how to french braid your own hair two sides

The . They distribute hair weight evenly along your scalp and reduce friction on your hair. Cross the middle section over the front outside section. Hi here I demonstrate how to do a dutch braid (boxer braids) for beginners. French braiding requires you to pay close attention to your rights and lefts, and a mirror can add confusion. Approved. Repeat right side and left side until you run out of hair to add into the braid. OGX Silk Blowout Quick Drying Thermal Spray protects hair up to 450 degrees, minimizes drying time, and smells divine. You may need to rest your arms sometimes while you braid. Your hair will be easier to braid if its still slightly damp, but you can still braid dry hair. Step Three: Braiding. - *Silver Shampoo - *Deep Waver Iron (Great for beautiful waves!) Start by creating a standard three-strand braid, braiding left over middle, right over the middle. Leave about two inches of hair unbraided and secure with an elastic. Editors tip: For any natural-haired ladies out there looking to learn how to do French braids, skip the dry shampoo and apply a nourishing oil, like The Good Stuff Frizz Control Oil, throughout your endsbefore styling. Repeat on the other sections of hair. French braiding your hair before bed and sleeping on a silk pillowcase is a great technique to prevent tangles in the morning, among other benefits. The Best Hair, Makeup, and Nails at the 2023 Grammy Awards. Tips For French Braiding Your Own Hair | Step-by-Step Guide, There are a few secrets to crafting the perfect. Once shes finished braiding down to the very end of her hair, she lays her edges and boomall set. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 7,540,583 times. Luckily, you can do a few things to make your practice runs a little easier. Let's chat! It doesnt matter how big the chunks are you grab at each time. French-.css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}braiding is one of those things in life that seems more confusing and intimidating than it actually is (kinda like doing your taxes). Gather a small section of hair from towards the top of your head (a little from the right side, a little from the left side, and a little from the middle.) wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Once you get your general technique down, you can start refining your process. Continue adding more to your braid as you move down your head until you reach the nape of your neck. Break this large chunk of hair into three equal-sized sections. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. If you have any frizz or flyaways, use a little hairspray to keep them under control. Try to create an even part as you go down your hairline. Separate that small section into three equal pieces. This article received 22 testimonials and 94% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. a spray bottle. The woven look of a French braid differs from that of a Dutch braid because when creating a Dutch braid, the strands are woven over each other rather than underneath the middle piece. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our a headboard or backrest).You could also temporarily tie it with elastic and give your arms a rest. Ndeye has over 20 years of experience in African hair including braiding box braids, Senegalese twists, crochet braids, faux dread locs, goddess locs, kinky twists, and lakhass braids. Cross the left piece over the center, then the right over the center. By using our site, you agree to our. Style your hair in two French braids, stopping at the nape of your neck. Taking a piece of hair around 3-4 inches from just above your temples, divide it into three equal sections. Our content is for informational purposes only. BRB, going to book an appointment for these braids. Step 3: Holding the center and right sections in my right hand and the left section in my left hand, I cross the right section over the center. If you need help purchasing a product directly from Allure, go to our FAQ. If you have curly, textured hair that isn't prone to unraveling, you won't need an elastic, so it's optional. When your hair is in braids, it can protect it from the sun and outdoor pollution. -* Wet Brush (Use it every day) - * Blonde Mannequin Head (Similar, mine is not available anymore) * BEHIND THE SCENES OF MY VIDEOS - HOW TO BRAID YOUR OWN HAIR FOR BEGINNERS 15 Braids For Summer\u0026list=PLKr1OU5EnX8YbBYmW3kHQwehFHT9FAD7a\u0026index=52 HOW TO DUTCH BRAID YOUR OWN HAIR (Playlist)\u0026list=PLKr1OU5EnX8bcF03lnKPBBHE8BwYVFB1R\u0026index=1\u0026t=196s HOW TO FRENCH BRAID YOUR OWN HAIR (Playlist)\u0026list=PLKr1OU5EnX8ZJgAMy4LnxuGGl8VKh4oQu\u0026index=1 HOW TO FISHTAIL BRAID FOR BEGINNERS (Playlist)\u0026list=PLKr1OU5EnX8bkQMgfBuHG00X5f7OBKA04\u0026index=1\u0026t=47sI N S T A G R A M // L O G // http://everydayhairinspiration.comF A C E B O O K // I N T E R E S T // I K T O K // L O G P O S T // I USE TO FILM // (Affiliate Links Below Disclaimer just below in the infobox) Canon G7 X Mark ii - * Rode SmartLav+ Mic - * Memory Card - * Tripod (Similar) - * Lights (Similar) - *M U S I C // Music provided by Majestic Casual - Favulous - G I R L (ft. The Fix #18: Braid up a simple three strand braid on one side of your head. (We promise it's easier than it seems). 6. Creating a Classic French Braid 1 Prep your hair so it is ready for styling. In your left hand, hold each strand between your fingers, with the pinky holding the left strand, the middle finger holding the middle strand, and your index finger holding the right strand. If doing double braids, youll want to start by deciding on your part and sectioning your hair accordingly. You can also condition your French braids by gently massaging the conditioner into your braids rather than rubbing them. To ensure hair from the other side doesn't get in your way when braiding, secure each section with a tie or clip, says Metz. Finally, secure the braid and enjoy! Once you remove it, you risk damaging or pulling out chunks of hair. Tie it off with a small, clear hair tie. So, What Are the Best Tips For French Braiding Your Own Hair. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Deep conditioning your hair or applying a detangling spray will make braiding it easier. Danielle James is a New York-based journalist who covers all things fashion, beauty, and celebrity. Is it hard to French braid your own hair? French braiding is a hair-styling technique that is quite similar to a standard braid; the only difference is adding hair to the sections as you go. Begin the same way that you would a normal braid: Cross the right piece over the middle, then the left. It is easier to braid if your hair is wet. Hold the right section in your right hand, the left section in your left hand, and the middle . Here are some tips for French braiding your own hair: If you are new to the world of French braiding, practicing your braids with damp hair can make the process easier. This article has 56 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. The model also addressed men profiting off her body. Before beginning your second braid, let your arms rest for a few minutes. Double French braids are a fun and cute hairstyle thats also very practical. If you have thick hair, you'll want to pull in bigger chunks of hair so that you incorporate all of the hair into the braid before you reach the nape of your neck. Enjoy! Did You Hear "Did You Lotion" Growing Up? Anyone whos ever rocked two French braids will agree when we say theyre pretty much the superwoman of hairstyles. % of people told us that this article helped them. ", I made a classic french braid. unlocking this staff-researched answer. For the best-looking French braid, pick up the hair near your face and neck. You Probably Need a Haircut is reader-supported. You can use the teeth of the comb or the tail of the comb if it has one. "This is key when braiding with layers," says Metz, who recommends applying it liberally after the braid is complete.". Cue minor freak-out. Like I said, practice makes perfect, and the best part about learning this skill now is that if your braids dont turn out even or are a little bumpy, no one has to see but you. // Blonde Mannequin Head - Real Hair (Table Clamp included) *// Blonde Mannequin Head - Synthetic fiber Hair (Table Clamp included) *// Tabel Clamp - Cheaper version (If you buy a head without one) - *// Tabel Clamp Fancy version (If you buy a head without one) - *P R O D U C T S I U S E // (Affiliate Links Below - read the disclaimer at the bottom of the infobox)Mini Rubber Bands - *Rat Tail Comb (Use this everyday to style my own hair) - *Small Mirror (Similar) - *Topsy Tail set - *Hair Clips (Similar) - *Styling Powder (This is great!!) Hold the right strand with your pinky, the middle strand with your middle finger, and the left strand between your index and thumb. The French braid is a beautiful and classic hairstyle and a favorite to many. Practice on the side of your head, where you can see your fingers, or on someone else! The French braid is an excellent option for beginner braiders. Support wikiHow by If you left out bangs, style them as you usually would. Show more. Last Updated: October 21, 2021 Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Secure with an elastic if needed, or simply curl the ends to prevent them from unraveling. "This creates a really full-looking braid that's more relaxed, but makes a statement.". Red flags that you're dealing with a man-child. Plus, once you get to the back of your head, you wont be able to see anyway. 5. You can use that same styling wax or the edge control of your choice. starts here. . This content is imported from youTube. Twist your ponytail until it's pulled tight. Whatever you do, do NOT brush or comb it as soon as you take the band out. When you're done with the French braid, you can take the extra step of hiding the elastic tie if you want an all . You can French braid hair that is longer than chin-length, though the style works best on hair that is at least shoulder-length long. Gather Hair at Top of Head and Divide Into Three Sections Starting at the Hairline: Get enough hair from the top of the head to start a regular braid. That means that at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through the link and make a purchase. Hair Stylist & Master Braider. If you must shampoo, apply a sea salt spray (Hawkins loves the KMS California Hairplay Sea Salt Spray) after towel-drying to give the hair extra weight and texture. The nape of your neck is the base of your head, just before your neck starts. For a single braid going down the back of your head, brush your hair backwards, away from your forehead. Avoid securing your braid with a rubber band. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. One hair is added to the right strand, cross the right strand over the middle, and bring all the hair to the right hand. X This allows you, in the next step, to rock your hand forward and release the first strand. Your California Privacy Rights. Once you're ready, prep your hair with antioxidant-filled RandCo Suncatcher, "[It's the] perfect leave-in conditioner lightweight, has vitamin C, helps detangle and nourish, and has UV protection," gushes Tochterman. If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. "Wet hair is more fragile than dry," she explains. Tochterman breaks down the exact way to French braid below. It may take a few tries to get your French braid down. Youll be surprised at how powerful your sense of touch is. Continue down your scalp. Want the mag? "Shorter braids require more product to prevent the braids from unraveling, [while] longer braids require more product on the ends to protect and prevent splitting," she states. Vanessa Garcia is a Licensed Cosmetologist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Clean, dry hair is best when you are putting it into French braids, Taylor says. If youd like to keep your braids dry, use a shower cap to prevent water from touching them. So things are going well until those pesky layers start sticking out from every direction? All you need is a few helpful tips for French braiding your own hair to get started. (We promise it's easier than it seems). Is a French braid formal enough for a wedding? Though it may look challenging, it will be second nature to you once you get your system down. That means that at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission, if you click through the link and make a purchase. Add on to your braid on both sides by picking up another little chunk of hair and then performing another braid. It will take a little practice getting used to doing it on your own hair, but since you already know how to do it on a friend's, you have a nice head start! Repeat this 2-3 times. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. This article has been viewed 1,157,117 times. To learn more from our Cosmetologist co-author, like how to combine 2 French braids into a single braid, keep reading! You did it, boo. - *S U B S C R I B E // N S T A G R A M // L O G // http://everydayhairinspiration.comF A C E B O O K // I N T E R E S T // L O G P O S T // U S I C // Music provided by Majestic Casual - Alchimie, Pt 2 | Majestic Color - U S I N E S S I N Q U I R E S // ShinyLipsTvContact@gmail.comD I S C L A I M E R // This video is not sponsored. It will just make the biggest tangle ever. When you're finished, secure the end of the braid with a hair tie and let down your other section of hair. DiRTY RADiO) [Majestic Color] - INQUIRIES// ShinyLipsTvContact@gmail.comDISCLAIMER // This video is not sponsored. If you want two French braids, split your hair in half and clip one side out of the way. If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. Once you reach the nape of your neck, you should encompass all of your hair into the French braid. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you'd like, you can tuck the ends of each braid under the opposite braid to create a hair "crown." Keep them separate. She says that people with thinner hair might want to add a little bit of dry shampoo to the middle of their strands to provide extra thickness and body. Take the right strand and cross it over to the middle. At this point, the hard work is over. Here is a step-by-step process along with tips for French braiding your own hair: Frizz can make braiding challenging, so you want your hair to be as smooth as possible before you get started. 2022 Galvanized Media. Be careful not to let go of your hair while French-braiding it, or it might undo and you may have to start over. Hacks & Inspiration from Hair Experts at Unilever. It takes a lot of patience to grab small sections, especially if you are new to the French braid. Ultimately, one of the best tips for French braiding your own hair is to give yourself plenty of time to practice. These step-by-step videos helped. If your hair thins out toward the bottom, combine the two tails for one big three-strand braid so the waves at the ends of your hair dont get too tight and crimped-looking. Avoid using rubber bands, as these rip and break hair when you remove them. Start at the hairline, dividing the sections into two strands. I watched about a dozen YouTube videos on how to do it, which you'd think would be a good way. Take . Getting a great French braid starts with sectioning the hair off correctly. Part slightly damp hair on the right side. It does, however, take more time to French braid than to do a standard braid. Yes, you can shower with French braids. If you have short layers, Metz suggests curling the end of your layers before you start the braiding process. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. 2. Go messy: "One of my favorite French braid variations is to lightly pull out the sides of each section all the way down the braid," says Metz. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 1,157,117 times. Expert Interview. ATH Investigates, Natural Hair Care Guide and Products to Fight Humidity, ATH Opinion: Why the Nostalgia Trend is Creating an Ongoing Conversation Across Decades, 10 Tapered Haircuts and Short Hairstyles for Men Seen on the Runway, 15 Sweet and Striking Shades of Honey Brown Hair, Understanding Why the Appropriation of Hair Ingredients is Culturally Wrong, 8 Shampoos for Straight Hair that Add Body and Shine. Boho Braids Are TikTok's Favorite Protective Hairstyle. You will likely run out of hair near the ear on the other side of your head. Weather, workout and all-around life-proof, its a look that every woman should have up her sleeve. For tips from our Beauty reviewer on how to make an alternate French lace braid, keep reading! "So starting with dry hair will help avoid breakage." Bend forward to release tension or rest your arms on a surface behind you (ex. 10 January 2020. Is it better to braid your hair wet or dry? 3. Clipping up one section helps stop you from accidentally pulling in any hair from the other side. After each crossover, repeat, adding hair in from alternating sides. How to Create a Chic, Half-Up Braided Style Tutorial Style It On: Braided Prom Updo with Mini Marley Article Natural Hair Tips: Caring for the Crochet Twist and Other Protective Styles with Daven Mayeda Gallery Side Braids: 8 Ways to Wear this Trend Gallery Cute Braid Styles: 10 Super Pretty Pinterest-Worthy Ideas Don't miss out Stay inspired Braiding is hard work! It was really helpful, thank, "This article really helped me. The actor describes Harry Styles as "a very kind guy.". Before you start braiding, you want to make sure there are no tangles in your hair. Learn how to do a French braid yourself! We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. Oh, and did I mention the whole process doubles as an arm workout? As you continue with the process of a standard braid, add in pieces of other hair, starting with the right side. How do you French braid with thick short hair without getting too much hair? The section you start with has nothing to do with how big your braid will be. By using our site, you agree to our. How much new hair you grab each time doesn't matter, but the less hair you grab, the more intricate the braid will look. If its easier to think of this without sides, think of having two outer pieces and one inner. If you are making a single braid, wrap it all the way around your head. This type of French braid doesn't involve the entire head, so it's a lot easier and less time-consuming to create. Use a detangling brush to remove all tangles in your hair. Using three fingers, separate the larger section into three smaller but equal pieces. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The French braid is a slightly elevated version of your classic three-strand braid that looks just a little bit more put together; its the kind of hairstyle that you can wear for two or three days straight and it wont budge. I give my whole head a good, thorough brush with my Tangle Teezer before taking a fine-tooth comb and running it horizontally down the back of my head. The only difference between French braiding and regular braiding is that now every time you go to cross a section over the middle, you add a little more hair. Luckily, we will give you plenty of tips for French braiding your own hair so you can start styling it. You may even be able to dip your toe in some advanced techniques, like adding ribbons or trying your hand at the Dutch braid (essentially an inside-out French braid).

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how to french braid your own hair two sides