The aim would be to foster confusion, division and distrust and hinder decision making. "China does have the mass to sustain a war of attrition over a long period as it did, and has continued to do, in Korea and in Vietnam for that matter.". Nor can a military modelled in its image. "For its part, Australia is casualty averse, as it should be. "Were the US and China to go to war over the next five to 10 years, the best scenario one might envisage for the US is a stalemate. So to contribute to this discussion, Ive sought analysis from four of Australias most experienced military strategists and asked them exactly what Australias involvement in a war with China could look like. If a conflict were to erupt in east Asia, then the Chinese military is closer to on par with the United States. "Australia's real utility is as a strategic asset, giving both legitimacy and credibility to the US decision to employ its very formidable military force, and at the same time providing the US with a secure rear that could guarantee logistic and operational support. "For China, the worst-case scenario is to have to conduct high-intensity operations against Taiwan, the United States, Japan and other US allies and partners simultaneously.. In the event of a war: what would Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Australia do? Russia's struggles in Ukraine are showing US special operators that they'll need to fight without their 'tethers' to win future wars. A War With China Would Be Unlike Anything Americans Faced Before,, more than 1,350 ballistic and cruise missiles, worlds largest navy and Asias biggest air force, the East is rising while the West is declining. According to the late Sir James Plimsoll [in conversation with me], Mao Zedong said to Prime Minister Nehru when the two met in 1954 that, in a war with any adversary China could afford to dedicate 100 million dead. Chinas new Type-055 destroyers can carry 112 large missiles. A war would halt this trade (as well as American and allied shipments to China). "In their use of armed force, the American operational paradigm is largely unconcerned by its own casualty rates, so long as they are lower than those of their adversary. "It is possible that the impact on Australia could be greater than any other assailant because of our low population. And that takes the issue of US-China military prowess back to the all-important issue of politics. "Australia is never reluctant to support and participate in American adventurism. The context for decision making would be vitally important weighing the potential costs to the country, domestically and internationally, against the value of that cost for maintaining the ANZUS relationship. There are plenty of nations with grievances against China for its South China Sea policy. What would all the other countries in Asia, such as South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia do? No doubt Australian passions would run high. How this young Indigenous artist is taking inspiration from anime and manga to celebrate his own culture, NBA star Ja Morant suspended, 'takes full responsibility' for nightclub gun video, Andrew Tate shuts down cancer rumors, is accused of recruiting politicians to his cause, 'If carers are going to survive, they need this', says resident pioneering dementia respite care centre. China is now the dominant global industrial power by many measures. "As a continental power, China has a distinct preference for land warfare. The Bashi Channel connects the South China Sea with the Pacific Ocean. The size of the military mobilisation required to achieve this wouldinvolve calling up the reserves and activating the society at large, not just the military,well in advance of an invasion. "In the past, when I was working in government, we sometimes offered ministers some indication of the possible cost in lives if things went badly in the kind of lower-level commitments that we made in the 1990s. The Peoples Liberation Army is capable of substantially subduing the US Navy in the waters around China, a Communist Party-owned newspaper boasts. "I hope they don't mean that, just as Britain has the Gurkhas, the Americans have us. "To the extent that China's strategy is informed by Sun Tzu, it would have a strong preference for a short, sharp war. On the military front, the United States should accelerate programs already underway to strengthen and disperse American forces in the Western Pacific to make them less vulnerable to attacks by China. the outcome for the U.S. was not a good one, a new report revealed this week. A successful Chinese invasion of Taiwan would punch a hole in the U.S. and allied chain of defenses in the region, seriously undermining Americas strategic position in the Western Pacific, and would probably cut off U.S. access to world-leading semiconductors and other critical components manufactured in Taiwan. But its own submarines, combined with air and land launched missiles, could present an almost constant threat. And I cannot see America being willing to risk Chinese nuclear retaliation against the US homeland for Taiwan's sake. Some wouldn't survive. Even with robotic flying tanker support, these enormous ships must operate dangerously close to an enemy before their F-18 Super Hornets and F-35B&C Lightnings are of any use. If there is going to be a war between Taiwan and China, we will fight the war ourselves, he said. Today, Chinas military spending is the second-highest in the world after the United States and continues to rise. A rise in tensions between China and Taiwan has raised the prospect of a world war in which Australia will be embroiled.. A Chinese invasion of the island is inevitable within five or six years . Some 64 percent of Australians viewed a potential military conflict between the U.S. and China as a "critical threat" to Australia's national interests, behind Russia's foreign policy (68 percent . Destroy the offensive capability of the PLAN and People . In the recent parliamentary inquiry into war powers reform, the Department of Defence said it didn't think parliament should have authority to decide our involvement because that 'could undermine the confidence of our international partners as a reliable and timely security partner'. The Pentagons latest threat assessment found China has already achieved parity with or even exceeded the United States in several military modernisation areas, including ship building, land-based conventional ballistic and cruise missiles, and integrated air defence systems.. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. Credit:Getty. "The mobilisation for all this would take many months and US intelligence would detect it and know in advance what was being planned. (Handout photo from the U.S. navy) Admiral James Stavridis was 16th Supreme Allied Commander of NATO and 12th Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. Jamie Seidel is a freelance writer | @JamieSeidel. The US Arleigh Burke-class destroyers hold 96. China believes the island is part of its territory and has vowed to take it back with force if necessary. The structure of the military is also different. "China's leaders could discreetly offer negotiations to Taiwan's leaders during a blockade before the risky step of ordering an amphibious invasion," Professor Fernandes says. A month earlier, Xi Jinping had told the Peoples Liberation Army: We should persist in using combat to guide our work; step up preparations for war.. "Yet, as both [Opposition leader] Dutton and [Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence] Richard Marles have indicated in their various pronouncements on the matter, our default position is "all the way with the USA" wherever and whenever. - Radio Free Asia 18h. Beijings response was prompt and predictable. The U.S. economy is heavily dependent on Chinese resources and manufactured goods, including many with military applications, and American consumers rely on moderately priced Chinese-made imports for everything from electronics to furniture to shoes. This is how we got here and what needs to change, 'Please confirm what Muslim refers to': Why Ali's birthday payment for his nephew was flagged by his bank, Kade was a fit 31-year-old when he died from a heart attack, Sherpa are world famous for their work, which is synonymous with their name. February 27, 2023 China's foreign minister Qin Gang will attend the G20 foreign ministers' meeting on March 2. The last time Chinese troops saw direct action was 1979 when China launched a costly month-long war against Vietnam to teach it a lesson in retaliation for Hanois actions in south-east Asia. "Australia's armed forces add very little by way of capability to those of the US. These threats from nature pose potentially disastrous outcomes that look inevitable; we have yet to find the statesmen to deal effectively with them. Should a war break out around the South China Sea, the US would be under pressure to quickly neutralise the roughly 10 man-made islands China has created (seen as unsinkable aircraft carriers) to use as military bases. But which one would have military superiority in outright conflict? "The defence of Taiwan is predicated on a Chinese invasion but if China's main effort is not an invasion but a blockade, then what? In 1947 with setting up of the United Nations, after the catastrophes of both world wars and the more limited wars in the intervening years, we tried to build a system of managing international relationships without the recourse to war. Former defence minister, Christopher Pyne, told an audience in Adelaide that Taiwan was the most likely next flashpoint in the region. "The consequences for us would be very serious in terms of the Australian economy, the impact on the Australian people and the ravages to our way of life throughout the land, he says. But China is a different kind of foe a military, economic and technological power capable of making a war felt in the American homeland. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time),, Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article. It runs between the Japanese islands of Mikako and Okinawa. This is what a statesman should do as a risk averse response. He says that unlike the experience of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan that affected only the members deployed into the conflict and their families, a war with China would have an impact on all Australians "economically, financially and personally it is likely to impoverish us all; it may even kill most of us if it goes nuclear". Please try again later. How Japan is fortifying a string of tiny islands to fence in China, Taiwan takes lessons from Ukraine as it speeds development of drones for military use, Visiting US Marine Corps chief warns 'everything in the cupboard' needed to prevent war with China, Man discovers two highly venomous species battling in his shed, Inside the family succession drama threatening to change the K-pop industry forever. "As I see the decision for the invasion of Iraq I think it was made by the Prime Minister. But where does that leave Australia and what does it mean to be a US ally. The impact on Americans would be profound. What War with China Would Look Like, Part 2, will be published on Tuesdayand feature interviews with Allan Behm,former head of the International Policy and Strategy Divisions of the Defence Department, and Professor Clinton Fernandes, a former intelligence officer in the Australian military. America would win because the Australians have been weakened for years by the Emus. The attrition model appears to be deeply ingrained in the US approach to land warfare. We hope that Australia will fully understand the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue, adhere to our One China principle, be cautious in its words and actions, refrain from sending any wrong signals to the secessionist forces of Taiwan independence, a foreign ministry spokesperson said. China is aware of this gap. I think China now has adequate forces, including air, missile, electronic warfare, spec ops, naval, undersea and nuclear, to likely prevail in the first phase and perhaps in subsequent phases too.. "A cross-strait invasion is the most dangerous scenario from China's perspective. What would war with China look like for Australia? Inflation and unemployment would surge, especially in the period in which the economy is repurposed for the war effort, which might include some automobile manufacturers switching to building aircraft or food-processing companies converting to production of priority pharmaceuticals. I think the US now accepts it may lose a conflict at least at the conventional level with China.. As president, Joe Biden has stated repeatedly that he would defend Taiwan. Would parallel circumstances that led to the invasion of Iraq be "acceptable" in this case? It depends how it starts China and the United States are the great rivals in the competition to win the 21st century. After multiple clashes between Australia's regional partners and China, tensions are rising. Some strategists even use an east-facing map with China at the bottom to show China as being encircled and needing to break out.. "Today we can see change for the worse all over the globe. Such possibilities seem remote at present. "But, in a large-scale war involving many hundreds of thousands of people in offensive and defensive operations, even before reaching the attendant prospect of reaching a nuclear war threshold, Australia is unlikely to make a substantial difference. "A cross-strait Invasion would involve a shaping phase to achieve air, land, sea, and cyber superiority. Australia had long maintained it didn't have to choose. Possibly completely different. And doesnt have the necessary reach. Oriana Skylar Mastro of Stanford University has testified that China dedicates all its resources to planning and preparing for a contingency in east Asia, while the US has additional responsibilities in the Middle East, Europe and worldwide. Allan Behm, who is now head of the international and security program at The Australia Institute, says were the US and China to go to war over the next five to 10years, the best one might envisage for the US is a stalemate. Show map. Australias Air Warfare Destroyers pack just 42. Our biggest customer is now also viewed as our biggest threat andChina's muscle-flexing around Taiwan last week only strengthened the view that a war involving Taiwan is a genuine possibility. Iraq should have taught us that it makes no sense to support an ally in a war it cant win, and the stakes are much higher this time.. But the Chinese are prepared to wage a much broader type of warfare that would reach deep into American society. If we lost a single frigate, that's around 170 lives in an afternoon. Its military budget is greater than the combined expenditure of India, Russia, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Chinese strategists see these passages as crucial to their ability to deploy forces beyond the first island chain, analyst Ben Lowsen told The Diplomat. If war were to break out, China can be expected to use this to disrupt communications and spread fake news and other disinformation. And in a defensive war, China has the enormous advantage of mass, as Stalin demonstrated after the end of 1942.". How this young Indigenous artist is taking inspiration from anime and manga to celebrate his own culture, NBA star Ja Morant suspended, 'takes full responsibility' for nightclub gun video, Andrew Tate shuts down cancer rumors, is accused of recruiting politicians to his cause, 'If carers are going to survive, they need this', says resident pioneering dementia respite care centre. Admiral Chris Barrie says that with all the "overblown rhetoric" about the possibility of war against China he thinks there is a danger of forgetting that war should only ever be taken as the last means of resolving insurmountable differences between nation states. One option to attack the man-made islands would be to send in teams of US Marine Raider commandos to destroy weapons systems. A separatist democracy against a legitimate government? "Wars contain elements of the irrational: pride, fear, ego, confidence, humiliation, and other emotions that elude our attempts at calculation. All times AEDT (GMT +11). Supply chains of some critical goods and services need to be reconfigured to shift production to the United States or allied nations, and the United States must pursue a longer-term strategic drive to restore its dominance in global manufacturing. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. "The forces are relatively evenly matched, because USadvantages in technology are balanced by China's advantages in geography fighting close to home. He uses it in his new book, The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict Between the US and Xi Jinping's. There are less quantifiable aspects as well. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. "For my part Australians may be able to defend our nation because of our geographic good luck. Chinas grey zone strategy is designed to use fishing fleets to swarm disputed waters in the East and South China Sea, now supported by armed Chinese Coast Guard cutters leveraging their status as non-combatants to get in close and be able to overwhelm US Navy warship sensors and defence perimeters, former navy intelligence director James Fanell told US media. Over the past two decades, China has built formidable political warfare and cyber warfare capabilities designed to penetrate, manipulate and disrupt the United States and allied governments, media organizations, businesses and civil society. Stavros Atlamazoglou. But Chinas been preparing for this for decades. "The Kadena air base is 450 nautical miles away from Taiwan and threatened by Chinese surface-to-surface missiles. "But the prospect of war with China raises very different possibilities including for example, the significant likelihood that aircraft, ships and submarines we committed would be destroyed, with the potential for very high casualties among the crews. "Would Australia have taken steps to make sure its own intelligence is based on Australian information and assessments? Australians could wake up one morning to the news that we are at war with China. Until then, it is important for Washington to avoid provocations and maintain a civil discourse with Beijing. The high-altitude balloon that drifted across the United States this month was seen by many Americans as a shocking Chinese breach of U.S. sovereignty. Russia, China, Britain, U.S. and France say no one can win nuclear war. Have employers used high inflation as cover to make excessive profits? The PLAs missile forces are central to Chinas efforts to deter and counter third-party intervention in a regional conflict, a US congressional report concluded this month. "That is why I think it would be a mistake for America, or Australia, to go to war with China over Taiwan.". A major war in the Indo-Pacific is probably more likely now than at any other time since World War II. Major combat against the US means two nuclear-armed states fighting each other. He says given the rate at which Chinese forces are modernising and building both capability and capacity, "a Chinese victory over the US is the more likely outcome beyond 2035". They may withhold their offensive cyber power to prevent the US learning their operations. A former US Army lieutenant colonel has warned of a possible "nuclear exchange" if the US breaks out into war with China. But unlike Ukraine, where Europe is largely united in condemning Russia, Asia will not be united in condemning China.". China has demonstrated its capabilities already, including in Taiwan, where it has waged disinformation campaigns, and in serious hacking incidents in the United States. The United States has vital strategic interests at stake. These are all Cold War allies of the US, but they have not had to think about war in the region since the 1970s. The US Air Force boasts nearly 2300 warplanes in service, with another 1422 aircraft in use for the US Navy and Marines, Janes calculates. "For Australia the conflict would be devastating whether we joined the fighting or not. Australia's oldest running coal-fired power station is about to close. U.S. supplies of many products could soon run low, paralyzing a vast range of businesses. And the West may not be able to do much about it. China is a country located in Eastern Asia with an area of 9,596,961 km2 (land boundries: 22,457 km and costline 14,500 km). by Robert Farley L Key Point: Escalation spirals are hard to. Far fewer know their real story. A blockade may be preceded by firepower strikes. Mr. Xi has championed Chinas political warfare capabilities as a magic weapon.. Australia's oldest running coal-fired power station is about to close. Professor Clinton Fernandesis a former intelligence officer in the Australian military and now Professor of International and Political Studies at the University of New South Wales. "This looks like another reason for statesmanship in averting this possibility.". Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Today, the analysis of Allan Behm, a former head of the International Policy and Strategy Divisions of the Defence Department and Professor Clinton Fernandes, a former intelligence officer in the Australian military, are investigated. Americas military power is very great, but Chinas military power, and especially its capacity to deny its air and sea approaches to US forces, has grown sharply, and is now formidable, Professor White warned. And that would leave Australias critical fuel supply links to Singapore desperately exposed. China or the US could do this by feeding misleading information to satellites from the ground known as spoofing to stop the space-based location pinpointing needed for weapons. "It would suffer high attrition and its military modernisation and even its one-party Communist rule would be threatened. "Given the size of the Australia's forces and the logistic constraints on the US forces, a war against China would be a very hard war to fight.
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